NR 45.10(1)(b)(b) No person may camp in designated camping areas without a permit and the payment of prescribed daily fees, where required. NR 45.10(1)(c)(c) A camping permit shall be obtained prior to setting up camp, where permits are required. NR 45.10(1)(d)(d) No camping party may move from its assigned campsite to another campsite without prior approval from the department. NR 45.10(1)(e)(e) All camping permits begin at 3:00 p.m. on the first day of the permit and expire at 1:00 p.m. on the last day of the permit period. NR 45.10(1)(f)(f) Except by written permission from the department, no camping party may start setting up or taking down its camping unit between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. NR 45.10(1)(g)(g) Violation of any state law or any rules of the department by a member or guest of a member of a camping party is cause for revocation of the camping permit and eviction from the property as established in s. NR 45.04 (3) (b). NR 45.10(1)(h)(h) Any person without an advance camping reservation who is at a property may request a camping permit for a site to be occupied that day and one additional permit for the same time for another camping party, provided he or she has all the required information for registration to obtain both camping permits. Any person making advance reservations for a camping permit may apply for additional permits for themselves or others, providing he or she has all the required information to obtain the camping permits. Each reservation must have a named occupant. An occupant may not have more than one camping reservation or permit on any overlapping days at any department property. Group leaders and parents of juvenile campers may obtain permits for use by juvenile or adult groups. The person to whom the campsite is registered shall be part of the camping party on that site. A person with an advance camping reservation may not advertise or otherwise present to the public an offer to transfer the reservation to another party, nor may a reserved campsite be transferred to another party resulting in any profit without written permission from the department. NR 45.10(1)(i)(i) The department may require on reserved sites that a camping unit occupy the reserved site by 3:00 p.m. on the second day of the reservation and be present for the duration of the reservation. Parties who fail to meet the requirements of this paragraph shall be evicted and forfeit the remainder of their reservation. The camping party is not eligible for any refund of camping fees. NR 45.10(1)(j)(j) Reservations must be made directly with the campground reservation system established under s. 27.01 (11) (a), Stats. The department shall establish the information necessary and convenient for administration of the reservation system. No person may provide false or fraudulent information to the campground reservation system, or make reservations using an unauthorized third party, such as a booking service. NR 45.10(1)(k)(k) The department reserves the right to reject or cancel camping reservations when necessary to protect either campers or the natural resources, or when registered campers are found to be in violation of any statute or administrative rule. NR 45.10(1)(L)(L) If 2 camping parties are inadvertently assigned the same campsite, the department may assign one of the camping parties to another site and adjust the fees charged. NR 45.10(1)(n)(n) Camping is restricted to one day at designated stopover boat-in campsites in northern state forests and in properties described in sub. (1) (a) 5. and 6., up to 3 days as posted on state-owned islands outside state forest boundaries, up to 3 days on state-owned islands and sandbars in the Lower Wisconsin state riverway and state-owned sandbars on the Lower Chippewa River, up to 10 days at designated campsites on the northern flowage properties and up to 14 days on state-owned islands in the Mississippi River. Campsites on state-owned islands in the Mississippi River shall be occupied daily and associated camping equipment or other property may not be left unattended for over 24 hours. NR 45.10(1)(o)(o) No person may use standard campground shower facilities in any state park or forest unless that person is a registered camper. NR 45.10(1)(p)(p) When camping at designated campsites at the northern flowage properties, the campsite shall be occupied by the camping party on the first night camping equipment occupies the site, and the campsite may not be left unoccupied by the camping party for more than one night of the permit period. NR 45.10(1)(q)(q) The department may terminate the reservation or registration for any site not being occupied in accordance with this subsection. NR 45.10(1)(s)(s) A person age 18 or over must obtain the camping permit. That person assumes responsibility for the actions of the camping party. A person age 18 or over must be part of a camping party if a permit is issued on the same day of occupancy. NR 45.10(1)(t)(t) Upon occupancy, a camping reservation becomes a camping permit. Reservations may be issued at any time prior to occupancy. NR 45.10(2)(a)(a) No more than one camping party may occupy a single campsite. A camping party may not exceed 6 persons. A camping party consisting of a family group may not be comprised of more than a family and two guests. NR 45.10(2)(b)(b) No person may camp and no camping unit shall remain for a period greater than 14 days in any 3-week period in the property of registration. After 14 days, the camping unit and camping party shall be removed from the property for at least 7 days before being eligible to return. NR 45.10(2)(c)(c) Extension within the 14-day limit may be granted on camping permits if the site is available. Extension may be obtained up to the day prior to expiration of the camping permit during posted office hours at the state park or forest campgrounds. Extensions beyond the 14-day limit, for up to 7 days, may be granted on camping permits in a calendar year when camping prior to Memorial Day weekend or after Labor Day weekend if the site is available. An extension may be obtained up to the day prior to expiration of the camping permit during posted office hours at the state park or forest campgrounds. NR 45.10(2)(d)(d) No person may park any motor vehicle outside the parking area designated at each campsite. No person may park more than 2 motor vehicles in the parking area of any standard campsite, except that as many as 6 motorcycles are permitted for members of a camping party registered as a non-family group. NR 45.10(2)(f)(f) No more than one recreation trailer, pickup truck camper or motor home may occupy a campsite. Pickup campers or motor homes pulling a trailer shall be treated as a single unit. NR 45.10(2m)(2m) Outdoor group camping, backpack camping, and boat-in camping. NR 45.10(2m)(a)(a) No person may camp and no camping unit may remain on a group or backpack campsite or in backpack camping areas or on a boat-in campsite for a period exceeding that authorized by the camping permit and in no case for a period exceeding any of the following: