AB917,115 15Section 115 . 283.84 (3m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB917,32,1916 283.84 (3m) A person engaged in mining, as defined in s. 293.01 (9) or 295.41
, prospecting, as defined in s. 293.01 (18), bulk sampling, as defined in s. 293.01
18(2m) or 295.41 (7),
or nonmetallic mining, as defined in s. 295.11 (3), may not enter
19into an agreement under sub. (1).
AB917,116 20Section 116 . 287.13 (5) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB917,33,221 287.13 (5) (e) Solid waste produced by a commercial business or industry which
22is disposed of or held for disposal in an approved facility, as defined under s. 289.01
23(3), or a mining waste site, as defined in s. 295.41 (31), covered by a mining permit
24under s. 295.58,
owned or leased by the generator or on which the generator holds

1an easement
, and designed and constructed for the purpose of accepting that type of
2solid waste.
AB917,117 3Section 117 . 289.62 (2) (g) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB917,33,54 289.62 (2) (g) 2. For nonhazardous tailing solids or for nonacid producing
5taconite tailing solids
, 0.2 cent per ton.
AB917,118 6Section 118 . 289.62 (2) (g) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB917,33,87 289.62 (2) (g) 6. For nonhazardous waste rock or for nonacid producing taconite
8waste rock
, 0.1 cent per ton.
AB917,119 9Section 119 . 292.01 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB917,33,1110 292.01 (1m) “Approved mining facility" has the meaning given in s. 289.01 (4)
11and includes a mining waste site, as defined in s. 295.41 (31).
AB917,120 12Section 120 . Chapter 293 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB917,33,1313 CHAPTER 293
AB917,121 15Section 121 . 293.01 (2m) of the statutes is repealed.
AB917,122 16Section 122 . 293.01 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB917,33,2317 293.01 (5) “Mineral exploration" or “exploration", unless the context requires
18otherwise, means the on-site geologic examination from the surface of an area by
19core, rotary, percussion or other drilling, where the diameter of the hole does not
20exceed 18 inches, for the purpose of searching for nonferrous metallic minerals or
21establishing the nature of a known nonferrous metallic mineral deposit, and includes
22associated activities such as clearing and preparing sites or constructing roads for
AB917,123 24Section 123 . 293.01 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
1293.01 (7) “Merchantable by-product" means all waste soil, rock, mineral,
2liquid, vegetation and other material directly resulting from or displaced by the
3mining, cleaning or preparation of nonferrous metallic minerals during mining
4operations which are determined by the department to be marketable upon a
5showing of marketability made by the operator, accompanied by a verified statement
6by the operator of his or her intent to sell such material within 3 years from the time
7it results from or is displaced by mining. If after 3 years from the time merchantable
8by-product results from or is displaced by mining such material has not been
9transported off the mining site, it shall be considered and regulated as refuse unless
10removal is continuing at a rate of more than 12,000 cubic yards per year.
AB917,124 11Section 124 . 293.01 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
AB917,34,1312 293.01 (8) “Minerals" mean unbeneficiated metallic ore but does not include
13mineral aggregates such as stone, sand, and gravel.
AB917,125 14Section 125 . 293.01 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB917,34,1915 293.01 (9) “Mining" or “mining operation" means all or part of the process
16involved in the mining of nonferrous metallic minerals, other than for exploration,
17bulk sampling,
or prospecting, including commercial extraction, agglomeration,
18beneficiation, construction of roads, removal of overburden and the production of
AB917,126 20Section 126 . 293.01 (12) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB917,35,221 293.01 (12) “Mining site" means the surface area disturbed by a mining
22operation, including the surface area from which the nonferrous metallic minerals
23or refuse or both have been removed, the surface area covered by refuse, all lands
24disturbed by the construction or improvement of haulageways, and any surface areas

1in which structures, equipment, materials and any other things used in the mining
2operation are situated.
AB917,127 3Section 127 . 293.01 (12m) of the statutes is repealed.
AB917,128 4Section 128 . 293.01 (18) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB917,35,175 293.01 (18) “Prospecting" means engaging in the examination of an area for the
6purpose of determining the quality and quantity of nonferrous metallic minerals,
7other than for exploration or bulk sampling but including the obtaining of a
8nonferrous metallic
mineral an ore sample, by such physical means as excavating,
9trenching, construction of shafts, ramps and tunnels and other means, other than for
10exploration or bulk sampling, which the department, by rule, identifies, and the
11production of prospecting refuse and other associated activities. “Prospecting" shall
12not include such activities when the activities are, by themselves, intended for and
13capable of commercial exploitation of the underlying nonferrous ore body. However,
14the fact that prospecting activities and construction may have use ultimately in
15mining, if approved, shall not mean that prospecting activities and construction
16constitute mining within the meaning of sub. (9), provided such activities and
17construction are reasonably related to prospecting requirements.
AB917,129 18Section 129 . 293.01 (25) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB917,35,2419 293.01 (25) “Refuse" means all waste soil, rock, mineral, liquid, vegetation and
20other material, except merchantable by-products, directly resulting from or
21displaced by the prospecting or mining and from the cleaning or preparation of
22nonferrous metallic minerals during prospecting or mining operations, and shall
23include all waste materials deposited on or in the prospecting or mining site from
24other sources.