2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
June 29, 2021 - Offered by Representatives Subeck, Anderson, Andraca, Baldeh,
Billings, Bowen, Brostoff, Cabrera, Conley, Considine, Doyle, Drake,
Emerson, Goyke, Haywood, Hebl, Hesselbein, Hintz, Hong, McGuire, B.
, Milroy, Moore Omokunde, L. Myers, Neubauer, Ohnstad,
Ortiz-Velez, Pope, Riemer, S. Rodriguez, Shankland, Shelton, Sinicki,
Snodgrass, Spreitzer, Stubbs, Vining and Vruwink.
AB68-ASA2-AA2,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the substitute amendment as follows:
AB68-ASA2-AA2,1,2 21. Page 8, line 9: after that line insert:
AB68-ASA2-AA2,1,3 3 Section 9g. 15.07 (3) (bm) 7. of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA2,1,54 15.07 (3) (bm) 7. The prescription drug affordability review board shall meet
5at least 4 times each year.
AB68-ASA2-AA2,9m 6Section 9m. 15.197 (20) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA2,1,97 15.197 (20) Spinal cord injury council. (a) There is created in the department
8of health services a spinal cord injury council that, except as provided in par. (b),
9consists of the following members appointed by the department for 2-year terms:
AB68-ASA2-AA2,1,1110 1. One member representing the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine
11and Public Health.
AB68-ASA2-AA2,1,1212 2. One member representing the Medical College of Wisconsin.
13. One member who has a spinal cord injury.
AB68-ASA2-AA2,2,22 4. One member who is a family member of a person with a spinal cord injury.
AB68-ASA2-AA2,2,33 5. One member who is a veteran who has a spinal cord injury.
AB68-ASA2-AA2,2,54 6. One member who is a physician specializing in the treatment of spinal cord
AB68-ASA2-AA2,2,66 7. One member who is a researcher in the field of neurosurgery.
AB68-ASA2-AA2,2,87 8. One member who is a researcher employed by the veterans health
8administration of the U.S. department of veterans affairs.
AB68-ASA2-AA2,2,119 (b) If the department of health services is unable to appoint a member specified
10in par. (a) 1. to 8., the department of health services may appoint a member
11representing the general public in lieu of the member so specified.”.
AB68-ASA2-AA2,2,12 122. Page 8, line 14: after that line insert:
AB68-ASA2-AA2,2,13 13 Section 10m. 15.735 of the statutes is created to read:
AB68-ASA2-AA2,2,16 1415.735 Same; attached board. (1) There is created a prescription drug
15affordability review board attached to the office of the commissioner of insurance
16under s. 15.03. The board shall consist of the following members:
AB68-ASA2-AA2,2,1717 (a) The commissioner of insurance or his or her designee.
AB68-ASA2-AA2,2,2118 (b) Two members appointed for 4-year terms who represent the
19pharmaceutical drug industry, including pharmaceutical drug manufacturers and
20wholesalers. At least one of the members appointed under this paragraph shall be
21a licensed pharmacist.
AB68-ASA2-AA2,2,2322 (c) Two members appointed for 4-year terms who represent the health
23insurance industry, including insurers and pharmacy benefit managers.
1(d) Two members appointed for 4-year terms who represent the health care
2industry, including hospitals, physicians, pharmacies, and pharmacists. At least one
3of the members appointed under this paragraph shall be a licensed practitioner.