SB884,,112023 SENATE BILL 884
January 5, 2024 - Introduced by Senator Feyen, cosponsored by Representatives Palmeri, Baldeh, Conley, Considine, Drake, Joers, O’Connor, Ratcliff, Sinicki, Snodgrass and Subeck. Referred to Committee on Health.
SB884,,22An Act to renumber 50.035 (1); and to create 50.034 (3) (f), 50.034 (3) (g), 50.034 (3) (h), 50.034 (3m), 50.035 (1) (b), 50.035 (1m), 50.035 (7), 50.035 (8), 50.04 (2) (e), 50.04 (2k), 50.04 (2m), 50.15, 50.921, 50.922 and 50.935 of the statutes; relating to: fall prevention and recovery training, CPR and first aid certification, a duty to provide aid in certain residential facilities and hospices, and granting rule-making authority.
SB884,,33Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under this bill, the Department of Health Services must develop or identify fall prevention and recovery training programs for certain employees, as specified by DHS, and for patients and residents of residential care apartment complexes, community-based residential facilities, nursing homes, and hospices. Residential care apartment complexes, community-based residential facilities, nursing homes, and hospices must administer the fall prevention and recovery trainings to any employees that are required by DHS to receive the training and to patients and residents of the facilities.
In addition, under the bill, residential care apartment complexes, community-based residential facilities, nursing homes, and hospices must have at least one employee with current certification in CPR, at least one employee with current certification in first aid, and at least one employee who has received fall prevention and recovery training available on the premises at all times a resident or patient is present in the residential care apartment complex, community-based residential facility, nursing home, or hospice. The bill also imposes a duty upon residential care apartment complexes, community-based residential facilities, nursing homes, and hospices to administer CPR and first aid to patients and residents and to make an attempt to lift patients and residents who have fallen, appear to be uninjured, and cannot recover on their own. The bill exempts individuals and residential care apartment complexes, community-based residential facilities, nursing homes, and hospices from liability for civil damages for any act or omission of an individual administering CPR or first aid to a patient or resident or attempting to lift a fallen patient or resident if certain requirements are met.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
SB884,,44The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
SB884,15Section 1. 50.034 (3) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
SB884,,6650.034 (3) (f) Administer the training program under s. 50.15 (2) (a) to each employee of the residential care apartment complex who is required under s. 50.15 (2) (b) to receive the training.
SB884,27Section 2. 50.034 (3) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB884,,8850.034 (3) (g) Administer the training program under s. 50.15 (3) to each resident of the residential care apartment complex within 30 days after the resident moves in to the residential care apartment complex.
SB884,39Section 3. 50.034 (3) (h) of the statutes is created to read:
SB884,,101050.034 (3) (h) At all times during which a resident is present in the residential care apartment complex, have available on the premises at least one employee with current certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, at least one employee with current certification in first aid, and at least one employee who has received training in fall prevention, fall recovery, and proper techniques for lifting and moving residents.
SB884,411Section 4. 50.034 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB884,,121250.034 (3m) Duty to administer aid. (a) Subject to any known declaration or do-not-resuscitate order under ch. 154, a residential care apartment complex has a duty to do all of the following:
SB884,,13131. Administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation before the arrival of emergency medical services to a resident who is nonresponsive or has a cessation of normal respiration. The cardiopulmonary resuscitation shall be administered by or under the direction of an individual who is certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and shall be performed in accordance with that individual’s cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification training.
SB884,,14142. Administer first aid before the arrival of emergency medical services to a resident who is in distress. The first aid shall be administered by or under the direction of an individual who is certified in first aid and shall be performed in accordance with that individual’s first aid certification training.
SB884,,15153. Make an attempt before the arrival of emergency medical services to lift a resident who has fallen, appears to be uninjured, and is unable to reasonably recover independently. The lift shall be attempted by or under the direction of an individual who has received training in first aid or in fall prevention, fall recovery, and proper techniques for lifting and moving residents and shall be performed in accordance with that individual’s training.
SB884,,1616(b) A residential care apartment complex may not have, establish, or implement a policy that prevents an individual from providing appropriate cardiopulmonary resuscitation or first aid or attempting to lift a fallen resident who appears to be uninjured.
SB884,,1717(c) A residential care apartment complex or an individual that administers cardiopulmonary resuscitation or first aid as provided in par. (a) 1. or 2. is not liable for any civil damages as the result of any act or omission by the individual administering the cardiopulmonary resuscitation or first aid, unless the individual did not act in good faith or acted with gross negligence while administering the cardiopulmonary resuscitation or first aid.
SB884,,1818(d) A residential care apartment complex or an individual that attempts to lift a fallen resident as provided in par. (a) 3. is not liable for any civil damages as the result of any act or omission by the individual attempting the lift, unless the individual acted with gross negligence while attempting the lift, if any of the following are true: