1An Act to repeal 49.141 (1) (j) 2., 102.51 (1) (a) 2., 115.76 (12) (a) 2., 115.76 (12)
2(a) 3. and 769.401 (2) (g);
to renumber and amend 891.40 (1) and 891.41 (1)
to amend 29.219 (4), 29.228 (5), 29.228 (6), 29.229 (2) (i), 29.2295 (2) (i),
429.563 (3) (a) 3., 29.607 (3), 45.01 (6) (c), 45.51 (3) (c) 2., 45.51 (5) (a) 1. b., 45.51
5(5) (a) 1. c., 45.55, 46.10 (2), 48.02 (13), 48.025 (title), 48.025 (2) (b), 48.025 (3)
6(c), 48.27 (3) (b) 1. a., 48.27 (3) (b) 1. b., 48.27 (5), 48.299 (6) (intro.), 48.299 (6)
7(e) 1., 48.299 (6) (e) 2., 48.299 (6) (e) 3., 48.299 (6) (e) 4., 48.299 (7), 48.355 (4g)
8(a) 1., 48.396 (2) (dm), 48.42 (1g) (a) 4., 48.42 (1g) (b), 48.42 (1g) (c), 48.42 (2) (b)
91., 48.42 (2) (b) 2., 48.42 (2) (bm) 1., 48.422 (6) (a), 48.422 (7) (bm), 48.422 (7) (br),
1048.423 (2) (d), 48.432 (1) (am) 2. b., 48.63 (3) (b) 4., 48.63 (3) (b) 5., 48.82 (1) (a),
1148.837 (1r) (d), 48.837 (1r) (e), 48.837 (6) (b), 48.837 (6) (br), 48.913 (1) (a),
1248.913 (1) (b), 48.913 (1) (h), 48.913 (2) (intro.), 48.913 (2) (b), 48.913 (2) (c)
13(intro.), 48.913 (3), 48.913 (4), 48.913 (7), 49.141 (1) (j) 1., 49.155 (1m) (c) 1g.,
1449.155 (1m) (c) 1h., 49.163 (2) (am) 2., 49.19 (1) (a) 2. a., 49.19 (4) (d) (intro.),
149.19 (4) (d) 1., 49.19 (4) (d) 2., 49.19 (4) (d) 3., 49.19 (4) (d) 4., 49.19 (4) (d) 5.,
249.345 (2), 49.43 (12), 49.471 (1) (b) 2., 49.90 (4), 54.01 (36) (a), 54.960 (1), 69.03
3(15), 69.11 (4) (b), 69.12 (5), 69.13 (2) (b) 4., 69.14 (1) (c) 4., 69.14 (1) (e) (title)
4and 1., 69.14 (1) (f) 1., 69.14 (1) (g), 69.14 (2) (b) 2. d., 69.15 (1), 69.15 (3) (title),
5(a) (intro.), 1., 2. and 3. and (b) 1., 2., 3. and 4. (intro), a. and b., 69.15 (3) (d),
669.15 (3m) (title), (a) (intro.) and 3. and (b), 71.03 (2) (d) (title), 71.03 (2) (d) 1.,
771.03 (2) (d) 2., 71.03 (2) (d) 3., 71.03 (2) (g), 71.03 (2) (m) 2., 71.03 (4) (a), 71.05
8(22) (a) (title), 71.07 (5m) (a) 3., 71.07 (9e) (b), 71.09 (13) (a) 2., 71.52 (4), 71.83
9(1) (a) 8., 71.83 (1) (b) 5., 77.25 (8m), 77.54 (7) (b) 1., 101.91 (5m), 102.07 (5) (b),
10102.07 (5) (c), 102.51 (1) (a) 1., 103.10 (1) (h), 103.165 (3) (a) 3., 111.32 (12),
11115.76 (12) (a) 1., 115.76 (13), 146.34 (1) (f), 157.05, 182.004 (6), 250.04 (3) (a),
12301.12 (2), 301.50 (1), 700.19 (2), 705.01 (4), 705.01 (4m), 706.09 (1) (e), 765.001
13(2), 765.01, 765.03 (1), 765.16 (1m) (intro.), 765.16 (1m) (c), 765.23, 765.24,
14765.30 (3) (a), 766.587 (7) (form) 9., 766.588 (9) (form) 13., 766.589 (10) (form)
1514., 767.215 (2) (b), 767.215 (5) (a) 2., 767.323, 767.80 (1) (intro.), 767.80 (1) (c),
16767.80 (2), 767.803, 767.805 (1), (1m), (2), (3) (title) and (a), (4) (intro.) and (d),
17(5) and (6) (a) (intro.), 767.855, 767.863 (1m), 767.87 (1m) (intro.), 767.87 (8),
18767.87 (9), 767.883 (1), 769.316 (9), 769.401 (2) (a), 815.20 (1), 822.40 (4), 851.30
19(2) (a), 852.01 (1) (f) 1., 852.01 (1) (f) 2., 852.01 (1) (f) 3., 854.03 (3), 891.39 (title),
20891.39 (1) (a), 891.39 (1) (b), 891.39 (3), 891.40 (2), 891.405, 891.41 (title), 891.41
21(1) (intro.), 891.41 (1) (a), 891.41 (2), 905.05 (title), 938.02 (13), 938.396 (2g) (g),
22943.20 (2) (c), 943.201 (1) (b) 8. and 943.205 (2) (b); and
to create 69.15 (3) (b)
233m., 765.02 (3), 891.40 (1) (b), 891.40 (3), 891.41 (3), 990.01 (22m), 990.01 (39)
1and 990.01 (40m) of the statutes;
relating to: marriage between persons of the
2same sex and extending parentage rights to married couples of the same sex.
Under current law, if a woman is artificially inseminated under the supervision
of a physician with semen donated by a man who is not her husband and the husband
consents in writing to the artificial insemination of his wife, the husband is the
natural father of any child conceived. Under this bill, one spouse may also consent
to the artificial insemination of his or her spouse and is the natural parent of the child
conceived. The artificial insemination is not required to take place under the
supervision of a physician, but, if it does not, the semen used for the insemination
must have been obtained from a sperm bank.
The bill defines “natural parent" as a parent of a child who is not an adoptive
parent, whether the parent is biologically related to the child or not. Thus, a person
who is a biological parent, a parent by consenting to the artificial insemination of his
or her spouse, or a parent under the parentage presumption is a natural parent of
a child. The definition applies throughout the statutes wherever the term “natural
parent" is used. In addition, the bill expands some references in the statutes to
“biological parent" by changing the reference to “natural parent."