Senate Journal
One-Hundred and Sixth Regular Session
FRIDAY, November 3, 2023
The Chief Clerk made the following entries under the above date.
Chief Clerk's Entries
Amendments Offered
hist176886Senate Substitute Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 409 offered by Senator Cowles.
Report of Committees
The committee on Senate Organization reported:
Public hearing requirement waived, pursuant to Senate Rule 18 (1m):
Assembly Bill 284
Ayes: 5 - Senators LeMahieu, Kapenga, Feyen, Agard and Smith.
Noes: 0 - None.
Placed the following appointments and proposals on the Senate Calendar of Tuesday, November 07, 2023:
hist176950John Anderson
hist176951Lisa Bahr
hist176952Dr. Allison Becker
hist176953Dr. Barbara Bradley
hist176954Cindy Brown
hist176955Clark Collins
hist176956Dr. Jill Crista
hist176957Dr. James Damrow
hist176958Janice Ann Edelstein
hist176959Lee Engelbrecht
hist176960Jean Fischer
hist176961Dr. Diane Gerlach
hist176962David Fletcher Gundersen