(1) (d)
Reimbursement for tuition payments. The amounts in the
7schedule to reimburse school districts
, charter schools under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x),
8and private schools for payments under s. 118.55 (5) (e) 2.”.
11106.125 Early college credit program. On behalf of the school board of a
12school district
, on behalf of a governing board of a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r)
13or (2x), and on behalf of the governing body of a participating private school, as
1defined in s. 118.55 (1) (c), the department of workforce development shall pay to the
2department of public instruction the costs of tuition for a pupil who attends an
3institution of higher education under the program under s. 118.55 as provided under
4s. 118.55 (5) (e) 2. and 3.
(3) (a) A public school pupil who intends to enroll in an institution of
10higher education under this section shall notify the school board of the school district
11in which he or she is enrolled
or the governing board of the charter school under s.
12118.40 (2r) or (2x) that he or she attends and a pupil attending a private school who
13intends to enroll in an institution of higher education under this section shall notify
14the governing body of the private school he or she attends of that intention no later
15than March 1 if the pupil intends to enroll in the fall semester, and no later than
16October 1 if the pupil intends to enroll in the spring semester. The notice shall
17include the titles of the courses in which the pupil intends to enroll and the number
18of credits of each course, and shall specify whether the pupil will be taking the
19courses for high school or postsecondary credit.
(3) (b) If the public school pupil specifies in the notice under par. (a) that
22he or she intends to take a course at an institution of higher education for high school
23credit, the school board
or governing board of the charter school under s. 118.40 (2r)
24or (2x) shall determine whether the course is comparable to a course offered in the
25school district
, and or charter school, whether the course satisfies any
of the high
1school graduation requirements
under s. 118.33
, and the number of high school
2credits to award the pupil for the course, if any. If the pupil attending a private school
3specifies in the notice under par. (a) that he or she intends to take a course at an
4institution of higher education for high school credit, the governing body of the
5participating private school shall determine whether the course is comparable to a
6course offered at the private school, whether the course satisfies any requirements
7necessary for high school graduation, and the number of high school credits to award
8the pupil for the course, if any. In cooperation with institutions of higher education,
9the state superintendent shall develop guidelines to assist school
districts boards,
10governing boards of charter schools under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), and participating
11private schools in making the determinations. The school board
, governing board, 12or governing body shall notify the pupil of its determinations, in writing, before the
13beginning of the semester in which the pupil will be enrolled. If the public school
14pupil disagrees with the
school board's decision
of a school board or governing board
15of a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x) regarding comparability of courses,
16satisfaction of high school graduation requirements
, or the number of high school
17credits to be awarded, the pupil may appeal the
school board's decision to the state
18superintendent within 30 days after the decision. The state superintendent's
19decision shall be final and is not subject to review under subch. III of ch. 227. If the
20pupil attending a participating private school disagrees with any decision of a
21governing body under this paragraph, the pupil may appeal the decision to the
22governing body within 30 days after the decision.
(4) (b) If an institution of higher education admits a pupil, it shall notify
25the school board of the school district in which the pupil is enrolled
, the governing
1board of the charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x) the pupil attends, or the
2governing body of the pupil's participating private school, in writing, within 30 days
3after the beginning of classes at the institution of higher education. The notification
4shall include the course or courses in which the pupil is enrolled.
(4) (c) If a pupil is not admitted to attend the course that he or she
7specified in the notice under sub. (3) (a) but is admitted to attend a different course,
8the pupil shall immediately notify the school board of the school district in which he
9or she is enrolled
, the governing board of the charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) or
10(2x) the pupil attends, or the governing body of the pupil's participating private
11school and the school board
, governing board, or governing body shall inform the
12pupil of its determinations under sub. (3) (b) regarding the course to which the pupil
13was admitted as soon as practicable.