AB56-ASA1-AA2,42,23 2383. Page 446, line 1: delete lines 1 and 2 and substitute:
1“254.151 (2m) Award grants for residential lead hazard abatement, residential
2lead hazard reduction, and lead abatement worker training.”.
AB56-ASA1-AA2,43,4 384. Page 448, line 25: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
4with page 449, line 2, and substitute:
AB56-ASA1-AA2,43,5 5 Section 1950m. 255.06 (2) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB56-ASA1-AA2,43,76 255.06 (2) (i) Multiple sclerosis services. Allocate and expend at least up to
7$60,000 as reimbursement for the provision of multiple sclerosis services to women.”.
AB56-ASA1-AA2,43,8 885. Page 454, line 12: after that line insert:
AB56-ASA1-AA2,43,9 9 Section 2093k. 632.796 of the statutes is created to read:
AB56-ASA1-AA2,43,11 10632.796 Drug cost report. (1) Definition. In this section, “disability
11insurance policy” has the meaning given in s. 632.895 (1) (a).
AB56-ASA1-AA2,43,17 12(2) Report required. Annually, at the time the insurer files its rate request
13with the commissioner, each insurer that offers a disability insurance policy that
14covers prescription drugs shall submit to the commissioner a report that identifies
15the 25 prescription drugs that are the highest cost to the insurer and the 25
16prescription drugs that have the highest cost increases over the 12 months before the
17submission of the report.
AB56-ASA1-AA2,2094k 18Section 2094k. 632.865 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB56-ASA1-AA2,43,2119 632.865 (3) Registration required. (a) No person may perform any activities
20of a pharmacy benefit manager in this state without first registering with the
21commissioner under this subsection.
AB56-ASA1-AA2,43,2422 (b) The commissioner shall establish a registration procedure for pharmacy
23benefit managers. The commissioner may promulgate any rules necessary to
24implement the registration procedure under this paragraph.
1Section 2095k. 632.866 of the statutes is created to read:
AB56-ASA1-AA2,44,2 2632.866 Prescription drug cost reporting. (1) Definitions. In this section:
AB56-ASA1-AA2,44,43 (a) “Brand-name drug” means a prescription drug approved under 21 USC 355
4(b) or 42 USC 262.
AB56-ASA1-AA2,44,65 (b) “Covered hospital” means an entity described in 42 USC 256b (a) (4) (L) to
6(N) that participates in the federal drug-pricing program under 42 USC 256b.
AB56-ASA1-AA2,44,77 (c) “Disability insurance policy” has the meaning given in s. 632.895 (1) (a).
AB56-ASA1-AA2,44,88 (d) “Generic drug” means a prescription drug approved under 21 USC 355 (j).
AB56-ASA1-AA2,44,119 (e) “Manufacturer” has the meaning given in s. 450.01 (12). “Manufacturer”
10does not include an entity that is engaged only in the dispensing, as defined in s.
11450.01 (7), of a brand-name drug or a generic drug.
AB56-ASA1-AA2,44,1512 (f) “Manufacturer-sponsored assistance program” means a program offered by
13a manufacturer or an intermediary under contract with a manufacturer through
14which a brand-name drug or a generic drug is provided to a patient at no charge or
15at a discount.
AB56-ASA1-AA2,44,1916 (g) “Margin” means, for a covered hospital, the difference between the net cost
17of a brand-name drug or generic drug covered under the federal drug-pricing
18program under 42 USC 256b and the net payment by the covered hospital for that
19brand-name drug or generic drug.
AB56-ASA1-AA2,44,2120 (h) “Net payment” means the amount paid for a brand-name drug or generic
21drug after all discounts and rebates have been applied.
AB56-ASA1-AA2,44,2222 (i) “Pharmacy benefit manager” has the meaning given in s. 632.865 (1) (c).
AB56-ASA1-AA2,45,223 (j) “Wholesale acquisition cost” means the most recently reported
24manufacturer list or catalog price for a brand-name drug or a generic drug available

1to wholesalers or direct purchasers in the United States, before application of
2discounts, rebates, or reductions in price.
AB56-ASA1-AA2,45,8 3(2) Price increase or introduction notice; justification report. (a) A
4manufacturer shall notify the commissioner if it is increasing the wholesale
5acquisition cost of a brand-name drug on the market in this state by more than 10
6percent or by more than $10,000 during any 12-month period or if it intends to
7introduce to market in this state a brand-name drug that has an annual wholesale
8acquisition cost of $30,000 or more.
AB56-ASA1-AA2,45,129 (b) A manufacturer shall notify the commissioner if it is increasing the
10wholesale acquisition cost of a generic drug by more than 25 percent or by more than
11$300 during any 12-month period or if it intends to introduce to market a generic
12drug that has an annual wholesale acquisition cost of $3,000 or more.
AB56-ASA1-AA2,45,1813 (c) The manufacturer shall provide the notice under par. (a) or (b) in writing
14at least 30 days before the planned effective date of the cost increase or drug
15introduction with a justification that includes all documents and research related to
16the manufacturer's selection of the cost increase or introduction price and a
17description of life cycle management, market competition and context, and
18estimated value or cost-effectiveness of the product.
AB56-ASA1-AA2,45,22 19(3) Net prices paid by pharmacy benefit managers. By March 1 annually, the
20manufacturer shall report to the commissioner the value of price concessions,
21expressed as a percentage of the wholesale acquisition cost, provided to each
22pharmacy benefit manager for each drug sold in this state.
AB56-ASA1-AA2,46,2 23(4) Rebates and price concessions. By March 1 annually, each pharmacy
24benefit manager shall report to the commissioner the amount received from
25manufacturers as drug rebates and the value of price concessions, expressed as a

1percentage of the wholesale acquisition cost, provided by manufacturers for each