2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
February 22, 2024 - Offered by Representative O'Connor.
SB667-AA1,1,21 At the locations indicated, amend the bill, as shown by senate substitute
2amendment 1, as follows:
SB667-AA1,1,3 31. Page 1, line 2: delete “protection" and substitute “preservation” .
SB667-AA1,1,5 42. Page 2, line 2: delete “LEGACY" and substitute “DOMESTIC ASSET
SB667-AA1,1,7 63. Page 2, line 4: on lines 4, 6 and 8, delete “legacy" and substitute “domestic
7asset preservation".
SB667-AA1,1,9 84. Page 2, line 18: delete “nonlegacy trust to a legacy trust" and substitute
9“nondomestic asset preservation trust to a domestic asset preservation trust".
SB667-AA1,1,11 105. Page 2, line 20: delete “nonlegacy trust" and substitute “nondomestic asset
11preservation trust".
SB667-AA1,1,12 126. Page 3, line 10: after that line insert:
1(6m) “Domestic asset preservation trust" means a trust created by a written
2instrument, the terms of which do all of the following:
SB667-AA1,2,53 (a) Appoint at least one qualified trustee to accept property that is the subject
4of a disposition, regardless of whether the terms of the trust also appoint a
5nonqualified trustee.
SB667-AA1,2,76 (b) Expressly designate the laws of this state to govern the meaning and effect
7of the terms of the trust, in whole or in part.
SB667-AA1,2,88 (c) Expressly provide that the trust is irrevocable.
SB667-AA1,2,109 (d) Include a spendthrift provision that applies to an interest of a beneficiary
10in trust property, including an interest of a transferor who is a beneficiary.”.
SB667-AA1,2,11 117. Page 3, line 14: delete lines 14 to 23.
SB667-AA1,2,13 128. Page 3, line 25: delete “Nonlegacy" and substitute “Nondomestic asset
SB667-AA1,2,15 149. Page 3, line 25: delete “a legacy" and substitute “a domestic asset
SB667-AA1,2,16 1610. Page 4, line 1: after that line insert:
SB667-AA1,2,18 17(11m) “Qualified affidavit” means an affidavit that meets all of the
18requirements of s. 701.1312 (2).”.
SB667-AA1,2,20 1911. Page 4, line 3: on lines 3, 12, 14 and 16, delete “legacy" and substitute
20“domestic asset preservation".