2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE
November 14, 2019 - Introduced by Representatives Ballweg, Milroy, Murphy,
Novak, Spiros, VanderMeer, Vruwink, Felzkowski, Edming and Brooks,
cosponsored by Senators Olsen, Cowles and Petrowski. Referred to
Committee on Housing and Real Estate.
1An Act to repeal 703.275 (5) and 703.28 (1m) (a);
to renumber 703.13 (7) (a)
2and 703.275 (1) (title);
to renumber and amend 703.095, 703.11 (2) (b), 703.13
3(6) (c), 703.26 (2) (b), 703.275 (1) and 703.28 (1m) (b);
to consolidate,
4renumber and amend 703.08 (2) (intro.), (a) and (b);
to amend 703.02 (1b),
5703.02 (1h), 703.02 (3), 703.02 (6m), 703.02 (14g), 703.07 (2), 703.09 (2), 703.09
6(4), 703.093 (1), 703.093 (7), 703.10 (5), 703.11 (2) (d), 703.11 (5), 703.115 (1) (b),
7703.12, 703.13 (4), 703.13 (6) (d), 703.13 (6) (e), 703.13 (6) (f), 703.13 (7) (b),
8703.13 (7) (c), 703.13 (7) (d), 703.13 (8) (b), 703.13 (8) (c), 703.163 (11), 703.165
9(3), 703.19 (5), 703.26 (2) (intro.), 703.26 (2) (a), 703.26 (2) (c), 703.26 (2) (d),
10703.26 (3), 703.265 (3), 703.30 (2), 703.365 (3m) and 706.01 (7r) (b); and
11create 703.02 (3m), 703.02 (8m), 703.065, 703.09 (1) (title), 703.09 (1b), 703.09
12(1c) (title), 703.09 (2m) (title), 703.09 (3) (title), 703.095 (2) (d), 703.095 (3),
13703.11 (2) (b) 3., 703.13 (7) (ac), 703.26 (3) (d), 703.275 (1c) and 703.275 (1m) (b)
1of the statutes;
relating to: requirements related to condominium documents
2and technical changes to condominium law.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill makes various changes to condominium law and clarifies
requirements related to various types of condominium documents.
General recording requirements; condominium instruments
This bill specifies that every instrument related to a condominium other than
a plat or an addendum (a modification to a plat) that is offered to a register of deeds
for recording must meet the following criteria:
1. The instrument must include the name of the condominium as it appears in
the declaration.
2. The instrument must meet the standard formatting requirements for
recorded documents.
3. The instrument must include any signatures required by law and must be
notarized or authenticated.
4. If the county in which the instrument is to be recorded has an ordinance that
requires local review of condominium instruments before recording, the instrument
must be accompanied by the certified written approval of the person who performed
the local review.
In addition, the bill specifies that a register of deeds may record an amendment,
addendum, or correction instrument only if the document satisfies the above criteria,
if applicable, and satisfies the following:
1. It refers to the instrument being modified or corrected.
2. It is numbered consecutively or states that it is an amendment and
restatement of the instrument being modified or corrected.
3. It identifies all units in the condominium.
4. It clearly states the changes being made to the document being modified or