NR 812.07(95)(95)“Septic tank” has the meaning specified in s. NR 113.03 (56).
NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 113.03 (56) defines “septic tank” as a tank which receives and partially treats sewage through processes of sedimentation, oxidation, flotation and bacterial action so as to separate solids from the liquid in the sewage and discharges the liquid to a soil absorption system.
NR 812.07(96g)(96g)“Sludge” has the meaning in s. NR 500.03 (212).
NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 500.03 (212) defines “sludge” as any solid, semi-solid or liquid waste generated from a municipal, commercial or industrial wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant or air pollution control facility.
NR 812.07(96m)(96m)“Sodium bentonite” means a clay formed from the decomposition and recrystallization of volcanic ash and is largely composed of the clay mineral montmorillonite (Na.33 (Al1.67Mg.33) Si4O10 (OH)2), commonly referred to as “western” or “Wyoming” bentonite, and has extensive ability to absorb water and swell to many times its original volume.
NR 812.07(97)(97)“Soil absorption unit” means an absorption field, dry well, seepage bed, seepage pit, seepage mound or seepage trench designed for the disposal of wastewater effluent or clear water wastes by soil absorption. Soil absorption unit includes units both regulated and not regulated by ch. SPS 383 and units abandoned within 3 years.
NR 812.07(97m)(97m)“Solid waste processing facility” has the meaning specified for “processing facility” in s. NR 500.03 (181).
NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 500.03 (181) defines “processing facility” as a solid waste facility at which solid waste is baled, shredded, pulverized, composted, classified, separated, combusted or otherwise treated or altered by some means to facilitate further transfer, processing, utilization or disposal. Processing facilities do not include operations conducted by scrap metal, paper, fiber or plastic processors which are excluded from the definition of “solid waste facilities” in this section.
NR 812.07(97r)(97r)“Solid waste storage facility” has the meaning specified for “storage facility” in s. NR 500.03 (224).
NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 500.03 (224) defines “storage facility” as a solid waste facility for the storage of solid waste, on a temporary basis in such a manner as not to constitute ultimate disposal of solid waste.
NR 812.07(98)(98)“Solid waste transfer facility” has the meaning specified for “transfer facility” in s. NR 500.03 (238).
NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 500.03 (238) defines “transfer facility” as a solid waste facility at which transferring of solid waste from one vehicle or container to another, generally of larger capacity, occurs prior to transporting to the point of processing or disposal.
NR 812.07(99)(99)“Special well casing depth area” means an area established by the department requiring greater depth of well casing pipe, sampling or other stringent well or drillhole construction methods because of contamination.
NR 812.07 NoteNote: A list of established special well casing depth areas is available on the department’s website at
NR 812.07(101)(101)“Spring” means a place where groundwater flows naturally from rock or soil onto the land surface or into a body of water.
NR 812.07(102)(102)“Standard dimension ratio” means the ratio of average outside pipe diameter to minimum pipe wall thickness.
NR 812.07(103)(103)“Static water level” means the level of the surface of the water in a well or water pressure at the top of a well, when no water flows or is being pumped. For flowing wells with a positive water pressure at the top of the well, the static water elevation is determined either by a stilling pipe or pressure gauge. Water levels are referenced to the elevation of the top of the well or the established ground surface at the well.
NR 812.07(106)(106)“Storm sewer” means a buried pipe designed or used for collecting or conveying storm water.
NR 812.07(107)(107)“Subsoil drain” means that part of a drain system that conveys groundwater to a point of discharge or dispersal.
NR 812.07(108)(108)“Sump” means a tank or pit that receives wastewater that must be emptied by mechanical means.
NR 812.07(108r)(108r)“Surface water” means all water which is open to the atmosphere and subject to surface runoff.
NR 812.07(109)(109)“Surge tank” means a tank into which overflow from a flowing well, spring or other water source is discharged and is repumped to a pressure tank or the water system.
NR 812.07(110)(110)“Telescoping method” means a method for setting a well screen where the well casing pipe is driven to the proposed screen setting depth and the well casing pipe is then pulled back to expose the screen. A packer is used to seal the annulus between the top of the screen and the bottom of the well casing pipe.
NR 812.07(110m)(110m)“Temporary manure stack” means solid manure only, piled for no more than 120 days within any one year period.
NR 812.07(110s)(110s)“Temporary outer casing” means a string of casing pipe that is driven, turned or placed from the ground surface into the surficial geological formation or formations as part of the process of constructing an upper enlarged drillhole and which is not intended to be left in place as a permanent well casing pipe.
NR 812.07(111)(111)“Top of bedrock” means the top of firm rock as determined by a change in the action of the drilling machine or a change in the type and size of the drill cuttings. The presence of bedrock shall be indicated when a majority of the drill cuttings consist of either angular rock fragments, as in the case of crystalline bedrock, or rock fragments composed of individual grains or rock particles that are cemented together to form an aggregate, as opposed to single sediment particles, such as in sand.
NR 812.07(111m)(111m)“Treatment pond” means a structure that is used for the treatment or storage of liquid waste. Treatment pond includes absorption, retention, storage and treatment ponds or lagoons.
NR 812.07(112g)(112g)“Unconsolidated formation” means geological materials composed of clay, silt, sand, gravel, or cobbles that are not bedrock, and includes alluvium, glacial drift, glacial outwash, glacial till, lacustrine deposits, loess, and saprolite.
NR 812.07(112k)(112k)“Upper enlarged drillhole” means a drillhole larger in diameter than the well casing pipe.