AB43,7151823Section 715. 40.22 (2r) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,1824182440.22 (2r) (intro.) Except as otherwise provided in s. 40.26 (6) (1), an employee who was not a participating employee before July 1, 2011, who is not expected to work at least two-thirds of what is considered full-time employment by the department, as determined by rule, and who is not otherwise excluded under sub. (2) from becoming a participating employee shall become a participating employee if he or she is subsequently employed by the state agency or other participating employer for either of the following periods: AB43,7161825Section 716. 40.22 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,1826182640.22 (3) (intro.) Except as otherwise provided in s. 40.26 (6) (1), a person who qualifies as a participating employee shall be included within, and shall be subject to, the Wisconsin retirement system effective on one of the following dates: AB43,7171827Section 717. 40.23 (1) (bm) of the statutes is renumbered 40.23 (1) (bm) 1. and amended to read: AB43,,1828182840.23 (1) (bm) 1. If an application by a participant age 55 or over, or by a protective occupation participant age 50 or over, for group long-term disability insurance benefits under s. 40.64 is disapproved under rules promulgated by the department, the date which would have been the effective date for the insurance benefits shall be is the retirement annuity effective date if requested by the applicant within 60 days of the disapproval or, if the disapproval is appealed, within 60 days of the final disposition of the appeal. AB43,7181829Section 718. 40.26 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,1830183040.26 (1) Except as provided in sub. (1m) and ss. 40.05 (2) (g) 2. and 40.23 (1) (am), if a participant receiving a retirement annuity, or a disability annuitant who has attained his or her normal retirement date, receives earnings that are subject to s. 40.05 (1) or that would be subject to s. 40.05 (1) except for the exclusion specified in s. 40.22 (2) (L), the annuity shall be suspended, including any amount provided by additional contributions, and no annuity payment shall be payable after the month in which the participant files with the department a written election to be included within the provisions of the Wisconsin retirement system as a participating employee. AB43,7191831Section 719. 40.26 (1m) of the statutes is repealed. AB43,7201832Section 720. 40.26 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,1833183340.26 (2) (intro.) Upon suspension of an annuity under sub. (1) or (1m), the retirement account of the participant whose annuity is so suspended shall be established on the following basis: AB43,7211834Section 721. 40.26 (5) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,1835183540.26 (5) (intro.) Except as otherwise provided in sub. (5m), if If a participant applies for an annuity or lump sum payment during the period in which less than 75 30 days have elapsed between the termination of employment with a participating employer and becoming a participating employee with any participating employer, all of the following shall apply: AB43,7221836Section 722. 40.26 (5m) of the statutes is repealed. AB43,7231837Section 723. 40.26 (6) of the statutes is repealed. AB43,7241838Section 724. 40.51 (2m) (a) of the statutes is repealed. AB43,7251839Section 725. 40.51 (2m) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 40.51 (2m) and amended to read: AB43,,1840184040.51 (2m) If an eligible employee is divorced or was a domestic partner in a dissolved domestic partnership, the eligible employee may not enroll a new spouse or domestic partner in a group health insurance plan under this subchapter until 6 months have elapsed since the date of the divorce or dissolved domestic partnership. AB43,7261841Section 726. 40.51 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,1842184240.51 (7) (a) Any employer, other than the state, including an employer that is not a participating employer, may offer to all of its employees a health care coverage plan through a program offered by the group insurance board. Notwithstanding sub. (2) and ss. 40.05 (4) and 40.52 (1), the department may by rule establish different eligibility standards or contribution requirements for such employees and employers. Beginning on January 1, 2012, except as otherwise provided in a collective bargaining agreement under subch. IV of ch. 111 that covers public safety employees or transit employees and except as provided in par. (b), an employer may not offer a health care coverage plan to its employees under this subsection if the employer pays more than 88 percent of the average premium cost of plans offered in any tier with the lowest employee premium cost under this subsection. AB43,7271843Section 727. 40.51 (8) of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,1844184440.51 (8) Every health care coverage plan offered by the state under sub. (6) shall comply with ss. 631.89, 631.90, 631.93 (2), 631.95, 632.72 (2), 632.728, 632.729, 632.746 (1) to (8) and (10), 632.747, 632.748, 632.798, 632.83, 632.835, 632.85, 632.853, 632.855, 632.861, 632.862, 632.867, 632.87 (3) to (6) (8), 632.871, 632.885, 632.89, 632.895 (5m) and (8) to (17), and 632.896. ****Note: This is reconciled s. 40.51 (8). This Section has been affected by drafts with the following LRB numbers: -1147/P1, -1151/P2, -1153/P1, -1156/P1, and -1157/P1.
AB43,7281845Section 728. 40.51 (8m) of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,1846184640.51 (8m) Every health care coverage plan offered by the group insurance board under sub. (7) shall comply with ss. 631.95, 632.728, 632.729, 632.746 (1) to (8) and (10), 632.747, 632.748, 632.798, 632.83, 632.835, 632.85, 632.853, 632.855, 632.861, 632.862, 632.867, 632.87 (7) and (8), 632.871, 632.885, 632.89, and 632.895 (11) (8) and (10) to (17). ****Note: This is reconciled s. 40.51 (8m). This Section has been affected by drafts with the following LRB numbers: -1147/P1, -1151/P2, -1153/P1, -1156/P1, and -1157/P1.
AB43,7291847Section 729. 40.513 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: AB43,,1848184840.513 (3) (b) The employee’s spouse or domestic partner is receiving health care coverage under s. 40.51 (6). AB43,7301849Section 730. 40.52 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: