NR 162.04(2)(L)(L) Interim debt. Interest or principal payments on interim debt paid by the municipality out of its internal funds rather than capitalized funds, unless DOA notifies the department that such payments are eligible under the particular circumstances.
NR 162.04 NoteNote: The ineligibility of interest or principal payments in par. (L) is based on U.S. treasury reimbursement regulations 26 CFR 1.150-2.
NR 162.04(2)(m)(m) Late fees. Interest or late fees on payments for services provided to the municipality in relation to the scored project.
NR 162.04(2)(mm)(mm) Laterals. Privately-owned connection laterals that transport wastewater from structures to municipally–owned or privately–owned wastewater systems.
NR 162.04(2)(n)(n) Leases. Costs related to leasing land or buildings.
NR 162.04(2)(nm)(nm) Mismanagement and litigation. Costs of claims against the recipient resulting from mismanagement or caused by the recipient’s vicarious liability for the improper action of others and costs resulting from litigation of contract disputes, liquidated damages, appeals, and other related disputes.
NR 162.04(2)(o)(o) Negligence. Costs incurred due to negligence or error of a party contracted by the municipality.
NR 162.04(2)(om)(om) No construction. All costs of a project if the municipality does not finance some construction costs through the CWFP, unless the department is cooperating with another governmental funding agency to provide an affordable financing package for the project, the other funding agency is financing the construction costs, and the department receives acceptable documentation of the other agency’s commitment.
NR 162.04(2)(p)(p) O&M. Operations and maintenance expenses as defined in s. NR 162.003 (50) and (40), respectively.
NR 162.04(2)(pm)(pm) Ordinary municipal operating expenses. Ordinary operating expenses of a municipality, such as salaries and expenses of elected officials and on-staff attorneys, postage, utility bills, and annual financial audits.
NR 162.04(2)(q)(q) Other funding. Costs for which payment has been or will be received from another funding source, including costs for which funds from the U.S. department of agriculture’s rural development program or a community development block grant program are committed or costs covered by a focus on energy grant. If the municipality does not receive the funds expected from the other source, the department may consider the costs of the work that was to be funded through the other source to be eligible for CWFP financial assistance unless the costs are considered ineligible under another paragraph in this subsection. This paragraph does not apply to a municipality receiving a loan from the BCPL for a scored project receiving interest subsidy under subch. IV.
NR 162.04(2)(qm)(qm) Outside of scope. Costs outside the scope of the scored project unless the department approves the costs as necessary and reasonable to improve the overall integrity, operation, or functionality of the treatment works or BMP.
NR 162.04(2)(r)(r) Personal injury. Personal injury compensation or damages arising out of the project, whether determined by adjudication, arbitration, negotiation, or otherwise.
NR 162.04(2)(rm)(rm) Post-closeout. Expenses incurred after the project completion date of the scored project.
NR 162.04(2)(s)(s) Private septic payments. Credits or payments to private septic owners made as a result of complying with s. 60.726, Stats.
NR 162.04(2)(sm)(sm) Sludge removal. Removing sludge from a wastewater facility unless it is part of the activities necessary for a scored project.
NR 162.04(2)(t)(t) Special devices. Waste-generating fixtures and associated plumbing from a residence or commercial establishment to a treatment unit, and modifications to homes or other buildings for installation of special devices.
NR 162.04(2)(tm)(tm) Special districts. Costs of establishing special purpose districts or commissions, such as sanitary districts, utility districts, and joint commissions.
NR 162.04(2)(u)(u) Storm water pipes. Storm sewer pipes unless the pipes are carrying water to treatment. Portions of storm sewer pipe construction may be eligible in a scored project if the pipes need repair or replacement due to breakage during construction of the scored project, as determined by the department.
NR 162.04(2)(um)(um) Violation penalties. Fines and penalties due to violations of, or failure to comply with, federal, state, or local laws.
NR 162.04(2)(v)(v) Warranty inspections after construction completion. Costs related to post-construction warranty inspections, including costs of a consulting engineer or a third-party inspector, and costs of extended warranties or service contracts that go beyond construction completion.
NR 162.04(2)(vm)(vm) Watermains. Watermain construction, replacement, or repair unless the watermain is needed to carry water to a part of the treatment works, or the watermain work is necessary as a direct result of work performed for a scored project, such as moving a watermain to allow appropriate distance between it and a sanitary sewer pipe being constructed in the scored project or repairing or replacing a watermain damaged during construction of the scored project.
NR 162.04(2)(w)(w) Wisconsin fund facilities. The acquisition of a treatment works built with Wisconsin fund grant program monies.
NR 162.04 NoteNote: The Wisconsin fund grant program was created to fund municipal wastewater treatment facility projects required to achieve the federal goal of “fishable and swimmable” for the state’s waters. The grant program was administered under ch. NR 128, which was created in 1978. Final grant closeouts of Wisconsin fund projects occurred during the 1990s. This grant program preceded the CWFP which was created in 1987 Wisconsin Act 399.
NR 162.04(2)(x)(x) WPDES permit fees. The cost of a WPDES permit unless it is a special permit specific to the project construction.
NR 162.04(3)(3)Limitation on eligibility of interim debt costs.
NR 162.04(3)(a)(a) Net interest expense. Interim debt interest expenses shall be offset with any interest earnings from the investment of the proceeds from the interim debt to determine the amount eligible for CWFP financial assistance.
NR 162.04(3)(b)(b) Interim debt issuance costs. The amount of interim debt issuance costs eligible for financial assistance is limited to $15,000 plus 0.5 percent of the total eligible face amount of the interim debt. If interim debt is rolled over or renewed, the face amount may not be counted multiple times in calculating the eligible face amount of interim debt for purposes of this limit.
NR 162.04(3)(c)(c) Interim interest costs. The period of time for which interest on interim debt is eligible for financial assistance shall run from no earlier than 18 months prior to the start of construction to the earliest of the following: