2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE
2019 Senate BILL 915
March 26, 2020 - Introduced by Senators Jacque and Wanggaard, cosponsored by
Representatives Murphy and Wichgers. Referred to Committee on Public
Benefits, Licensing and State-Federal Relations.
SB915,1,5 1An Act to renumber 440.09 (2); to renumber and amend 440.09 (2m), 440.09
2(3) (a), 440.09 (3) (b), 440.09 (4) and 440.09 (5); to amend 101.022, 101.874 (2),
3101.874 (3) (intro.) and 440.09 (title); and to create 89.072 (3), 101.874 (4),
4440.09 (1) (title), 440.09 (1m), 440.09 (2e) (title) and 440.09 (3m) of the statutes;
5relating to: reciprocal credentials and granting rule-making authority.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill establishes a process for credential holders from other states to obtain
reciprocal credentials to practice their professions in Wisconsin. Under the bill, a
person who applies to the Department of Safety and Professional Services, a
credentialing board, or the Veterinary Examining Board, as appropriate, must be
granted a reciprocal credential if the person holds a license, certification,
registration, or permit granted by another state that qualifies the person to practice
the profession authorized under the analogous credential granted by DSPS or the
appropriate board. In order to receive the reciprocal credential, an applicant must
reside in Wisconsin and satisfy certain other requirements, including that 1) the
applicant has held a license, certification, registration, or permit analogous to the
credential in another state for at least one year; 2) when the applicant was granted
the license, certification, registration, or permit, minimum education and, if
applicable, work experience and clinical supervision requirements applied; 3) the
applicant has not had a license, certification, registration, or permit revoked; 4) the
applicant does not have a complaint, allegation, or investigation pending before a

regulating entity in another state or country relating to unprofessional conduct; 5)
the applicant passes a criminal background check that applies to applicants for the
analogous credential; and 6) the applicant passes an examination on the laws
governing practice of the profession in Wisconsin, if such an examination is required
for the analogous credential.
The bill generally applies to credentials granted by the Veterinary Examining
Board, DSPS, and credentialing boards in DSPS, but does not apply to credentials
related to transportation network companies, private colleges, boxing and martial
arts, body art and tanning facilities, private detectives, and security guards.
Additionally, a person who applies for a reciprocal credential under the bill
during the first year after it takes effect is not required to pay any fee for the
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as
an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB915,1 1Section 1. 89.072 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
SB915,2,42 89.072 (3) (a) The examining board shall grant a license or certification under
3s. 89.06 to a person who the examining board determines meets all of the following
SB915,2,65 1. The person applies for a license or certification under this chapter on a form
6prescribed by the examining board.
SB915,2,107 2. The person holds a license, certification, registration, or permit that was
8granted by another state that qualifies the person to perform the acts authorized
9under the license or certification granted by the examining board and all of the
10following apply:
SB915,2,1211 a. The person has held that license, certification, registration, or permit for at
12least one year.
SB915,3,213 b. When the person was granted the license, certification, registration, or
14permit, there were minimum education requirements in effect, and the other state

1verifies that the person met those requirements in order to receive that license,
2certification, registration, or permit.
SB915,3,33 3. The person establishes residence in this state.
SB915,3,54 4. The person previously passed all examinations required for the license,
5certification, registration, or permit in the other state, if required by the other state.
SB915,3,96 5. The person has not had his or her license, certification, registration, or
7permit revoked and has not voluntarily surrendered a license, certification,
8registration, or permit in another state or country while under investigation for
9unprofessional conduct.
SB915,3,1510 6. The person has not had discipline imposed by a regulating entity in another
11state or country, except that if a regulating entity in another state or country has
12taken disciplinary action against the person, the examining board shall determine
13if the cause for the action was corrected and the matter resolved, and if the matter
14has been resolved, the examining board shall issue the license or certification if the
15other requirements in this paragraph are satisfied.