NR 113.07(3)(3)Land disposal of septage.
NR 113.07(3)(a)(a) No business may dispose of septage by a land application method unless the land application is done in accordance with this chapter and is consistent with the grade designation of the operator-in-charge.
NR 113.07 NoteNote: Any business disposing of septage by a land disposal method may be subject to the provisions of ch. 160, Stats., and ch. NR 140, if an analysis of the groundwater beneath the disposal field indicates groundwater contamination.
NR 113.07(3)(b)(b)
NR 113.07(3)(b)1.1. Septage may not be landspread on soils which have a permeability rate greater than 6 inches per hour within the top 36 inches, unless it is demonstrated that the soil has a water holding capacity of greater than 5 inches above the groundwater and bedrock. In no case may greater than the top 60 inches in a soil profile be used to determine the 5 inches of water holding capacity. Permeability shall be calculated using the following table or other method acceptable to the department:
NR 113.07(3)(b)2.2. Septage may not be surface applied on soils that have a permeability of less than 0.2 inches per hour within the top 6 inches of soil.
NR 113.07(3)(b)3.3. Septage may not be landspread or discharged into or on any wetlands or in areas subject to ponding, including any ditch, dry run, pond, lake, stream, flowage, floodplain, cave, sinkhole, mine, gravel pit, or quarry.
NR 113.07(3)(b)4.4. Septage may not be landspread on any land without the owner’s permission.
NR 113.07(3)(b)5.5. Septage shall be landspread in a manner to prevent surface runoff. Septage may not be landspread on saturated soils during rainfall events or in areas of ponded water. All landspreading fields shall be left in a litter free condition.
NR 113.07(3)(b)6.6. Land application vehicles shall be moving forward at all times while septage is being uniformly spread. Ponding of septage is prohibited.
NR 113.07(3)(b)7.7. Septage may not be landspread on fields that are receiving or have received POTW sludges in the last crop year.
NR 113.07(3)(b)8.8. Septage that is land applied based on the agronomic crop requirements may not be applied more than 10 months prior to the planting of the crop.
NR 113.07(3)(b)9.9. A minimum 2-foot wide grass strip shall be maintained at the property line down slope from all land application sites.
NR 113.07(3)(b)10.10. Fields that are discontinued for more than one year of crop production shall be revegetated with grass or other appropriate cover.
NR 113.07(3)(b)11.11.
NR 113.07(3)(b)11.a.a. Each business proposing to use a high use field shall establish the nitrogen need of the crop to be grown as determined by the analysis of soil samples.
NR 113.07(3)(b)11.b.b. The nitrogen recommendations shall be in accordance with the University of Wisconsin - Extension bulletin A-2809 dated November 2012, which is incorporated by reference or other soil nutrient determination and soil sampling guidance approved by the department.
NR 113.07 NoteNote: Copies of Bulletin A-2809 dated November 2012 are available for inspection in the offices of the department of natural resources and the legislative reference bureau.
NR 113.07(3)(b)12.12. Any person who land applies septage shall comply with the minimum separation distances and maximum slope requirements in Table 3.
NR 113.07(3)(b)13.13. Septage may not be landspread where it is likely to adversely affect a threatened or endangered species or its designated critical habitat or a historical site.
NR 113.07(3)(c)(c)
NR 113.07(3)(c)1.1. Septage may be landspread seasonally on or into soils with a seasonal high groundwater level at a depth greater than one foot but less than 3 feet from the surface if the landspreading is limited to times when the soil is not saturated within 3 feet of the surface.
NR 113.07(3)(c)2.2. Septage may be surface applied to hay fields after the hay has been harvested but not after the new growth of hay has reached a height of 6 inches above cut height.
NR 113.07(3)(c)3.3.
NR 113.07(3)(c)3.a.a. A site shall be approved by the department based on information available to the department at the time of the site request.
NR 113.07(3)(c)3.b.b. A site approval may be rescinded if information is provided or available to the department showing the information used by the department to approve a site is not consistent with the new information and the site is deemed by the department to be inadequate to protect public health and waters of the state.
NR 113.07(3)(c)3.c.c. The department may request a site approval to be re-reviewed when ownership issues are unclear, violations such as overapplication are identified, or other potential concerns are identified about a specific site.
NR 113.07(3)(c)3.d.d. A site that is approved by the department or by a county and meets all the separation requirements at the time of approval may not have the site approval rescinded for separation distance encroachment by residences, businesses, or recreational areas for a period of 5 years. This 5-year period shall run from the occupancy date of the encroachment.
NR 113.07(3)(c)4.4. Site management plans may not allow surface spreading of septage on disposal sites with a slope greater than 6 percent.