(a) The department determines, based on information provided by an applicant
6for a permit under s. 293.49 and verified by the department, that a mining operation
7has operated in a sulfide ore body which, together with the host nonferrous rock, has
8a net acid generating potential in the United States or Canada for at least 10 years
9without the pollution of groundwater or surface water from acid drainage at the
10tailings site or at the mine site or from the release of heavy metals.
(b) The department determines, based on information provided by an applicant
12for a permit under s. 293.49 and verified by the department, that a mining operation
13that operated in a sulfide ore body which, together with the host nonferrous rock, has
14a net acid generating potential in the United States or Canada has been closed for
15at least 10 years without the pollution of groundwater or surface water from acid
16drainage at the tailings site or at the mine site or from the release of heavy metals.
17(2m) (a) The department may not base its determination under sub. (2) (a) or
18(b) on any mining operation that has been listed on the national priorities list under
1942 USC 9605 (a) (8) (B) or any mining operation for which the operator is no longer
20in business and has no successor that may be liable for any contamination from the
21mining operation and for which there are no other persons that may be liable for any
22contamination from the mining operation.
(b) The department may not base its determination under sub. (2) (a) or (b) on
24a mining operation unless the department determines, based on relevant data from
25groundwater or surface water monitoring, that the mining operation has not caused
1significant environmental pollution from acid drainage at the tailings site or at the
2mine site or from the release of heavy metals.
3(3) This section applies without regard to the date of submission of the permit
5Section 165
. 293.51 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
6293.51 (title)
Bonds and other security.
7Section 166
. 293.51 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) Upon notification that an application for a prospecting or mining
9permit has been approved by the department but prior to commencing prospecting
10or mining, the operator shall file with the department a bond conditioned on faithful
11performance of all of the requirements of this chapter and all rules adopted by the
12department under this chapter. The bond shall be furnished by a surety company
13licensed to do business in this state. In lieu of a bond, the operator may deposit cash,
14certificates of deposit
, or government securities with the department. Interest
15received on certificates of deposit and government securities shall be paid to the
16operator. The amount of the bond or other security required shall be equal to the
17estimated cost to the state of fulfilling the reclamation plan, in relation to that
18portion of the site that will be disturbed by the end of the following year. The
19estimated cost of reclamation of each prospecting or mining site shall be determined
20by the department on the basis of relevant factors including, but not limited to,
21expected changes in the price index, topography of the site, methods being employed,
22depth and composition of overburden and depth of
nonferrous metallic mineral
23deposit being mined.
24Section 167
. 293.51 (1g) of the statutes is repealed.
25Section 168
. 293.51 (1m) of the statutes is repealed.
169. 293.51 (1r) of the statutes is repealed.
2Section 170
. 293.51 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) Upon approval of the operator's bond
or other security under subs.
4(1), (1g), (1m), and (1r), mining application, and certificate of insurance, the
5department shall issue written authorization to commence mining at the permitted
6mining site in accordance with the approved mining and reclamation plans.
7Section 171
. 293.51 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
8Section 172
. 293.55 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (c)
Substantial changes. The department shall determine if any
10change in the mining or reclamation plans is substantial and provide notice of its
11determination in the same manner as specified under s. 293.43
(2m) (b) (3) (b) 1. to
13Section 173
. 293.55 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (d)
Notice. The department shall provide notice of any modification
15which involves an increase or decrease in the area of a mining site or a substantial
16change in the mining or reclamation plan in the same manner as an original
17application for a mining permit under s. 293.43
(2m) (3). If 5 or more interested
18persons do not request a hearing in writing within 30 days of notice, no hearing is
19required on the modification. The notice shall include a statement to this effect.
20Section 174
. 293.65 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (a) An approval under s. 281.34 is required to withdraw groundwater
22for prospecting or mining or to dewater mines if the capacity and rate of withdrawal
23of all wells involved in the withdrawal of groundwater or the dewatering of mines
24exceeds 100,000 gallons each day. A permit under s. 283.31 is required to discharge
25pollutants resulting from the dewatering of mines.
175. 293.65 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (b) The department may not issue an approval under s. 281.34 if the
3withdrawal of groundwater for prospecting or mining purposes or the dewatering of
4mines will result in the unreasonable detriment of public or private water supplies
5or the unreasonable detriment of public rights in the waters of the state. No
6withdrawal of groundwater
for prospecting or mining purposes or
the dewatering of
7mines may be made to the unreasonable detriment of public or private water supplies
8or the unreasonable detriment of public rights in the waters of the state.
9Notwithstanding any limitation on approval conditions in s. 281.34, if the
10department determines that a proposed withdrawal of groundwater or dewatering
11of mines will result in the unreasonable detriment of public or private water supplies
12or the unreasonable detriment of public rights in the waters of the state the
13department shall include conditions in the mining or prospecting permit or in an
14approval issued under s. 281.34 to ensure that the withdrawal or dewatering will not
15result in the unreasonable detriment of public or private water supplies or the
16unreasonable detriment of public rights in the waters of the state. These conditions
17may include a requirement that the applicant for the mining or prospecting permit
18or approval under s. 281.34 provide a replacement water supply of similar quality,
19provide an increased amount of water to the water supply, or temporarily augment
20the quantity of water in, or flowing into or from, the affected waters of the state that
21is of substantially similar quality and that has substantially similar characteristics
22to the water that was in the affected waters of the state before any proposed mining
23or prospecting activity began.
24Section 176
. 293.66 of the statutes is repealed.
25Section 177
. 293.81 of the statutes is amended to read:
1293.81 Exploring, bulk sampling, prospecting, and mining without
2authorization. Any person who engages in exploration without a license
or bulk
3sampling without the necessary license or approvals shall forfeit not less than $100
4nor more than $1,000 for each parcel as defined under s. 293.21 (1) (b) on which
5unlicensed exploration
or bulk sampling without the necessary license or approvals 6took place. Any person who authorizes or engages in prospecting without a
7prospecting permit or any operator who authorizes or engages in mining without a
8mining permit and written authorization to mine under s. 293.51 (3) shall forfeit all
9profits obtained from such illegal activities and not more than $10,000 for each day
10during which the mine was in operation. The operator shall be liable to the
11department for the full cost of reclaiming the affected area of land and any damages
12caused by the mining operation. Each day's violation of this section shall be deemed
13a separate offense. If the violator is a corporation, limited liability company,
14partnership or association, any officer, director, member, manager or partner who
15knowingly authorizes, supervises or contracts for exploration,
bulk sampling, 16prospecting, or mining shall also be subject to the penalties of this section.
17Section 178
. 293.86 of the statutes is amended to read:
18293.86 Visitorial powers of department. Any duly authorized officer,
19employee or representative of the department may enter and inspect any property,
20premises or place on or at which any prospecting or
metallic mining operation or
21facility is located or is being constructed or installed at any reasonable time for the
22purpose of ascertaining the state of compliance with this chapter and chs. 281, 285,
23289 to 292,
295, and 299,
subchs. I and II of ch. 295, and rules adopted pursuant
24thereto. No person may refuse entry or access to any such authorized representative
25of the department who requests entry for purposes of inspection, and who presents
1appropriate credentials, nor may any person obstruct, hamper or interfere with any
2such inspection. The department shall furnish to the prospector or operator, as
3indicated in the prospecting or mining permit, a written report setting forth all
4observations, relevant information and data which relate to compliance status.
5Section 179
. 293.95 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read: