NR 1.15(2)(a)(a) Deer population objectives. The department shall seek to maintain a deer herd in balance with its range and with deer population and sustainable harvest objectives that are reasonably compatible with social, economic and ecosystem management objectives for each deer management unit. Deer population objectives are to be based on:
NR 1.15(2)(a)1.1. Carrying capacity as determined by unit population responses to habitat quality and historical records of winter severity.
NR 1.15(2)(a)2.2. Hunter success in harvesting and seeing deer and public deer viewing opportunities.
NR 1.15(2)(a)3.3. Ecological and economic impacts of deer browsing.
NR 1.15(2)(a)4.4. Disease transmission.
NR 1.15(2)(a)5.5. Concern for deer-vehicle collisions.
NR 1.15(2)(a)6.6. Chippewa treaty harvest.
NR 1.15(2)(a)7.7. Hunter access to land in a deer management unit.
NR 1.15(2)(a)8.8. Ability to manage the deer herd in a management unit towards an established population objective.
NR 1.15(2)(a)9.9. Tolerable levels of deer damage as described in par. (am).
NR 1.15(2)(am)(am) Tolerable levels of deer damage to crops. Deer damage to crops in a deer management unit exceeds tolerable levels when the crop damage is greater than 2.5 times the median in 2 of the following 4 indicators:
NR 1.15(2)(am)1.1. Appraised deer damage losses determined through the wildlife damage program under s. 29.889, Stats., per 100 overwinter deer.
NR 1.15(2)(am)2.2. Appraised deer damage losses determined through the wildlife damage program under s. 29.889, Stats., per square mile of land in the deer management unit.
NR 1.15(2)(am)3.3. Appraised deer damage losses determined through the wildlife damage program under s. 29.889, Stats., per square mile of agricultural land in the deer management unit.
NR 1.15(2)(am)4.4. Number of claims for deer damage submitted through the wildlife damage program under s. 29.889, Stats., per 100 square miles of total land.
NR 1.15 NoteNote: The crop damage data used for these evaluations are adjusted to omit damage losses to high valued crops such as cranberry, orchard, Christmas tree, truck farm crops, etc. where low deer numbers can still cause high losses, and where effective abatement is available in the form of 8 foot high deer barrier, high tensile woven wire fences. The focus of the “tolerable levels” criteria is on chronic damage losses caused by high deer populations.
NR 1.15(2)(at)(at) If crop damage in a deer management unit with an objective to maintain or increase the population is above the tolerable limit in 2 years out of a 3 year period prior to a unit review under s. NR 10.104 (3), the department shall consider establishing an objective to reduce or maintain the deer population.
NR 1.15(2)(b)(b) Hunting objectives. Achieving and maintaining opportunities for a range of deer hunting experience while still allowing to the extent possible, freedom of choice by hunters. Regulations should provide incentives or disincentives to encourage better distribution of hunting pressure. If hunter numbers continue to increase, control of hunting pressure may become necessary.
NR 1.15(2)(c)(c) Black bear. Maintaining the black bear as a trophy big game animal and offering the best opportunity for a quality hunting experience. In addition, the maintenance of a quality hunt will be emphasized by continuing controls over the use of bait and dogs.
NR 1.15(2)(d)(d) Animal damage. Deer, bear and elk damage complaints will be handled according to the provisions of s. 29.889, Stats., and rules as published in the Wisconsin administrative code. Damage can be most economically controlled by maintaining populations with a hunting season harvest as specified in par. (a).
NR 1.15(2)(e)(e) Elk. Maintaining elk as a big game animal and offering the best opportunity for a once-in-a-lifetime, quality hunting experience. In addition, the maintenance of elk as a valued component of the natural community will be emphasized by continued management.
NR 1.15(3)(3)Research and surveys. Surveys, investigations and research shall be conducted to provide technical information necessary to evaluate population objectives and establish population trends, harvest recommendations, population objectives and habitat management needs and guidelines.
NR 1.15 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, April, 1975, No. 232, eff. 5-1-75; r. and recr. Register, July, 1977, No. 259, eff. 8-1-77; am. (2) (d), Register, January, 1984, No. 337, eff. 2-1-84; am. (1) (a), (2) (a) and (b), r. and recr. (1) (b) and (c), Register, July, 1987, No. 379, eff. 8-1-87; r. and recr. (2) (a), Register, July, 1996, No. 487, eff. 8-1-96; correction in (2) (d) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, September, 1999, No. 525; CR 00-154: am. (2) (a) and cr. (2) (am) and (at), Register January 2002 No. 553, eff. 2-1-02; CR 08-021: am. (intro.) and (2) (d), cr. (2) (e) Register November 2008 No. 635, eff. 12-1-08; Emr1405: emerg. am. (2) (at), (3), eff. 2-25-14; CR 13-071: am. (1) (a), (b), (c) 1., (2) (a) (title), (intro.), r. and recr. (2) (a) 8., am. (2) (at), (3) Register July 2015 No. 715, eff. 8-1-15.
NR 1.16NR 1.16Furbearers. For the purposes of this section, furbearers are muskrat, mink, weasel, beaver, fisher, otter, skunk, raccoon, fox, coyote, bobcat and opossum. The furbearer management program has the following essential needs and actions:
NR 1.16(1)(1)Habitat management.
NR 1.16(1)(a)(a) Wetlands are the primary habitat component for many furbearers so the actions regarding wetland protection and management stated in s. NR 1.12 (1) are reemphasized in relation to furbearers.
NR 1.16(1)(b)(b) The capacity to produce furbearers on lands and waters under the management and control of the department can be increased through more intensive management of suitable habitat. Generally, management activities designed to improve furbearer populations are compatible with management for other species of wildlife. In certain situations, populations of furbearers such as fox, raccoon, coyotes and skunks can depress the population of other game species. Management activities on department lands should be designed to achieve a desirable balance between predator and prey species which is consistent with goals and objectives established in the course of developing master plans for state properties.
NR 1.16(1)(c)(c) Since the majority of furbearers depend upon habitat under the control of private landowners, management information will be provided to private landowners requesting it. Incentive programs to encourage habitat preservation and management on private lands will be developed where they are feasible.
NR 1.16(2)(2)Harvest. Furbearers are significant from an ecological, biological, recreational, cultural and economic standpoint. Management efforts will assure their future in suitable natural ecosystems and harvest regulations will be designed to make optimum use of these species for these purposes.