FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): drug screening, testing, and treatment policy requirement eliminated [Sec. 196, 719, 721, 2265] -
SB59Housing assistance program funding for homeless and low or moderate income families; Interagency Council on Homelessness duties; DPI and WHEDA reports; workforce development and job and income support programs; federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) references; community action agencies grants; public assistance advisory committee created in DHS; sober living residence networks encouraged, grant provision; reimbursement for nonemergency medical transportation services for MA recipients; nonrefundable individual income tax credit for household and dependent care services; urban mass transit aid; children in out-of-home-care and adverse experiences report; funding for Institute for Research on Poverty annual report on poverty in the state -
AB508Housing assistance program funding for homeless and low or moderate income families; Interagency Council on Homelessness duties; DPI and WHEDA reports; workforce development and job and income support programs; federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) references; community action agencies grants; public assistance advisory committee created in DHS; sober living residence networks encouraged, grant provision; reimbursement for nonemergency medical transportation services for MA recipients; nonrefundable individual income tax credit for household and dependent care services; urban mass transit aid; children in out-of-home-care and adverse experiences report; funding for Institute for Research on Poverty annual report on poverty in the state -
SB467``Mental health crisis intervention services" changed to ``crisis intervention services" and adds intellectual disability, substance abuse, and dementia; county contribution provision [Sec. 680, 681, 691; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
AB56``Mental health crisis intervention services" changed to ``crisis intervention services" and adds intellectual disability, substance abuse, and dementia; county contribution provision [Sec. 680, 681, 691] -
SB59Methadone may be used in DHS opioid or methamphetamine treatment programs [Sec. 750, 751] -
SB59Methadone may be used in DHS opioid or methamphetamine treatment programs [Sec. 750, 751] -
AB56Neonatal abstinence syndrome: MEB to issue treatment best practices guidelines -
SB580Neonatal abstinence syndrome: MEB to issue treatment best practices guidelines -
AB649Parent residing in residential family-based AODA treatment program: juvenile court has jurisdiction over the child; DCF to prepare permanency plan and may place child with parent, foster care funding provision [Sec. 491-501, 507, 508, 524, 525, 530-533] -
SB59Parent residing in residential family-based AODA treatment program: juvenile court has jurisdiction over the child; DCF to prepare permanency plan and may place child with parent, foster care funding provision [Sec. 491-501, 507, 508, 524, 525, 530-533; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 532c-e, deletes 533] -
AB56Peer recovery coach services under MA: reimbursement revision and continuation of care and overdose treatment providers provision -
SB582Peer recovery coach services under MA: reimbursement revision and continuation of care and overdose treatment providers provision [A.Amdt.1: DHS emergency rule authority added re training] -
AB650Postpartum women receiving substance abuse-related health services under BadgerCare Plus while pregnant: extend benefits for one year after last day of pregnancy -
SB630Postpartum women receiving substance abuse-related health services under BadgerCare Plus while pregnant: extend benefits for one year after last day of pregnancy -
AB693Recovery residence registry created; state employee using controlled substances as part of a medication-assisted treatment may not be disciplined -
SB591Recovery residence registry created; state employee using controlled substances as part of a medication-assisted treatment may not be disciplined [A.Amdt.1: national certification provision removed] -
AB646Suicide prevention: continuing education requirement for physicians, psychologists, school psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, substance abuse counselors, and prevention specialists -
AB526Suicide prevention: continuing education requirement for physicians, psychologists, school psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, substance abuse counselors, and prevention specialists -
SB520Treatment and diversion (TAD) grant program changes; funding provision and Criminal Justice Coordinating Council study required -
AB1006Treatment and diversion (TAD) pilot program for nonviolent offenders: sunset extended, first class cities provision [Sec. 234, 235, 9127 (2), 9427 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, first class cities provision removed, report to JCF added] -
AB56Treatment and diversion (TAD) pilot program for nonviolent offenders: sunset extended, first class cities provision [Sec. 234, 235, 9127 (2), 9427 (2)] -
SB59UI drug testing program and preemployment drug testing provisions repealed [Sec. 221, 1369, 1370, 1380, 1381, 1384-1386, 9350 (3), 9450 (2); original bill only] -
AB56UI drug testing program and preemployment drug testing provisions repealed [Sec. 221, 1369, 1370, 1380, 1381, 1384-1386, 9350 (3), 9450 (2)] -
SB59Veterans outreach and recovery program continued [Sec. 257, 435] -
AB56Veterans outreach and recovery program continued [Sec. 257, 435] -
SB59Veterans outreach and recovery program re substance abuse and mental health disorders: 2017 WisAct 295 sunset repealed, funding provision -
AB131Veterans outreach and recovery program re substance abuse and mental health disorders: 2017 WisAct 295 sunset repealed, funding provision -