15.105(2)(2)Claims board. There is created a claims board, attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03, consisting of a representative of the office of the governor designated by the governor, a representative of the department of administration designated by the secretary of administration, a representative of the department of justice designated by the attorney general and the chairpersons of the senate and assembly committees on finance or their designees appointed at the commencement of each legislative biennium from the membership of their respective committees on finance.
15.105(4)(4)Public records board. There is created a public records board which is attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03. The public records board shall consist of the governor, the director of the historical society, the attorney general, the state auditor, and the director of the legislative council staff, or their designated representatives, and a representative of the small business community, a representative of a school board or the governing body of a municipality, as defined in s. 281.59 (1) (c), other than a joint local water authority created under s. 66.0823, and one other member.
15.105(5)(5)State capitol and executive residence board. There is created a state capitol and executive residence board, attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03, consisting of the secretary of administration or the secretary’s designee, the director of the historical society or the director’s designee, an architect or engineer employed by the department of administration appointed by the secretary of administration, 3 senators and 3 representatives to the assembly appointed as are the members of standing committees in their respective houses, and 7 citizen members appointed for staggered 6-year terms of whom at least 2 shall be architects registered under ch. 443, one shall be a landscape architect registered under ch. 443 and 2 shall be interior designers registered under ch. 443.
15.105(6)(6)Bureau of merit recruitment and selection. There is created in the division of personnel management in the department of administration a bureau of merit recruitment and selection. The director of the bureau shall serve at the pleasure of the secretary of administration.
15.105(6m)(6m)State employees suggestion board. There is created in the department of administration a state employees suggestion board consisting of 3 persons, at least one of whom shall be a state officer or employee, appointed for 4-year terms.
15.105(8)(8)Board for people with developmental disabilities.
15.105(8)(ag)(ag) There is created a board for people with developmental disabilities, attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03.
15.105(8)(am)(am) Subject to par. (cm), the board shall consist of the following state residents, appointed for staggered 4-year terms, who shall be representative of all geographic areas of the state and reflect the state’s diversity with respect to race and ethnicity:
15.105(8)(am)1.1. A representative of each of the relevant agencies of the state that administer federal funds related to individuals with disabilities, to be designated by:
15.105(8)(am)1.a.a. The secretary of workforce development.
15.105(8)(am)1.b.b. The secretary of health services.
15.105(8)(am)1.c.c. The state superintendent of public instruction.
15.105(8)(am)2.2. Representatives of individuals with developmental disabilities, who are any of the following:
15.105(8)(am)2.a.a. Individuals with developmental disabilities.
15.105(8)(am)2.b.b. Parents or guardians of children with developmental disabilities.
15.105(8)(am)2.c.c. Immediate relatives or guardians of adults with mentally impairing developmental disabilities who cannot advocate for themselves.
15.105(8)(am)3.3. A representative of each of the following who has sufficient authority to engage in policy planning and implementation for the entity represented:
15.105(8)(am)3.a.a. The entity in this state that is designated by the federal department of health and human services as a university center for excellence in developmental disabilities education, research, and services.
15.105(8)(am)3.b.b. The state protection and advocacy system under s. 51.62, designated by the director of the state protection and advocacy agency under s. 51.62 (2).
15.105(8)(am)3.c.c. Each of the local governmental agencies, nongovernmental agencies, and private nonprofit groups that are concerned with services for individuals with developmental disabilities.
15.105(8)(bm)(bm) A member specified in par. (am) 1. or 3. shall recuse himself or herself from any discussion by the board of grants or contracts for which the member’s department, agency, program, or group is a grantee, contractor, or applicant and may not vote on a matter that would provide direct financial benefit to the member or otherwise give the appearance of a conflict of interest.
15.105(8)(cm)1.1. At least 60 percent of the membership of the board shall be individuals specified under par. (am) 2. who are not managing employees, as defined under 42 USC 1320a-5 (b), of an entity, or employees of a state agency, that receives federal funds for the developmentally disabled or uses the funds to provide services to persons with developmental disabilities. Of those individuals, one-third shall be individuals specified under par. (am) 2. a., one-third shall be individuals specified under par. (am) 2. b. or c., and one-third shall be individuals specified under par. (am) 2. a., b., or c.
15.105(8)(cm)2.2. At least one of the individuals described under subd. 1. shall be an individual with a developmental disability who resides in or previously resided in an institution, including a state center for the developmentally disabled, or the immediate relative or guardian of such an individual. The requirement under this subdivision does not apply if such an individual does not reside in this state.
15.105(10)(10)Board on aging and long-term care. There is created a board on aging and long-term care, attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03. The board shall consist of 7 members who are members of the public and who are appointed for staggered 5-year terms. Members shall have demonstrated a continuing interest in the problems of delivering and financing long-term care for persons who are 60 years of age or older or who are beneficiaries of the Medicare program. No person who currently owns or who, within the previous 5 years, owned or who had any operational or substantial financial or employment interest in or any other affiliation with any long-term care provider or health care insurance company may be appointed to or retained as a member of the board. No person who is or has been an employee or volunteer of the board may be appointed to or retained as a member.
15.105(12)(12)Waste facility siting board.
15.105(12)(a)(a) Creation; membership. There is created a waste facility siting board, attached to the department of administration under s. 15.03, consisting of the following members:
15.105(12)(a)1.1. The secretary of transportation, the secretary of agriculture, trade and consumer protection and the secretary of safety and professional services or their formally appointed designees.
15.105(12)(a)2.2. Two town officials.