SB301,85263Section 85. 70.174 of the statutes is amended to read: SB301,,26426470.174 Improvements on government-owned land. Improvements made by any person on land within this state owned by the United States may shall be assessed either as real or personal property to the person making the same, if ascertainable, and otherwise to the occupant thereof or the person receiving benefits therefrom, as provided under s. 70.17 (3). SB301,86265Section 86. 70.18 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: SB301,,26626670.18 (1) Personal For assessments made before January 1, 2024, personal property shall be assessed to the owner thereof, except that when it is in the charge or possession of some person other than the owner it may be assessed to the person so in charge or possession of the same. Telegraph and telephone poles, posts, railroad ties, lumber, and all other manufactured forest products shall be deemed to be in the charge or possession of the person in occupancy or possession of the premises upon which the same shall be stored or piled, and the same shall be assessed to such person, unless the owner or some other person residing in the same assessment district, shall be actually and actively in charge and possession thereof, in which case it shall be assessed to such resident owner or other person so in actual charge or possession; but nothing contained in this subsection shall affect or change the rules prescribed in s. 70.13 respecting the district in which such property shall be assessed. SB301,87267Section 87. 70.18 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: SB301,,26826870.18 (2) Goods For assessments made before January 1, 2024, goods, wares and merchandise in storage in a commercial storage warehouse or on a public wharf shall be assessed to the owner thereof and not to the warehouse or public wharf, if the operator of the warehouse or public wharf furnishes to the assessor the names and addresses of the owners of all goods, wares and merchandise not exempt from taxation. SB301,88269Section 88. 70.19 of the statutes is amended to read: SB301,,27027070.19 Assessment, how made; liability and rights of representative. (1) When For assessments made before January 1, 2024, when personal property is assessed under s. 70.18 (1) to a person in charge or possession of the personal property other than the owner, the assessment of that personal property shall be entered upon the assessment roll separately from the assessment of that person’s own personal property, adding to the person’s name upon the tax roll words briefly indicating that the assessment is made to the person as the person in charge or possession of the property. The failure to enter the assessment separately or to indicate the representative capacity or other relationship of the person assessed shall not affect the validity of the assessment. SB301,,271271(2) The For assessments made before January 1, 2024, the person assessed under sub. (1) and s. 70.18 (1) is personally liable for the tax on the property. The person assessed under sub. (1) and s. 70.18 (1) has a personal right of action against the owner of the property for the amount of the taxes; has a lien for that amount upon the property with the rights and remedies for the preservation and enforcement of that lien as provided in ss. 779.45 and 779.48; and is entitled to retain possession of the property until the owner of the property pays the tax on the property or reimburses the person assessed for the tax. The lien and right of possession relate back and exist from the time that the assessment is made, but may be released and discharged by giving to the person assessed such undertaking or other indemnity as the person accepts or by giving the person assessed a bond in the amount and with the sureties as is directed and approved by the circuit court of the county in which the property is assessed, upon 8 days’ notice to the person assessed. The bond shall be conditioned to hold the person assessed free and harmless from all costs, expense, liability, or damage by reason of the assessment. SB301,89272Section 89. 70.20 of the statutes is amended to read: SB301,,27327370.20 Owner’s liability when personalty assessed to another; action to collect. (1) When For assessments made before January 1, 2024, when personal property shall be assessed to some person in charge or possession thereof, other than the owner, such owner as well as the person so in charge or possession shall be liable for the taxes levied pursuant to such assessment; and the liability of such owner may be enforced in a personal action as for a debt. Such action may be brought in the name of the town, city or village in which such assessment was made, if commenced before the time fixed by law for the return of delinquent taxes, by direction of the treasurer or tax collector of such town, city or village. If commenced after such a return, it shall be brought in the name of the county or other municipality to the treasurer or other officer of which such return shall be made, by direction of such treasurer or other officer. Such action may be brought in any court of this state having jurisdiction of the amount involved and in which jurisdiction may be obtained of the person of such owner or by attachment of the property of such owner. SB301,,274274(2) The For assessments made before January 1, 2024, the remedy of attachment may be allowed in such action upon filing an affidavit of the officer by whose direction such action shall be brought, showing the assessment of such property in the assessment district, the amount of tax levied pursuant thereto, that the defendant was the owner of such property at the time as of which the assessment thereof was made, and that such tax remains unpaid in whole or in part, and the amount remaining unpaid. The proceedings in such actions and for enforcement of the judgment obtained therein shall be the same as in ordinary actions for debt as near as may be, but no property shall be exempt from attachment or execution issued upon a judgment against the defendant in such action. SB301,,275275(3) The For assessments made before January 1, 2024, and taxes levied before January 1, 2024, the assessment and tax rolls in which such assessment and tax shall be entered shall be prima facie evidence of such assessment and tax and of the justice and regularity thereof; and the same, with proof of the ownership of such property by the defendant at the time as of which the assessment was made and of the nonpayment of such tax, shall be sufficient to establish the liability of the defendant. Such liability shall not be affected and such action shall not be defeated by any omission or irregularity in the assessment or tax proceedings not affecting the substantial justice and equity of the tax. The provisions of this section shall not impair or affect the remedies given by other provisions of law for the collection or enforcement of such tax against the person to whom the property was assessed. SB301,90276Section 90. 70.21 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: SB301,,27727770.21 (1) Except For assessments made before January 1, 2024, except as provided in sub. (2), the personal property of a partnership may be assessed in the names of the persons composing the partnership, so far as known or in the firm name or title under which the partnership business is conducted, and each partner shall be liable for the taxes levied on the partnership’s personal property. SB301,91278Section 91. 70.21 (1m) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: SB301,,27927970.21 (1m) (intro.) Undistributed For assessments made before January 1, 2024, undistributed personal property belonging to the estate of a decedent shall be assessed as follows: SB301,92280Section 92. 70.21 (2) of the statutes is amended to read: SB301,,28128170.21 (2) The For assessments made before January 1, 2024, the personal property of a limited liability partnership shall be assessed in the name of the partnership, and each partner shall be liable for the taxes levied thereon only to the extent permitted under s. 178.0306. SB301,93282Section 93. 70.22 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: SB301,,28328370.22 (1) In For assessments made before January 1, 2024, in case one or more of 2 or more personal representatives or trustees of the estate of a decedent who died domiciled in this state are not residents of the state, the taxable personal property belonging to the estate shall be assessed to the personal representatives or trustees residing in this state. In case there are 2 or more personal representatives or trustees of the same estate residing in this state, but in different taxation districts, the assessment of the taxable personal property belonging to the estate shall be in the names of all of the personal representatives or trustees of the estate residing in this state. In case no personal representative or trustee resides in this state, the taxable personal property belonging to the estate may be assessed in the name of the personal representative or trustee, or in the names of all of the personal representatives or trustees if there are more than one, or in the name of the estate. SB301,94284Section 94. 70.22 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB301,,28528570.22 (2) (a) The For taxes levied before January 1, 2024, the taxes imposed pursuant to an assessment under sub. (1) may be enforced as a claim against the estate, upon presentation of a claim for the taxes by the treasurer of the taxation district to the court in which the proceedings for the probate of the estate are pending. Upon due proof, the court shall allow and order the claim to be paid. SB301,95286Section 95. 70.27 (1) of the statutes is amended to read: SB301,,28728770.27 (1) Who may order. Whenever any area of platted or unplatted land or land and the buildings, improvements, and fixtures on that land is owned by 2 or more persons in severalty, and when in the judgment of the governing body having jurisdiction, the description of one or more of the different parcels thereof cannot be made sufficiently certain and accurate for the purposes of assessment, taxation, or tax title procedures without noting the correct metes and bounds of the same, or when such gross errors exist in lot measurements or locations that difficulty is encountered in locating new structures, public utilities, or streets, such governing body may cause a plat to be made for such purposes. Such plat shall be called “assessor’s plat,” and shall plainly define the boundary of each parcel, building, improvement, and fixture, and each street, alley, lane, or roadway, or dedication to public or special use, as such is evidenced by the records of the register of deeds or a court of record. Such plats in cities may be ordered by the city council, in villages by the village board, in towns by the town board, or the county board. A plat or part of a plat included in an assessor’s plat shall be deemed vacated to the extent it is included in or altered by an assessor’s plat. The actual and necessary costs and expenses of making assessors’ plats shall be paid out of the treasury of the city, village, town, or county whose governing body ordered the plat, and all or any part of such cost may be charged to the land, without inclusion of improvements, so platted in the proportion that the last assessed valuation of each parcel bears to the last assessed total valuation of all lands property included in the assessor’s plat, and collected as a special assessment on such land property, as provided by s. 66.0703. SB301,96288Section 96. 70.27 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read: SB301,,28928970.27 (3) (a) Reference to any land, or land and the buildings, improvements, and fixtures on that land as it the reference appears on a recorded assessor’s plat is deemed sufficient for purposes of assessment and taxation. Conveyance may be made by reference to such plat and shall be as effective to pass title to the land so described as it would be if the same premises had been described by metes and bounds. Such plat or record thereof shall be received in evidence in all courts and places as correctly describing the several parcels of land or land and the buildings, improvements, and fixtures on that land therein designated. After an assessor’s plat has been made and recorded with the register of deeds as provided by this section, all conveyances of lands or land and the buildings, improvements, and fixtures on that land included in such assessor’s plat shall be by reference to such plat. Any instrument dated and acknowledged after September 1, 1955, purporting to convey, mortgage, or otherwise give notice of an interest in land or land and the buildings, improvements, and fixtures on that land that is within or part of an assessor’s plat shall describe the affected land by the name of the assessor’s plat, lot, block, or outlot. SB301,97290Section 97. 70.27 (4) of the statutes is amended to read: SB301,,29129170.27 (4) Amendments. Amendments or corrections to an assessor’s plat may be made at any time by the governing body by recording with the register of deeds a plat of the area affected by such amendment or correction, made and authenticated as provided by this section. It shall not be necessary to refer to any amendment of the plat, but all assessments or instruments wherein any parcel of land is or land and the buildings, improvements, and fixtures on that land are described as being in an assessor’s plat, shall be construed to mean the assessor’s plat of lands or land and the buildings, improvements, and fixtures on that land with its amendments or corrections as it stood on the date of making such assessment or instrument, or such plats may be identified by number. This subsection does not prohibit the division of lands or land and the buildings, improvements, and fixtures on that land that are included in an assessor’s plat by subdivision plat, as provided in s. 236.03, or by certified survey map, as provided in s. 236.34.