AB68-SSA1,733,212 76.13 (2) Every tax roll upon completion shall be delivered to the secretary of
13administration. The department shall notify, by certified mail, all companies listed
14on the tax roll of the amount of tax due, which shall be paid to the department. The
15payment dates provided for in sub. (2a) shall apply. The payment of one-fourth of
16the tax of any company may, if the company has brought an action in the Dane
17County circuit court under s. 76.08, be made without delinquent interest as provided
18in s. 76.14 any time prior to the date upon which the appeal becomes final, but any
19part of the tax ultimately required to be paid shall bear interest from the original due
20date to the date the appeal became final at the rate of 12 percent per year and at 1.5
21percent per month thereafter until paid. The taxes extended against any company
22after the same become due, with interest, shall be a lien upon all the property of the
23company prior to all other liens, claims, and demands whatsoever, except as provided
24in ss. 292.31 (8) (i) and 292.81, which and the lien may be enforced in an action in

1the name of the state in any court of competent jurisdiction against the property of
2the company within the state as an entirety.
AB68-SSA1,1451 3Section 1451. 76.15 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,733,154 76.15 (2) The power to reassess the property of any company defined in s. 76.02
5and the general property of the state, and to redetermine the average rate of
6taxation, may be exercised under sub. (1) as often as may be necessary until the
7amount of taxes legally due from any such company for any year under ss. 76.01 to
876.26 has been finally and definitely determined. Whenever any sum or part thereof,
9levied upon any property subject to taxation under ss. 76.01 to 76.26 so set aside has
10been paid and not refunded, the payment so made shall be applied upon the
11reassessment upon the property, and the reassessment of taxes to that extent shall
12be deemed to be satisfied. When the tax roll on the reassessment is completed and
13delivered to the secretary of administration, the department shall immediately
14notify by certified mail each of the several companies taxed to pay the amount of the
15taxes extended on the tax roll within 30 days.
AB68-SSA1,1452 16Section 1452. 76.639 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,733,2117 76.639 (1) (e) “Credit period” means the period of 6 10 taxable years beginning
18with the taxable year in which a qualified development is placed in service. For
19purposes of this paragraph, if a qualified development consists of more than one
20building, the qualified development is placed in service in the taxable year in which
21the last building of the qualified development is placed in service.
AB68-SSA1,1453 22Section 1453. 76.639 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,734,723 76.639 (1) (g) “Qualified development” means a qualified low-income housing
24project under section 42 (g) of the Internal Revenue Code that is financed with
25tax-exempt bonds, pursuant to section 42 (i) (2) described in section 42 (h) (4) (A) of

1the Internal Revenue Code, allocated the credit under section 42 of the Internal
2Revenue Code,
and located in this state; except that the authority may waive, in the
3qualified allocation plan under section 42 (m) (1) (B) of the Internal Revenue Code,
4the requirements of tax-exempt bond financing and federal credit allocation to the
5extent the authority anticipates that sufficient volume cap under section 146 of the
6Internal Revenue Code will not be available to finance low-income housing projects
7in any year
AB68-SSA1,1454 8Section 1454 . Chapter 77 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,734,209 CHAPTER 77
13 COUNTY, Municipality, AND
AB68-SSA1,1455 21Section 1455 . 77.25 (8m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,734,2222 77.25 (8m) Between husband and wife spouses.
AB68-SSA1,1456 23Section 1456. 77.51 (1fm) of the statutes is renumbered 77.51 (1fm) (intro.)
24and amended to read:
177.51 (1fm) (intro.) “Candy" means a preparation of sugar, honey, or other
2natural or artificial sweetener combined with chocolate, fruit, nuts, or other
3ingredients or flavorings in the form of bars, drops, or pieces. “Candy" does not
4include a preparation that contains flour or that requires refrigeration. any of the
AB68-SSA1,1457 6Section 1457. 77.51 (1fm) (a) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-SSA1,735,77 77.51 (1fm) (a) A preparation that contains flour or that requires refrigeration.
AB68-SSA1,1458 8Section 1458. 77.51 (1fm) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-SSA1,735,159 77.51 (1fm) (b) A preparation that has as its predominant ingredient dried or
10partially dried fruit along with one or more sweeteners, and which may also contain
11other additives including oils, natural flavorings, fiber, or preservatives. This
12paragraph does not apply to a preparation that includes chocolate, nuts, yogurt, or
13a preparation that has a confectionary coating or glazing on the dried or partially
14dried fruit. For purposes of this paragraph, “dried or partially dried fruit” does not
15include fruit that has been ground, crushed, grated, flaked, pureed, or jellied.
AB68-SSA1,1459 16Section 1459. 77.51 (11d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,735,2017 77.51 (11d) For purposes of subs. (1ag), (1f), (3pf), (7j), and (9p), and (17g) and
18ss. 77.52 (20) and (21), 77.522, 77.54 (9g), (51), (52), and (60), and 77.59 (5r), “product"
19includes tangible personal property, and items, property, and goods under s. 77.52
20(1) (b), (c), and (d), and services.
AB68-SSA1,1460 21Section 1460. 77.51 (17g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-SSA1,735,2322 77.51 (17g) “Separate and optional fee” means a fee charged to receive a
23distinct and identifiable product if either of the following applies:
AB68-SSA1,736,324 (a) The fee is in addition to fees that the seller charges for other distinct and
25identifiable products sold to the same buyer, the fee is separately set forth on the

1invoice given by the seller to the buyer, and the seller does not require the buyer to
2pay the fee if the buyer chooses not to receive the additional distinct and identifiable
3product for which the fee applies.
AB68-SSA1,736,104 (b) The seller charges a single amount for multiple distinct and identifiable
5products and offers the buyer the option of paying a lower amount if the buyer
6chooses not to receive one or more of the distinct and identifiable products. For
7purposes of this paragraph, the separate and optional fee is the single amount the
8seller charges for the multiple distinct and identifiable products less the reduced
9amount the seller charges to the buyer because the buyer chooses not to receive one
10or more of the products.
AB68-SSA1,1461 11Section 1461. 77.52 (2) (a) 20. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,736,1912 77.52 (2) (a) 20. The sale of landscaping and lawn maintenance services
13including landscape planning and counseling, lawn and garden services such as
14planting, mowing, spraying and fertilizing, and shrub and tree services. For
15purposes of this subdivision, landscaping and lawn maintenance services do not
16include planning and counseling services for the restoration, reclamation, or
17revitalization of prairie, savanna, or wetlands to improve biodiversity, the quality of
18land, soils, or water, or other ecosystem functions if the planning and counseling
19services are provided for a separate and optional fee from any other services.
AB68-SSA1,1462 20Section 1462. 77.52 (2) (ag) 39. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68-SSA1,737,221 77.52 (2) (ag) 39. (intro.) Equipment in offices, business facilities, schools, and
22hospitals but not in residential facilities including personal residences, apartments,
23long-term care facilities, as defined under s. 16.009 (1) (em), prisons, mental health
24institutes, as defined in s. 51.01 (12), centers for the developmentally disabled, as
25defined in s. 51.01 (3), Type 1 juvenile correctional facilities, as defined in s. 938.02

1(19) (10p), or similar facilities including, by way of illustration but not of limitation,
2all of the following:
AB68-SSA1,1463 3Section 1463. 77.52 (2m) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-SSA1,737,114 77.52 (2m) (c) With respect to services subject to tax under sub. (2) (a) 7., 10.,
511., and 20. that are provided for a separate and optional fee from the planning and
6counseling services described under sub. (2) (a) 20., all tangible personal property or
7items, property, or goods under sub. (1) (b), (c), or (d) physically transferred, or
8transferred electronically, to the customer in conjunction with the provision of the
9services subject to tax under sub. (2) (a) 7., 10., 11., and 20. is a sale of tangible
10personal property or items, property, or goods separate from the selling, performing,
11or furnishing of the services.