AB382,,34034016. Establish a budget and make expenditures;
AB382,,34134117. Borrow money;
AB382,,34234218. Appoint committees, including standing committees, composed of members, state regulators, state legislators or their representatives, and consumer representatives, and such other interested persons as may be designated in this compact and the bylaws;
AB382,,34334319. Provide and receive information from, and cooperate with, law enforcement agencies;
AB382,,34434420. Establish and elect an executive committee, including a chair and a vice chair;
AB382,,34534521. Determine whether a state’s adopted language is materially different from the model compact language such that the state would not qualify for participation in the compact; and
AB382,,34634622. Perform such other functions as may be necessary or appropriate to achieve the purposes of this compact.
AB382,,347347(d) The executive committee. 1. The executive committee shall have the power to act on behalf of the commission according to the terms of this compact. The powers, duties, and responsibilities of the executive committee shall include:
AB382,,348348a. Oversee the day-to-day activities of the administration of the compact including enforcement and compliance with the provisions of the compact, its rules and bylaws, and other such duties as deemed necessary;
AB382,,349349b. Recommend to the commission changes to the rules or bylaws, changes to this compact legislation, fees charged to compact member states, fees charged to licensees, and other fees;
AB382,,350350c. Ensure compact administration services are appropriately provided, including by contract;
AB382,,351351d. Prepare and recommend the budget;
AB382,,352352e. Maintain financial records on behalf of the commission;
AB382,,353353f. Monitor compact compliance of member states and provide compliance reports to the commission;
AB382,,354354g. Establish additional committees as necessary;
AB382,,355355h. Exercise the powers and duties of the commission during the interim between commission meetings, except for adopting or amending rules, adopting or amending bylaws, and exercising any other powers and duties expressly reserved to the commission by rule or bylaw; and
AB382,,356356i. Other duties as provided in the rules or bylaws of the commission.
AB382,,3573572. The executive committee shall be composed of up to eleven (11) members:
AB382,,358358a. The chair and vice chair of the commission shall be voting members of the executive committee; and
AB382,,359359b. The commission shall elect five voting members from the current membership of the commission.
AB382,,360360c. Up to four (4) ex officio, nonvoting members from four (4) recognized national social work organizations.
AB382,,361361d. The ex officio members will be selected by their respective organizations.
AB382,,3623623. The commission may remove any member of the executive committee as provided in the commission’s bylaws.
AB382,,3633634. The executive committee shall meet at least annually.
AB382,,364364a. Executive committee meetings shall be open to the public, except that the executive committee may meet in a closed, nonpublic meeting as provided in par. (f) 2. below.
AB382,,365365b. The executive committee shall give seven (7) days’ notice of its meetings, posted on its website and as determined to provide notice to persons with an interest in the business of the commission.
AB382,,366366c. The executive committee may hold a special meeting in accordance with par. (f) 1. b. below.
AB382,,367367(e) The commission shall adopt and provide to the member states an annual report.
AB382,,368368(f) Meetings of the commission. 1. All meetings shall be open to the public, except that the commission may meet in a closed, nonpublic meeting as provided in par. (f) 2. below.