Green Bay Packers Day declared August 11, 2019 on the occasion of their 100th anniversary - AJR10
LeRoy’s Leap Day: honoring February 29, 2020 as in reference to LeRoy Butler and the first ever Lambeau Leap - AJR138
green bay, city ofGreen Bay, City of, see also University of Wisconsin — Green Bay
Authorized state building program for 2019-21 amended to add grant to the Greater Green Bay Convention and Visitors Bureau for a visitor information and education center - AB493
Authorized state building program for 2019-21 amended to add grant to the Greater Green Bay Convention and Visitors Bureau for a visitor information and education center - SB445
``Bart Starr Memorial Bridge”: STH 29 bridge over the Fox River in the City of Green Bay designated as; DOT and contributions from interested parties provisions - AB557
``Bart Starr Memorial Bridge”: STH 29 bridge over the Fox River in the City of Green Bay designated as; DOT and contributions from interested parties provisions - SB502
Greater Green Bay Convention and Visitor Bureau: DOA interest-free loan for visitor information and education center construction - SB721
Greater Green Bay Convention and Visitor Bureau: DOA interest-free loan for visitor information and education center construction - AB787
Harbor assistance grant to City of Green Bay - AB325
Harbor assistance grant to City of Green Bay - SB295
grocery storeGrocery store, see Food
groundwater coordinating councilGroundwater Coordinating Council, see Natural Resources, Department of — Environmental protection
groundwater managementGroundwater management, see Water — Pollution
group homeGroup home, see Children — Protection and services; Youth
group insuranceGroup insurance, see Medical practice, Group; Public employee — Group insurance
group insurance boardGroup Insurance Board
Fixed-dollar employee premium subsidy in the state group health insurance plan: GIB to study, report required [Sec. 9113 (2); original bill only] - AB56
Fixed-dollar employee premium subsidy in the state group health insurance plan: GIB to study, report required [Sec. 9113 (2)] - SB59
Group long-term disability insurance and income continuation insurance plan: oversight transferred from GIB to Employee Trust Funds Board [Sec. 395-399, 401-404, 412, 417-419, 9113 (1); original bill only] - AB56
Group long-term disability insurance and income continuation insurance plan: oversight transferred from GIB to Employee Trust Funds Board [Sec. 395-399, 401-404, 412, 417-419, 9113 (1)] - SB59
Health clinics in state facilities for individuals covered by a state group health insurance plan: GIB may contract with entities to provide [Sec. 405] - SB59
Health clinics in state facilities for individuals covered by a state group health insurance plan: GIB may contract with entities to provide [Sec. 405; original bill only] - AB56
Leave of absence: employee who cannot resume active duty for 30 days due to the 2020 public health emergency deemed to have ended leave on March 12, 2020 for group health insurance pruposes [Sec. 82] - AB1038
Leave of absence: employee who cannot resume active duty for 30 days due to the 2020 public health emergency deemed to have ended leave on March 12, 2020 for group health insurance pruposes [Sec. 82] - SB932
Wrongful imprisonment: claim provisions modified, Claims Board and DHS duties; health insurance coverage from GIB and temporary financial assistance; JSCTE appendix report - SB881
grouseGrouse, see Bird
guardian ad litemGuardian ad litem, see Children — Protection and services
guardian and wardGuardian and ward, see also Children — Protection and services