DHS 90.11(3)(a)5.5. Development of the IFSP for an eligible child and family;
DHS 90.11(3)(a)6.6. Service coordination for an eligible child and family; and
DHS 90.11(3)(a)7.7. Protection of parent and child rights by means of the procedural safeguards.
DHS 90.11(3)(b)(b) With parent consent a third party may be billed for evaluation and assessment activities. The service coordinator shall ensure that the parent, prior to giving consent, is informed and understands that because of third party billing the parent may incur financial loss, including but not limited to a decrease in benefits or increase in premiums or discontinuation of the policy.
DHS 90.11(4)(4)Other early intervention services. A county administrative agency shall provide or arrange for the provision of other early intervention services. The county administrative agency shall determine the parental cost share of early intervention services costs not met by third party payers in accordance with s. DHS 90.06 (2) (i). Parental cost share for early intervention services shall begin with services designated in IFSPs developed or reviewed on or after March 1, 2002. Types of other early intervention services include the following:
DHS 90.11(4)(a)(a) Assistive technology services and devices. Assistive technology services and devices, to include:
DHS 90.11(4)(a)1.1. Evaluating the needs of a child with a disability for an assistive technology device, including a functional evaluation of the child in the child’s customary environment;
DHS 90.11(4)(a)2.2. Purchasing, leasing or otherwise providing for the acquisition of assistive technology devices for children with disabilities;
DHS 90.11(4)(a)3.3. Selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, adapting, applying, maintaining, repairing or replacing assistive technology devices;
DHS 90.11(4)(a)4.4. Coordinating and using other therapies, interventions or services with assistive technology devices, such as those associated with existing education and rehabilitation plans and programs;
DHS 90.11(4)(a)5.5. Training or technical assistance for a child with disabilities or, if appropriate, the family of a child with disabilities, in the use of an assistive technology device; and
DHS 90.11(4)(a)6.6. Training or technical assistance for professionals, including individuals providing education or rehabilitation services, employers and other individuals who provide services to or are otherwise substantially involved in the major life functions of children with disabilities.
DHS 90.11(4)(b)(b) Audiology services. Audiology services, to include:
DHS 90.11(4)(b)1.1. Identification of children with audiological impairment, using risk criteria and appropriate audiological screening techniques;
DHS 90.11(4)(b)2.2. Determination of the range, nature and degree of hearing loss and communication functions by use of audiological evaluation procedures;
DHS 90.11(4)(b)3.3. Referral for medical and other services necessary for habilitation or rehabilitation;
DHS 90.11(4)(b)4.4. Provision of auditory training, aural rehabilitation, speech reading and listening device orientation and training;
DHS 90.11(4)(b)5.5. Provision of services for prevention of hearing loss;
DHS 90.11(4)(b)6.6. Determination of the child’s need for individual amplification, including selecting, fitting and dispensing appropriate listening and vibrotactile devices, and evaluating the effectiveness of those devices; and
DHS 90.11(4)(b)7.7. Provision of consultation to and training of parents, other service providers and community agencies in regard to audiology services.
DHS 90.11(4)(c)(c) Communication services. Communication services, also called speech and language services, to include:
DHS 90.11(4)(c)1.1. Identification, diagnosis and assessment of children with communicative or oral pharyngeal disorders or delays in development of communication skills, which include delays in the acquisition of communication skills during preverbal and verbal phases of development; in the development of receptive and expressive language, including spoken and non-spoken means of expression; in oral-motor development; and in auditory awareness and processing. This also includes identification of the need for the acquisition of sign language and augmentative communication devices or systems;
DHS 90.11(4)(c)2.2. Referral for and coordination with medical or other professional services necessary for the habilitation or rehabilitation of children with communicative or oral pharyngeal disorders and delays in development of communication skills;
DHS 90.11(4)(c)3.3. Services for the habilitation, rehabilitation or prevention of communicative or oropharyngeal disorders and delays in development of communication skills, including services directed at the acquisition of sign language, the development of auditory awareness skills and speech production and the use of augmentative communication devices;
DHS 90.11(4)(c)4.4. Development of augmentation devices or systems, including communication boards and sign language; and
DHS 90.11(4)(c)5.5. Provision of consultation to and training of parents, other service providers and community agencies in regard to communication services.
DHS 90.11(4)(d)(d) Family education and counseling services. Family education and counseling services, to include:
DHS 90.11(4)(d)1.1. Services provided by qualified personnel to assist the family or caregiver in caring for the child, understanding the special needs of the child, enhancing the child’s development, modeling appropriate parent-child interactions and providing information on child development; and
DHS 90.11(4)(d)2.2. Providing informal support and connecting parents with other parents. This may include parent to parent match programs and parent support groups.