Under current law, a person 18 years of age or over whose birth parent's rights
have been terminated or who has been adopted in this state may file an affidavit with
the Department of Children and Families allowing DCF to release contact
information about that person to his or her birth parents if they request it. Under
current law, only a birth parent is allowed to request the information about his or her
birth child.
This bill allows an adult biological sibling or the parent, guardian, or legal
custodian of a biological sibling who is a minor child to request information about a
person whose birth parent's parental rights have been terminated in this state, or

about that person's adoptive parents, if that person is a minor child. Under the bill,
DCF is required to release the information about an adult biological sibling or the
adoptive parent of a minor biological sibling if the information is requested and if the
adult sibling or adoptive parent has filed an affidavit authorizing the release of the
Under the bill, if there is no affidavit on file for a sibling or adoptive parent of
a sibling, DCF or an agency contracted with by DCF is required to search for any
biological siblings or adoptive parents of a biological sibling of the requester or the
requester's child. If a search is conducted and an adult biological sibling or adoptive
parent of a minor biological sibling of the requester or the requester's child is found,
DCF or the contracted agency is required to inform the biological sibling or adoptive
parent of the purpose of the search and to give him or her the opportunity to file an
affidavit allowing his or her information to be released to the requester.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB625,1 1Section 1 . 20.437 (1) (jj) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB625,2,102 20.437 (1) (jj) Searches for birth parents, siblings, and adoption record
3information; foreign adoptions.
The amounts in the schedule for paying the cost of
4searches for birth parents under ss. 48.432 (4) and 48.433 (6) and for biological
5siblings under s. 48.433 (8r)
and for paying the costs of reviewing, certifying and
6approving foreign adoption documents under s. 48.838 (2) and (3). All moneys
7received as fees paid by persons requesting a search under s. 48.432 (3) (c) or (4),
848.433 (6) or (8r) (e), or 48.93 (1r) and paid by persons for the review, certification and
9approval of foreign adoption documents under s. 48.838 (2) and (3) shall be credited
10to this appropriation.
AB625,2 11Section 2 . 48.433 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB625,2,13 1248.433 (title) Access to identifying information about parents and
13biological siblings
AB625,3 14Section 3 . 48.433 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
148.433 (1) (a) “Agency" has the meaning given under s. 48.432 (1) (ag) means
2a county department or a licensed child welfare agency that the department
3contracts with under sub. (11)
AB625,4 4Section 4. 48.433 (1) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
AB625,3,65 48.433 (1) (am) “Biological sibling” means a person with whom an individual
6shares at least one birth parent.
AB625,5 7Section 5 . 48.433 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB625,3,158 48.433 (2) Any birth parent whose rights have been terminated in this state
9at any time, or who has consented to the adoption of his or her child in this state
10before February 1, 1982, may file an affidavit with the department, or agency
11contracted with under sub. (11), an affidavit authorizing the department or agency
12to provide the child with his or her original birth certificate and with any other
13available information about the birth parent's identity and location. An affidavit
14filed under this subsection may be revoked at any time by notifying the department
15or agency in writing.
AB625,6 16Section 6 . 48.433 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB625,3,2117 48.433 (3) (intro.) Any person 18 years of age or over adult whose birth parent's
18rights have been terminated in this state or who has been adopted in this state with
19the consent of his or her birth parent or parents before February 1, 1982, may request
20the department, or agency contracted with under sub. (11), to provide the person with
21the following:
AB625,7 22Section 7 . 48.433 (5) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB625,3,2423 48.433 (5) (intro.) The department, or agency contracted with under sub. (11),
24shall disclose the requested information in either of the following circumstances:
AB625,8 25Section 8 . 48.433 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
148.433 (5) (a) The department, or agency contracted with under sub. (11), has
2on file unrevoked affidavits filed under sub. (2) from both birth parents.
AB625,9 3Section 9 . 48.433 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB625,4,104 48.433 (6) (a) If the department, or agency contracted with under sub. (11), does
5not have on file an affidavit from each known birth parent, it shall, within 3 months
6after the date of the original request, undertake a diligent search for each birth
7parent who has not filed an affidavit. The search shall be completed within 6 months
8after the date of the request, unless the search falls within one of the exceptions
9established by the department by rule. If any information has been provided under
10sub. (5), the department or agency is not required to conduct a search.
AB625,10 11Section 10 . 48.433 (6) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB625,4,1712 48.433 (6) (d) The department, or agency contracted with under sub. (11), shall
13charge the requester a reasonable fee for the cost of the search. When the
14department or agency determines that the fee will exceed $100 for either birth
15parent, it shall notify the requester. No fee in excess of $100 per birth parent may
16be charged unless the requester, after receiving notification under this paragraph,
17has given consent to proceed with the search.
AB625,11 18Section 11 . 48.433 (7) (a) (intro.) and 3., (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) of the statutes
19are amended to read:
AB625,4,2320 48.433 (7) (a) (intro.) The department or agency conducting the search shall,
21upon locating a birth parent, adult biological sibling, or adoptive parent of a minor
22biological sibling,
make at least one verbal contact and notify him or her of the
13. The fact that the birth parent, adult biological sibling, or adoptive parent of
2a minor biological sibling
has the right to file with the department the affidavit under
3sub. (2) or (8r) (b).