AB484,128 3Section 128 . 49.19 (1) (a) 2. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,53,144 49.19 (1) (a) 2. a. Is living with a parent; a blood relative, including those of
5half-blood, and including first cousins, nephews or nieces and persons of preceding
6generations as denoted by prefixes of grand, great or great-great; a stepfather,
stepparent, stepbrother, or stepsister; a person who legally adopts the
8child or is the adoptive parent of the child's parent, a natural or legally adopted child
9of such person or a relative of an adoptive parent; or a spouse of any person named
10in this subparagraph subd. 2. a. even if the marriage is terminated by death or
11divorce; and is living in a residence maintained by one or more of these relatives as
12the child's or their own home, or living in a residence maintained by one or more of
13these relatives as the child's or their own home because the parents of the child have
14been found unfit to have care and custody of the child; or
AB484,129 15Section 129 . 49.19 (4) (d) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,53,1816 49.19 (4) (d) (intro.) Aid may be granted to the mother or stepmother parent
17or stepparent
of a dependent child if he or she is without a husband spouse or if he
AB484,130 19Section 130 . 49.19 (4) (d) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,53,2120 49.19 (4) (d) 1. Is the wife spouse of a husband person who is incapacitated for
21gainful work by mental or physical disability; or
AB484,131 22Section 131 . 49.19 (4) (d) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,54,223 49.19 (4) (d) 2. Is the wife spouse of a husband person who is incarcerated or
24who is a convicted offender permitted to live at home but precluded from earning a

1wage because the husband person is required by a court imposed sentence to perform
2unpaid public work or unpaid community service; or
AB484,132 3Section 132 . 49.19 (4) (d) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,54,64 49.19 (4) (d) 3. Is the wife spouse of a husband person who has been committed
5to the department pursuant to ch. 975, irrespective of the probable period of such
6commitment; or
AB484,133 7Section 133 . 49.19 (4) (d) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,54,108 49.19 (4) (d) 4. Is the wife spouse of a husband person who has continuously
9abandoned or failed to support him or her, if proceedings have been commenced
10against the husband person under ch. 769; or
AB484,134 11Section 134 . 49.19 (4) (d) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,54,1512 49.19 (4) (d) 5. Has been divorced and is without a husband spouse or legally
13separated from his or her husband spouse and is unable through use of the provisions
14of law to compel his or her former husband spouse to adequately support the child
15for whom aid is sought; or
AB484,135 16Section 135 . 49.225 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,55,317 49.225 (2) (a) A county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) may require, by
18subpoena in substantially the form authorized under s. 885.02 or by other means, a
19child, the child's mother person who gave birth to the child, and a male alleged, or
20alleging himself, to be the child's father
an alleged biological parent to submit to
21genetic tests if there is probable cause to believe that the male alleged biological
had sexual intercourse with the child's mother person who gave birth to the
during a possible time of the child's conception. Probable cause of sexual
24intercourse during a possible time of conception may be established by a sufficient
25affidavit of the child's mother person who gave birth to the child, the male alleged,

1or alleging himself, to be the child's father
alleged biological parent, or the county
2child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) based on information provided by the child's
person who gave birth to the child.
AB484,55,84 (b) If there is only one male alleged, or alleging himself, to be the father
5biological parent and one or more persons required to submit to genetic tests under
6par. (a) fail to appear for the scheduled tests, the county child support agency under
7s. 59.53 (5) may bring an action under s. 767.80 for determining the paternity
8parentage of the child.
AB484,136 9Section 136 . 49.225 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,55,1510 49.225 (3) (a) The county may seek reimbursement from either the mother or
11male alleged, or alleging himself, to be the father
person who gave birth to the child
12or the alleged biological parent
, or from both, if the test results show that the male
13alleged biological parent is not excluded as the father biological parent and that the
14statistical probability of the male's alleged biological parent's parentage is 99.0
15percent or higher.
AB484,137 16Section 137. 49.26 (1) (g) 11. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,55,1917 49.26 (1) (g) 11. If the individual is the mother of gave birth to a child, a
18physician has not determined that the individual should delay her return returning
19to school after giving birth.
AB484,138 20Section 138 . 49.345 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,56,1621 49.345 (2) Except as provided in sub. (14) (b) and (c), any person, including a
22person placed under s. 48.32 (1) (am) or (b), 48.345 (3), 48.357 (1) or (2m), 938.183,
23938.34 (3) or (4d), or 938.357 (1), (2m), (4), or (5) (e), receiving care, maintenance,
24services, and supplies provided by any institution in this state, in which the state is
25chargeable with all or part of the person's care, maintenance, services, and supplies,

1and the person's property and estate, including the homestead, and the spouse of the
2person, and the spouse's property and estate, including the homestead, and, in the
3case of a minor child, the parents of the person, and their property and estates,
4including their homestead, and, in the case of a foreign child described in s. 48.839
5(1) who became dependent on public funds for his or her primary support before an
6order granting his or her adoption, the resident of this state appointed guardian of
7the child by a foreign court who brought the child into this state for the purpose of
8adoption, and his or her property and estate, including his or her homestead, shall
9be liable for the cost of the care, maintenance, services, and supplies in accordance
10with the fee schedule established by the department under s. 49.32 (1). If a spouse,
11widow surviving spouse, or minor, or an incapacitated person may be lawfully
12dependent upon the property for his or her support, the court shall release all or such
13part of the property and estate from the charges that may be necessary to provide for
14the person. The department shall make every reasonable effort to notify the liable
15persons as soon as possible after the beginning of the maintenance, but the notice or
16the receipt of the notice is not a condition of liability.
AB484,139 17Section 139 . 49.43 (12) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,56,2018 49.43 (12) “Spouse" means the legal husband or wife of person to whom the
19beneficiary is legally married, whether or not the person is eligible for medical
AB484,140 21Section 140 . 49.463 (3) (b) 2. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,56,2322 49.463 (3) (b) 2. a. Alleged to be the father parent in a parentage action under
23s. 767.80 of a child under the age of 18.
AB484,141 24Section 141 . 49.471 (1) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB484,56,2525 49.471 (1) (b) 2. A stepfather, stepmother stepparent, stepbrother, or stepsister.