SB152,2,4 1An Act to amend 23.117 (1), 23.117 (3), 23.117 (4), 23.33 (4) (d) 1., 23.33 (4) (d)
23. a., 23.33 (11) (am) 3. d., 23.335 (10) (a) 1., 23.335 (10) (a) 2., 23.335 (21) (am)
34., 29.001 (57), 59.84 (2) (j), 66.1001 (2) (c), 83.42 (1), 84.60 (1) (a), 167.31 (1) (h),
4194.01 (7), 287.81 (1) (b), 340.01 (5e), 340.01 (5s), 340.01 (35), 340.01 (43),
5340.01 (43m) (b), 340.01 (74), 340.01 (74p) (c), 341.058, 344.01 (2) (g), 346.02
6(12), 346.05 (1m), 346.075 (title), 346.075 (1), 346.16 (2) (am), 346.23 (1), 346.23
7(2), 346.24 (1), 346.24 (2), 346.24 (3), 346.25, 346.28 (2), 346.30 (1) (b) 2., 346.34
8(1) (b), 346.36 (2), 346.37 (1) (a) 2., 346.37 (1) (c) 2., 346.37 (1) (c) 3., 346.37 (1)
9(c) 4., 346.37 (1) (d) 1., 346.37 (1) (d) 2., 346.37 (1) (e) 1., 346.37 (1) (e) 2., 346.37
10(3), 346.38 (1), 346.38 (2), 346.43 (1) (b) 2., 346.47 (1), 346.49 (1) (b), 346.49 (1g)
11(b), 346.49 (2m) (b), 346.54 (1) (e), 346.60 (5) (a), 346.60 (5) (b), 346.71 (2), 346.80
12(title), 346.80 (1), 346.80 (2) (a) (intro.), 346.80 (2) (b), 346.80 (2) (c), 346.80 (3)
13(a), 346.80 (3) (b), 346.80 (4), 346.80 (5), 346.803 (title), 346.803 (1) (intro.),
14346.803 (1) (a), 346.803 (2), 346.803 (3), 346.803 (4), 346.804, 346.805, 346.94

1(12), 347.02 (1) (i), 347.245 (1), 347.489 (1), 347.489 (2), 347.489 (3), 348.01 (2)
2(d), 349.015 and 779.41 (2); and to create 23.335 (1) (hh), 340.01 (15ps), 346.94
3(18s) and 349.237 of the statutes; relating to: the operation of electric scooters
4on highways, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill authorizes the use of electric scooters on highways. Under the bill, an
electric scooter is defined as “a device weighing less than 100 pounds that has
handlebars and an electric motor, is powered solely by the electric motor and human
power, and has a maximum speed of not more than 20 miles per hour on a paved level
surface when powered solely by the electric motor.” The bill provides that “electric
scooter” does not include an electric personal assistive mobility device (EPAMD),
motorcycle, motor bicycle, or moped. The bill authorizes electric scooters to be used
on certain highways subject to the same requirements as apply under current law
to EPAMDs.
More specifically, this bill provides the following:
1. Electric scooters are exempt from vehicle registration by the Department of
2. Operators of electric scooters must observe many of the rules of the road.
Operators who violate the applicable rules of the road are subject to the same
penalties as those that apply to violations committed while operating an EPAMD.
3. Electric scooters may be operated on most roadways, sidewalks, bicycle
lanes, and bicycle ways. However, a local highway authority may by ordinance
regulate the rental and operation of electric scooters.
4. Electric scooters must satisfy the same equipment requirements as
EPAMDs, including lighting and brake requirements.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB152,1 5Section 1. 23.117 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,3,26 23.117 (1) No person may operate a bicycle, electric scooter, or electric personal
7assistive mobility device on a trail in a state park or in the Kettle Moraine state forest
8unless the department has determined that the trail will be opened for use by

1bicycles, electric scooters, or electric personal assistive mobility devices and has
2posted the trail open for such use.
SB152,2 3Section 2. 23.117 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,3,64 23.117 (3) The department shall patrol on a regular basis the trails in state
5parks and in the Kettle Moraine state forest that are open to use by bicycles, electric
or electric personal assistive mobility devices.
SB152,3 7Section 3. 23.117 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,3,138 23.117 (4) Any council that is created by the natural resources board under s.
915.04 (1) (c) to advise the department on the opening of trails in state parks and in
10the Kettle Moraine state forest for use by bicycles, electric scooters, or electric
11personal assistive mobility devices shall have its recommendations regarding such
12use reviewed and approved by the natural resources board before they are
SB152,4 14Section 4. 23.33 (4) (d) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,3,2015 23.33 (4) (d) 1. To cross a roadway. The crossing of a roadway is authorized only
16if the crossing is done in the most direct manner practicable, if the crossing is made
17at a place where no obstruction prevents a quick and safe crossing, and if the operator
18stops the all-terrain vehicle or utility terrain vehicle prior to the crossing and yields
19the right-of-way to other vehicles, pedestrians, electric scooters, and electric
20personal assistive mobility devices using the roadway.
SB152,5 21Section 5. 23.33 (4) (d) 3. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,4,422 23.33 (4) (d) 3. a. To cross a bridge, culvert, or railroad right-of-way. The
23crossing of a bridge, culvert, or railroad right-of-way is not authorized if the
24roadway is officially closed to all-terrain vehicle or utility terrain vehicle traffic,
25except as provided in subd. 3. b. The crossing is authorized only if the crossing is done

1in the most direct manner practicable, if the crossing is made at a place where no
2obstruction prevents a quick and safe crossing, and if the operator stops the vehicle
3prior to the crossing and yields the right-of-way to other vehicles, pedestrians,
4electric scooters, and electric personal assistive mobility devices using the roadway.
SB152,6 5Section 6. 23.33 (11) (am) 3. d. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,4,86 23.33 (11) (am) 3. d. Yield the right-of-way to other vehicles, pedestrians,
7electric scooters, and electric personal assistive mobility devices using the roadway
8or shoulder.
SB152,7 9Section 7 . 23.335 (1) (hh) of the statutes is created to read:
SB152,4,1010 23.335 (1) (hh) “Electric scooter” has the meaning given in s. 340.01 (15ps).
SB152,8 11Section 8. 23.335 (10) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB152,4,1812 23.335 (10) (a) 1. Operation on the roadway is necessary to cross the roadway.
13The crossing of a roadway is authorized only if the crossing is done in the most direct
14manner practicable, if the crossing is made at a place where no obstruction prevents
15a quick and safe crossing, and if the operator stops the limited use off-highway
16motorcycle prior to entering the crossing and yields the right-of-way to any other
17vehicles, pedestrians, electric scooters, or electric personal assistive mobility devices
18that are using the roadway.
SB152,9 19Section 9. 23.335 (10) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: