This bill creates an optional license for third-party logistics providers that are
located in the state or are located outside the state but provide third-party logistics
provider services in the state. A third-party logistics provider is defined under
current law as a person that contracts with a prescription drug manufacturer to
provide or coordinate warehousing, distribution, or other services on behalf of the
manufacturer but that does not take title to the manufacturer's prescription drug or
have general responsibility to direct the prescription drug's sale or disposition.
The bill requires an applicant for a third-party logistics provider license to
submit certain information prior to licensure, including proof of a recent facility
inspection, and a personal statement relating to a designated representative of the
facility. The license created by this bill will no longer apply if the federal Food and
Drug Administration establishes a licensing program for third-party logistics
providers under federal law and the Pharmacy Examining Board determines that
state licensure is not required for a resident third-party logistics provider to provide
third-party logistics services in another state.
The bill also directs the Pharmacy Examining Board to promulgate rules that
regulate third-party logistics providers and out-of-state third-party logistics
providers consistent with federal law. The authority of the Pharmacy Examining
Board to promulgate rules is restricted to only rules that are equivalent to
requirements under federal law, and only rules that do not mandate licensing under
state law.
The bill requires the Pharmacy Examining Board to issue interim licenses for
third-party logistics providers and out-of-state third-party logistics providers
between the date of enactment until permanent or emergency rules take effect,
whichever is sooner, if, in the opinion of the board, the applicant is currently in
compliance with federal law relating to third-party logistics providers. An interim
license to act as a third-party logistics provider or out-of-state third-party logistics
provider expires 90 days after the date that emergency rules take effect, or 90 days
after the date that permanent rules take effect, whichever is sooner. No fee is
required for a holder of an interim license to act as a third-party logistics provider
or an out-of-state third-party logistics provider.
Finally, the bill requires third-party logistics providers, whether or not
licensed under the bill, to cooperate with inspections of their facilities and delivery
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
1Section 1
. 440.08 (2) (a) 69g. of the statutes is created to read:
(2) (a) 69g. Third-party logistics provider: July 1 of each
3even-numbered year.
4Section 2
. 440.15 of the statutes is amended to read:
5440.15 No fingerprinting. Except as provided under ss. 440.03 (13) (c),
6441.51 (5) (a) 5., 448.980 (5) (b) 3.,
and 448.985 (3) (a) 4.,
450.071 (3) (c) 9., and 450.075
7(3) (c) 9., the department or a credentialing board may not require that an applicant
8for a credential or a credential holder be fingerprinted or submit fingerprints in
9connection with the department's or the credentialing board's credentialing.
10Section 3
. 450.01 (11m) of the statutes is amended to read:
(11m) “Facility" means a location where a wholesale distributor
23rd-party logistics provider stores,
distributes, handles, repackages, or offers
3sale other services related to prescription drugs.
4Section 4
. 450.01 (13w) of the statutes is created to read:
(13w) “Out-of-state 3rd-party logistics provider” means a person
6located outside this state that contracts with a prescription drug manufacturer to
7provide or coordinate warehousing, distribution, or other services within this state
8on behalf of the manufacturer but that does not take title to the manufacturer's
9prescription drug or have general responsibility to direct the prescription drug's sale
10or disposition.
11Section 5
. 450.01 (21s) of the statutes is amended to read:
(21s) “
Third party
Third-party logistics provider" means a person that
13contracts with a prescription drug manufacturer to provide or coordinate
14warehousing, distribution, or other services on behalf of the manufacturer but that
15does not take title to the manufacturer's prescription drug or have general
16responsibility to direct the prescription drug's sale or disposition.
17Section 6
. 450.01 (23) (p) of the statutes is created to read:
(23) (p) The services of a 3rd-party logistics provider or out-of-state
193rd-party logistics provider.
20Section 7
. 450.02 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) The department shall keep a record of the proceedings and a register
22of the names and places of practice or business of pharmacies, manufacturers,
23wholesale distributors
, 3rd-party logistics providers, out-of-state 3rd-party
24logistics providers, and other persons licensed under this chapter, and the books,
1registers and records of the department shall be prima facie evidence of the matters
3Section 8
. 450.075 of the statutes is created to read:
4450.075 Third-party logistics providers; licensure. (1) License allowed.
5A person acting as a 3rd-party logistics provider or an out-of-state 3rd-party
6logistics provider of any drug or device may apply to obtain a license from the board
7under this section. Where operations are conducted at more than one facility, a
8person acting as a 3rd-party logistics provider or out-of-state 3rd-party logistics
9provider may apply to obtain a license from the board for each such facility.
10(2) Application. An applicant for a license under this section shall submit a
11form provided by the board showing all of the following and swear or affirm the
12truthfulness of each item in the application:
(a) The name, business address, and telephone number of the applicant.
(b) All trade or business names used by the applicant.
(c) Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of contact persons for all
16facilities used by the applicant for the warehousing, distribution, or other services
17on behalf of the manufacturer of prescription drugs.
(d) The type of ownership or operation for the applicant's business.