Battery to a health care provider who works in a hospital or a nurse made a Class H felony - Act 97
crime and criminals _ felonyCrime and criminals — Felony
Battery to a health care provider who works in a hospital or a nurse made a Class H felony - Act 97
Child born alive after abortion: requirements of health care providers present and criminal penalties created, damage provisions [vetoed] - AB179
Intimidating a victim of domestic abuse made a felony - Act 112
Law violations for which a juvenile may be placed in Serious Juvenile Offender Program (SJOP), juvenile correctional facility, or secured residential care center for children and youth expanded re certain class of felony [vetoed] - AB806
Money laundering: state criminal prohibition created - Act 161
Prohibited object brought into a jail or prison with intent to keep for oneself made a felony - Act 111
Sexual contact with an animal, obscene depictions of, or facilitating access to animal for purposes of: felony penalties; child under age 13, sex offender registration, animal retained as evidence, court assessed expenses, and reporting mistreatment of dogs provisions - Act 162
Swatting, or false reporting of an emergency to elicit certain response, made a crime; felony provisions - Act 132
Theft of mail crime created - Act 144
Violent felon: prosecution for crime of illegal possession of a firearm provisions modified; report provision [vetoed] - AB808
WIC program changes [Sec. 1896-1934] - Act 9
crime and criminals _ homicide or murderCrime and criminals — Homicide or murder
Homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle: mandatory period of confinement - Act 31
crime victimCrime victim
Rights to victims of crimes: constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) [SJR2] - SJR2
WRS annuity or lump sum payment: DETF to withhold money to satisfy restitution order, crimes specified - Act 71
criminal identification and investigationCriminal identification and investigation
Background checks on people who work or reside at a child care program: changes and DCF duties [Sec. 220m, 534, 535, 549, 551, 557-604, 606, 635-637, 1687, 1688] - Act 9
Congregate care facility: fingerprint-based background check for all workers required [Sec. 207, 215, 536-548, 550, 552-556, 605, 9106 (1), (2), 9306 (1)] - Act 9
criminal sentenceCriminal sentence, see Sentences and penalties
crop damageCrop damage, see Damage (to property)
crop insuranceCrop insurance, see Insurance — Miscellaneous
crossbowCrossbow, see Hunting
cruelty to animalsCruelty to animals, see Animal — Treatment
cwd _chronic wasting disease_CWD (Chronic wasting disease), see Animal — Disease
d.n.a. _deoxyribonucleic acid_D.N.A. (Deoxyribonucleic acid), see Genetics and genetic testing