2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE
2019 Assembly BILL 732
January 9, 2020 - Introduced by Representatives Spreitzer, Riemer, C. Taylor,
Neubauer, Anderson, Brostoff, Emerson, Hebl, Pope, Shankland, Sinicki,
Subeck and Zamarripa, cosponsored by Senators Miller, Larson and Smith.
Referred to Committee on Campaigns and Elections.
AB732,2,7 1An Act to repeal 5.02 (22), 5.58, 8.05 (3), 8.05 (5), 8.11, 8.13, 10.02 (3) (b) 4., 10.06
2(2) (b), 10.06 (2) (d), 10.06 (3) (as), 10.06 (3) (b), 11.0101 (33), 11.0204 (2), 11.0304
3(2), 11.0504 (2), 11.0604 (2), 11.0704 (2), 11.0804 (2), 60.10 (1) (c) 2., 117.22 (2)
4(e) and 120.06 (7) (b); to renumber 60.10 (1) (c) 1. and 120.06 (7) (a); to
5renumber and amend
7.60 (4) (c); to amend 5.01 (4) (a), 5.01 (4) (b), 5.01 (4)
6(c), 5.01 (5), 5.02 (19), 5.02 (20r), 5.15 (6) (b), 5.60 (1) (ag), 5.64 (1) (ar) 1m., 5.64
7(1) (ar) 2., 5.66 (1), 5.68 (5), 7.08 (1) (c), 7.10 (6), 7.50 (1) (b), 7.50 (1) (c), 7.50 (2)
8(intro.), 7.50 (2) (hm), 7.51 (4) (a), 7.51 (5) (a) 3., 7.53 (1) (a), 7.53 (2) (d), 7.53 (3)
9(a), 7.53 (3) (b), 7.60 (4) (a), 7.60 (4) (b), 7.70 (3) (a), 8.05 (4) (a), 8.10 (1), 8.17 (1)
10(a), 8.17 (4), 8.17 (5) (b), 8.50 (2) (a), 8.50 (2) (b), 8.50 (3) (a), 8.50 (3) (b), 10.01
11(2) (d), 10.01 (2) (e), 10.02 (3) (intro.), 10.06 (1) (c), 10.06 (1) (e), 10.06 (3) (am),
1210.06 (3) (bm), 10.06 (3) (f), 10.06 (4) (g), 11.0101 (29), 11.0204 (3) (a), 11.0304
13(3) (a), 11.0504 (3) (a), 11.0604 (3) (a), 11.0804 (3) (a), 38.16 (3) (br) 1., 59.17 (7),
1459.605 (3) (a) 1., 64.04 (2), 66.0602 (4) (a), 66.0619 (2m) (b), 66.0921 (2), 67.05

1(6a) (a) 2. a., 67.05 (6m) (b), 67.12 (12) (e) 5., 77.994 (3) (b) 2. b., 119.08 (2), 120.06
2(8) (a), 120.06 (8) (b), 120.06 (8) (c) (intro.), 120.06 (8) (d), 120.06 (8) (f), 120.06
3(8) (g), 120.06 (8) (h), 120.06 (9) (a), 121.91 (3) (a) 1. and 995.20; and to create
45.05 (1) (g), 5.20, 6.80 (2) (g), 7.60 (4) (c) 3., 7.60 (4) (c) 4., 7.62, 8.05 (1) (L), 10.02
5(4), 11.0204 (3) (am), 11.0304 (3) (am), 11.0504 (3) (am), 11.0604 (3) (am),
611.0804 (3) (am) and 20.510 (1) (ed) of the statutes; relating to: ranked-choice
7voting, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill requires ranked-choice voting for the election of all federal, state, and
local officials, not including recall elections for any such officials. Under
ranked-choice voting, each voter may rank as many preferences for each office or
seat as there are candidates whose names appear on the ballot for that office or seat.
If the voter indicates a preference for more than one candidate for an office or seat,
the voter must indicate a preference between the candidates by designating one as
“first choice," another as “second choice," and ranking subsequent choices in
sequential preference. A voter may also indicate a preference for one or more
write-in candidates for any office or seat.
A voter who casts one vote for a candidate for an office or seat but who does not
indicate a preference is considered to have cast a “first-choice" preference for that
candidate. If any candidate receives a majority of the first-choice preferences for the
office or seat, that candidate is elected. If no candidate receives a majority of the
first-choice preferences for an office or seat, the name of the candidate receiving the
least number of first-choice preferences is dropped and the second-choice
preferences of the voters who preferred that candidate, if any, are then added to the
first-choice preferences received by the other candidates. Subsequent preferences
of those voters are allocated to the other candidates in a similar manner as
candidates with the fewest voter preferences are eliminated. If any candidate for the
office or seat then has a majority of the combined first-choice and reallocated
preferences, that candidate is elected. If not, the procedure is repeated until one
candidate receives a majority of the combined first-choice and reallocated
In the case of a multiple-seat district, the candidates whose vote total is equal
to or greater than the threshold number of votes are elected. The threshold is
determined by dividing the total number of votes cast for the open seats by the
number of the open seats, plus one, and adding one to the quotient, disregarding any
fractions. Generally, if a candidate receives more than the number of threshold votes
during a round of counting the preferential votes, his or her surplus votes are

allocated to the continuing candidates in order of preference until all open seats are
filled. A voter may also indicate a preference for one or more write-in candidates.
Under ranked-choice voting, no primary election is held other than a special
primary for a partisan office, the partisan primary, and the presidential preference
primary. At the partisan primary, ranked-choice voting is used to determine the
candidate for each political party on the ballot who shall advance to the general
election. At the special primary, ranked-choice voting is used to determine the
candidate for each political party on the ballot who shall advance to the special
election. At the presidential preference primary, ranked-choice voting is used to
express preferences for the person to be the presidential candidate for each party in
a year in which electors for president and vice president are to be elected.
Finally, the bill authorizes the Elections Commission to make expenditures to
implement and administer ranked-choice voting, including updating equipment
and software and implementing secure technologies, and to make grants to counties
and municipalities for the same purpose.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB732,1 1Section 1 . 5.01 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB732,3,82 5.01 (4) (a) If Except as provided under s. 7.62, if 2 or more candidates for the
3same office receive the greatest, but an equal number of votes, the winner shall be
4chosen by lot in the presence of the board of canvassers charged with the
5responsibility to determine the election, or in the case of an election for state or
6national office or metropolitan sewerage commissioner, if the commissioner is
7elected under s. 200.09 (11) (am), in the presence of the chairperson of the elections
8commission or the chairperson's designee.
AB732,2 9Section 2 . 5.01 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB732,3,1310 5.01 (4) (b) If Except as provided under s. 7.62, if, in a primary, 2 or more
11candidates receive an equal but not the greatest number of votes so that only one of
12those candidates with equal votes may advance to the final election, the choice shall
13similarly be made by drawing lots.
1Section 3. 5.01 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: