2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE
February 20, 2020 - Offered by Representatives B. Meyers, Stuck, Doyle,
Spreitzer, Considine, Subeck, Sinicki, Ohnstad, Pope, Hebl, Shankland,
Billings, Kolste and Brostoff.
SB46-AA1,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
SB46-AA1,1,3 21. Page 1, line 3: after “surcharge" insert “, creating a task force on missing and
3murdered tribal women and girls,".
SB46-AA1,1,4 42. Page 3, line 8: after that line insert:
SB46-AA1,1,5 5 Section 7e. Nonstatutory provisions.
SB46-AA1,1,6 6(1) Task force on missing and murdered tribal women and girls.
SB46-AA1,1,77 (a) Definitions. In this subsection:
SB46-AA1,1,9 81. “Nongovernmental organization” means a nonprofit, nongovernmental
9organization that provides legal, social, or other community services.
SB46-AA1,1,11 102. “Reservation lands” means all lands within the exterior boundaries of an
11Indian reservation in this state.
SB46-AA1,1,13 123. “Tribe” means a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this
1(b) Membership. Within 45 days of the effective date of this paragraph, the
2attorney general shall establish a special committee under s. 15.04 (1) (c) called the
3task force on missing and murdered tribal women and girls. The task force shall
4consist of the following members, who are knowledgeable in crime victims rights or
5violence protection, and who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the
6attorney general unless otherwise specified:
SB46-AA1,2,8 71. Four or more representatives for tribal governments, with a focus on
8individuals who work with victims of violence or their families.
SB46-AA1,2,9 92. Two or more female tribal elders.
SB46-AA1,2,11 103. Two members of the senate, one appointed by the majority leader and one
11appointed by the minority leader.
SB46-AA1,2,13 124. Two members of the assembly, one appointed by the speaker of the assembly
13and one appointed by the minority leader.
SB46-AA1,2,14 145. Two representatives from among the following:
SB46-AA1,2,15 15a. The Wisconsin Chiefs of Police Association.
SB46-AA1,2,16 16b. The Badger State Sheriffs' Association.