DHS 157.03(124m)(124m) “Exclusive use” means the sole use by a single consignor of a conveyance for which all initial, intermediate, and final loading and unloading are carried out in accordance with the direction of the consignor or consignee. The consignor and the carrier must ensure that any loading or unloading is performed by personnel having radiological training and resources appropriate for the safe handling of the consignment. The consignor shall issue specific instructions, in writing, for maintenance of exclusive use shipment controls, and include them with the shipping paper information provided to the carrier by the consignor. DHS 157.03(125)(125) “Explosive material” means any chemical compound, mixture or device that produces a substantial instantaneous release of gas and heat spontaneously or by contact with sparks or flame. DHS 157.03(126)(126) “Exposure” means the quotient of dQ divided by dm where “dQ” is the absolute value of the total charge of the ions of one sign produced in air when all the electrons liberated by photons in a volume element of air having mass “dm” are completely stopped in air. The SI unit of exposure is the coulomb per kilogram. The standard unit of exposure is the roentgen. DHS 157.03(127)(127) “Exposure head” means a device that locates the gamma radiography sealed source in the selected working position. DHS 157.03(128)(128) “Exposure rate” means the exposure per unit of time, such as roentgen per minute and milliroentgen per hour. DHS 157.03(129)(129) “External beam radiation therapy” means therapeutic irradiation in which the source of radiation is at a distance from the body. DHS 157.03(130)(130) “External dose” means that portion of the dose equivalent received from any source of radiation outside the body. DHS 157.03(131)(131) “External sinking fund” means an account, segregated from licensee assets and outside the licensee’s administrative control, into which monies are periodically deposited that are sufficient to pay decommissioning costs expected at the time licensee operations are terminated. DHS 157.03(132)(132) “Extremity” means hand, elbow, arm below the elbow, foot, knee and leg below the knee. DHS 157.03(133)(133) “Extremity bone densitometer” means a device that tests the mineral content of the bone of the fore arm, hand or foot. DHS 157.03(135)(135) “Field emission equipment” means equipment that uses an x-ray tube in which electron emission from the cathode is due solely to the action of an electric field. DHS 157.03(136)(136) “Field station” means a facility where radioactive sources may be stored or used and from which equipment is dispatched to temporary job sites. DHS 157.03(137)(137) “Film badge” means a dosimeter containing radiation sensitive photographic film for measuring radiation dose plus various filters that characterize the type of radiation encountered. When developed, the darkness of the film is directly proportional to the amount of radiation received. DHS 157.03(138)(138) “Filter” means material placed in the useful beam to preferentially absorb selected radiation energies. DHS 157.03(139)(139) “Filtering facepiece” means a negative pressure respirator with a filter as an integral part of the facepiece or with the entire facepiece composed of the filtering medium, not equipped with elastomeric sealing surfaces and adjustable straps. DHS 157.03 NoteNote: Elastomeric refers to material that is elastic and form fitting to provide a tight seal against the face.
DHS 157.03(139m)(139m) “Fingerprint order” means an order issued by the NRC, a license condition by the department, or a legally binding requirement issued by another agreement state that requires a fingerprints and criminal history records check for individuals who have unescorted access to category 1 and category 2 quantities of radioactive material or safeguards information-modified handling. DHS 157.03(140)(140) “Fissile material” means the radionuclides uranium-233, uranium-235, plutonium-239 and plutonium-241, or any combination of these radionuclides. Fissile material means the fissile nuclides themselves, not material containing fissile nuclides. Unirradiated natural uranium and depleted uranium, and natural uranium or depleted uranium that has been irradiated in thermal reactors only are not included in this definition. DHS 157.03 NoteNote: Certain exclusions from fissile material controls are provided in 10 CFR 71.15. DHS 157.03(141)(141) “Fissile material package” or Type AF package, Type BF package, Type B(U)F package, or Type B(M)F package means a fissile material packaging together with its fissile material contents. DHS 157.03(142)(142) “Fit factor” means a quantitative estimate of the fit of a particular respirator to a specific individual, and estimates the ratio of the concentration of a substance in ambient air to its concentration inside the respirator when worn. DHS 157.03(143)(143) “Fit test” means the use of a protocol to qualitatively or quantitatively evaluate the fit of a respirator on an individual. DHS 157.03(143g)(143g) “Fixed contamination” means contamination that cannot be removed from a surface during normal conditions of transport. DHS 157.03(143m)(143m) “Fluoroscopic air kerma display device” means a device, or subsystem, or component that provided the display of the air kerma rate and cumulative air kerma required by 21 CFR 1020.32 (k). It includes radiation detectors, if any, electronic and computer components, associated software, and display units. DHS 157.03(144)(144) “Fluoroscopic imaging assembly” means a subsystem in which x-ray photons produce a visible image. It includes the image receptor such as the image intensifier and spot-film device, electrical interlocks, if any, and structural material providing linkage between the image receptor and diagnostic source assembly. DHS 157.03(145)(145) “Fresh water aquifer” means, for the purposes of this chapter, a geologic formation that is capable of yielding fresh water to a well or spring. DHS 157.03(146)(146) “Gantry” means that part of a radiation therapy system supporting and allowing movements of the radiation head about a center of rotation. DHS 157.03(147)(147) “General purpose radiographic x-ray system” means any radiographic x-ray system, which, by design, is not limited to radiographic examination of specific anatomical regions.