NR 810.21(8)(8) Continuous disinfectant residual and turbidity monitoring where appropriate. NR 810.21(9)(9) Water suppliers for public water systems using surface water and groundwater under the direct influence of surface water shall: NR 810.21(9)(a)(a) Submit a report describing the items required in sub. (2) to the department for review and approval. NR 810.21(9)(b)(b) Demonstrate the operation of the treatment plant by the SCADA system for a period of 6 months. NR 810.21(9)(c)(c) Provide a list of alarms generated during the demonstration period along with a request for approval to operate unattended. NR 810.21 HistoryHistory: CR 09-073: cr. Register November 2010 No. 659, eff. 12-1-10. NR 810.22NR 810.22 Emergency well operation. An emergency well is a well that is not routinely used. The well owner may obtain a written extended well abandonment agreement with the department to allow a normally unused or standby well to remain operational and to delay well abandonment provided that the well owner agrees in writing to the following requirements: NR 810.22(1)(1) The well water entering the distribution system may not exceed any bacteriological or nitrate drinking water standards. NR 810.22(2)(2) The well water may not contain any volatile organic or synthetic organic contaminant levels exceeding the maximum contaminant level or MCL that could lead to further water quality degradation of the groundwater. NR 810.22(3)(3) The well owner agrees to a 5 year cycle of reevaluation. Where the agreement is continued, it shall be renewed in writing every 5 years. NR 810.22(4)(4) A 6-year cycle for water quality monitoring is established. NR 810.22(5)(5) Bacteriological testing is conducted quarterly from the well. NR 810.22(6)(6) Nitrate is monitored annually from the well. NR 810.22(7)(7) The well meets current well construction and pump installation standards. NR 810.22(8)(8) The water supplier shall notify all customers of the use of the well if the water quality exceeds primary drinking water standards. NR 810.22(9)(9) The well owner agrees to televise any well in excess of 70 years old at least once every 15 years. NR 810.22(10)(10) The water system will restrict the use of the well if the water quality exceeds the primary drinking water standards to emergency use of no more than 2 days per quarter. The department may authorize an extended period of use for an individual event if contacted by the water supplier. NR 810.22 HistoryHistory: CR 09-073: cr. Register November 2010 No. 659, eff. 12-1-10. NR 810.23NR 810.23 Water system security and emergency operations. NR 810.23(1)(1) Water system security. Water system buildings and infrastructure access points above ground, such as reservoir hatches, lines used to pump to waste, doors and valve chambers, shall have adequate locks and be secured when not occupied or in use. Security measures that may be taken include: the installation of security fences, hardened or protected locks, exterior warning lights, exterior motion detectors, surveillance cameras; door, window, and hatch intrusion alarms, room motion sensors, steel doors, minimizing the size of windows, eliminating windows or using hardened window materials or iron, steel bars, or mesh over windows. Any security alarms installed shall be connected to telemetry control, SCADA systems, and monitored alarm systems where they are used. NR 810.23(2)(2) Emergency operations. Water suppliers for each community water system shall develop a plan to prepare for, respond to, mitigate and recover from all types of emergency situations, including terrorism, sabotage, natural disasters such as floods and tornadoes, loss of system-wide pressure, and overfeed of chemicals. NR 810.23(2)(a)(a) Municipal water systems shall have an emergency operation plan including, at a minimum: NR 810.23(2)(a)3.3. Any mutual aid agreements the water utility has with other communities for sharing personnel, equipment and other resources during an emergency. NR 810.23(2)(b)(b) Other-than-municipal water systems shall have an emergency operation plan including at a minimum: NR 810.23(2)(b)1.1. A list of plumbers, electricians or other contractors that would be available to respond in emergency situations.