NR 162.04(1)(a)20.20. ‘Municipal staff, equipment, and materials.’ Municipal expenses incurred solely for the scored project and documented by the municipality as force account work, including any of the following: NR 162.04(1)(a)20.a.a. Salary and benefits of municipal employees, except elected officials or on-staff attorneys, for time spent working directly on the scored project. NR 162.04(1)(a)21.21. ‘Municipally owned facilities on private property.’ Grinder pumps, sewer laterals, service connections, service branches, risers, and riser pipes if located on private property and municipally owned and municipally maintained or if located on municipally owned land. NR 162.04(1)(a)22.22. ‘Pretreatment or toxicity reduction.’ Developing a municipal pretreatment or toxicity reduction program and constructing facilities to be used by the municipal treatment works in the program, including monitoring equipment. NR 162.04(1)(a)23.23. ‘Professional services.’ Engineering, architectural, legal, and other professional services and fees, including any of the following: NR 162.04(1)(a)23.f.f. Gathering documents and information for, completing, and submitting CWFP financial assistance applications or interest rate subsidy applications and other forms required for financial assistance. NR 162.04(1)(a)23.L.L. Preparing for and facilitating public education and participation opportunities. NR 162.04(1)(a)23.m.m. Travel, indirect costs, and labor for services provided for the scored project. NR 162.04(1)(a)23.n.n. Developing or updating a user charge system or a sewer use ordinance for wastewater treatment and the sewerage system in the municipality. NR 162.04(1)(a)23.q.q. Providing municipal advisor or bond counsel services related to loan closing or the issuance of bonds. NR 162.04(1)(a)23.t.t. Updating or upgrading treatment works maps of the areas impacted by the scored project. NR 162.04(1)(a)23.v.v. Providing administration of activities related to the federal Davis-Bacon and Related Acts or other wage requirements.