DCF 250.05(4)(a)2.2. Current arrival and departure information for each child enrolled and the names of people authorized to pick up the child. DCF 250.05(4)(a)3.3. A review of children’s records, including emergency contact information. DCF 250.05(4)(a)4.4. Specific information relating to each child’s health care needs, including medications, disabilities, or special health conditions. DCF 250.05(4)(a)5.5. If the center is licensed to care for children under one year of age, procedures to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. DCF 250.05(4)(a)6.6. An overview of the daily schedule, including meals, snacks, nap, and any information related to the eating and sleep schedules of infants and toddlers enrolled in the center. DCF 250.05(4)(a)7.7. A review of the center’s procedures for dealing with emergencies, including natural disasters, human-caused events, food emergencies, and allergic reactions. DCF 250.05(4)(a)9.9. If the center is licensed to care for children between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m., the plan for evacuating sleeping children. DCF 250.05(4)(a)10.10. The prevention and control of infectious diseases, including immunizations. DCF 250.05(4)(a)12.12. The handling and storage of hazardous materials and disposal of biocontaminants. In this subdivision, “biocontaminants” includes blood, body fluids, or excretions that may spread infectious disease. DCF 250.05 NoteNote: The licensee may use the department’s form, DCF-F-CFS2255, Staff Orientation Checklist - Family Child Care Centers, or the licensee’s own form to document completion of employee orientation. The form is available at https://dcf.wisconsin.gov/cclicensing/ccformspubs. DCF 250.05(4)(b)(b) Orientation of emergency back-up providers. Each time an emergency back-up provider cares for the children, the emergency back-up provider shall receive an orientation immediately before being left alone with the children. The orientation shall cover all of the following: DCF 250.05(4)(b)2.2. Arrival and departure information for each child in care, including the names of people authorized to pick up the child. DCF 250.05(4)(b)3.3. The location of children’s files, including emergency contact information and consent for emergency medical treatment. DCF 250.05(4)(b)5.5. Procedures to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, if the center is licensed to care for children under one year of age. DCF 250.05(4)(c)1.1. Each licensee and provider shall satisfactorily complete at least 15 hours of qualifying continuing education annually. Continuing education qualifies under this paragraph if it covers any of the following: DCF 250.05(4)(c)1.c.c. Prevention of and response to emergencies due to food and allergic reactions.