ATCP 77.06   Certification fees.
ATCP 77.08   Granting and withdrawing certification.
ATCP 77.10   Laboratory facilities.
ATCP 77.12   Laboratory administrator.
ATCP 77.14   Inspecting a laboratory.
ATCP 77.16   Laboratory records.
Subchapter II — Milk and Food Laboratories
ATCP 77.20   Milk and food laboratories; procedures.
ATCP 77.22   Milk and food laboratories; certified analysts.
ATCP 77.23   Drug residues in milk; screening tests.
ATCP 77.24   Milk and food analysts; proficiency evaluation.
Subchapter III — Water Laboratories
ATCP 77.30   Water laboratories; procedures.
ATCP 77.32   Water laboratory analysts.
ATCP 77.34   Water laboratories; proficiency evaluation.
Ch. ATCP 77 NoteNote: Chapter ATCP 77 as it existed on September 30, 1999, was repealed and a new chapter ATCP 77 was created, Register, September, 1999, No. 525, eff. 10-1-99.
subch. I of ch. ATCP 77Subchapter I — General Requirements
ATCP 77.01ATCP 77.01Definitions. In this chapter:
ATCP 77.01(1)(1)“Analyst” means an individual who performs a test under s. ATCP 77.02.
ATCP 77.01(2)(2)“Certified analyst” means an analyst that is certified by the department to perform tests under s. ATCP 77.02 (1) or (2).
ATCP 77.01(3)(3)“Certified laboratory” means a laboratory at which an operator is certified to perform tests under s. ATCP 77.02.
ATCP 77.01(4)(4)“Department” means the state of Wisconsin department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
ATCP 77.01(4m)(4m)“Drug residue screening test” means any test under s. ATCP 77.02 (1) (k) to (1) (zc) or (1) (zq), other than a confirmatory test, that a person uses to comply with drug residue testing requirements under s. ATCP 65.72.
ATCP 77.01(5)(5)“FDA” means the United States department of health and human services, public health service, food and drug administration.
ATCP 77.01(6)(6)“Food” has the meaning given in s. 97.01 (6), Stats.
ATCP 77.01(7)(7)“Food and recreational safety administrator” means the administrator of the department’s division of food and recreational safety.
ATCP 77.01(8)(8)“Individual” means a natural person.
ATCP 77.01(9)(9)“Laboratory” means a facility at which an operator performs tests.