NR 440.26(7)(e)2.2. Where emissions are monitored by sub. (6) (a) 3., compliance with sub. (6) (a) 1. shall be determined using Method 6 or 6C and Method 3 or 3A of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (1). A 1-hour sample shall constitute a run. Method 6 samples shall be taken at a rate of approximately 2 liters/min. The ppm correction factor (Method 6) and the sampling location in par. (f) 1. apply. Method 4 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (1), shall be used to determine the moisture content of the gases. The sampling point for Method 4 shall be adjacent to the sampling point for Method 6 or 6C. NR 440.26(7)(f)(f) The owner or operator shall determine compliance with the SO2 and the H2S and reduced sulfur standards in sub. (5) (a) 2. as follows: NR 440.26(7)(f)1.1. Method 6 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (1), shall be used to determine the SO2 concentration. The concentration in mg/dscm obtained by Method 6 or 6C is multiplied by 0.3754 to obtain the concentration in ppm. The sampling point in the duct shall be the centroid of the cross section if the cross-sectional area is less than 5.00 m2 (53.8 ft2) or at a point no closer to the walls than 1.00 m (39.4 in.) if the cross-sectional area is 5.00 m2 or more and the centroid is more than 1 m from the wall. The sampling time and sample volume shall be at least 10 minutes and 0.010 dscm (0.35 dscf) for each sample. Eight samples of equal sampling times shall be taken at about 30-minute intervals. The arithmetic average of these 8 samples shall constitute a run. For Method 6C, a run shall consist of the arithmetic average of 4 1-hour samples. Method 4 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (1), shall be used to determine the moisture content of the gases. The sampling point for Method 4 shall be adjacent to the sampling point for Method 6 or 6C. The sampling time for each sample shall be equal to the time it takes for 2 Method 6 samples. The moisture content from this sample shall be used to correct the corresponding Method 6 samples for moisture. For documenting the oxidation efficiency of the control device for reduced sulfur compounds, Method 15 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (1), shall be used following the procedures of subd. 2. NR 440.26(7)(f)2.2. Method 15 shall be used to determine the reduced sulfur and H2S concentrations. Each run shall consist of 16 samples taken over a minimum of 3 hours. The sampling point shall be the same as the described for Method 6 in subd. 1. To ensure minimum residence time for the sample inside the sample lines, the sampling rate shall be at least 3.0 lpm (0.10 cfm). The SO2 equivalent for each run shall be calculated after being corrected for moisture and oxygen as the arithmetic average of the SO2 equivalent for each sample during the run. Method 4 shall be used to determine the moisture content of the gases as in subd. 1. The sampling time for each sample shall be equal to the time it takes for 4 Method 15 samples. NR 440.26(7)(f)3.3. The oxygen concentration used to correct the emission rate for excess air shall be obtained by the integrated sampling and analysis procedure of Method 3 or 3A of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (1). The samples shall be taken simultaneously with the SO2 reduced sulfur and H2S, or moisture samples. The SO2, reduced sulfur and H2S samples shall be corrected to zero percent excess air using the equation in par. (h) 6. NR 440.26(7)(g)(g) Each performance test conducted for the purpose of determining compliance under sub. (5) (b) shall consist of all testing performed over a 7-day period using Method 6 or 6C and Method 3 or 3A of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (1). To determine compliance, the arithmetic mean of the results of all the tests shall be compared with the applicable standard. NR 440.26(7)(h)(h) For the purpose of determining compliance with sub. (5) (b) 1., the following calculation procedures shall be used: NR 440.26(7)(h)1.1. Calculate each 1-hour average concentration (dry, zero percent oxygen, ppmv) of sulfur dioxide at both the inlet and the outlet to the add-on control device as specified in s. NR 440.13 (8). These calculations are made using the emission data collected under sub. (6) (a). NR 440.26(7)(h)2.2. Calculate a 7-day average (arithmetic mean) concentration of sulfur dioxide for the inlet and for the outlet to the add-on control device using all of the 1-hour average concentration values obtained during 7 successive 24-hour periods. NR 440.26(7)(h)3.3. Calculate the 7-day average percent reduction using the following equation: where:
is the 7-day average sulfur dioxide emission reduction percent is the sulfur dioxide emission concentration determined in subd. 2. at the inlet to the add-on control device, ppmv is the sulfur dioxide emission concentration determined in subd. 2. at the outlet to the add-on control device, ppmv 100 is the conversion factor, decimal to percent
NR 440.26(7)(h)4.4. Outlet concentrations of sulfur dioxide from the add-on control device for compliance with the 50 ppmv standard, reported on a dry, O2-free basis, shall be calculated using the procedures outlined in subds. 1. and 2., but for the outlet monitor only. NR 440.26(7)(h)5.5. If supplemental sampling data are used for determining the 7-day averages under this paragraph and the data are not hourly averages, then the value obtained for each supplemental sample shall be assumed to represent the hourly average for each hour over which the sample was obtained. NR 440.26(7)(h)6.6. For the purpose of adjusting pollutant concentrations to zero percent oxygen, the following equation shall be used: Cadj = Cmeas[20.9c/(20.9 - %O2)]
Cadj is the pollutant concentration adjusted to zero percent oxygen, ppm or g/dscm
Cmeas is the pollutant concentration measured on a dry basis, ppm or g/dscm
20.9c is the 20.9% oxygen-0.0% oxygen (defined oxygen correction basis), percent
20.9 is the oxygen concentration in air, percent
%O2 is the oxygen concentration measured on a dry basis, percent
NR 440.26(7)(i)(i) For the purpose of determining compliance with sub. (5) (b) 2., the following reference methods from 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17, and calculation procedures shall be used except as provided in subd. 12.: NR 440.26(7)(i)2.2. For gases released to the atmosphere from the fluid catalytic cracking unit catalyst regenerator: NR 440.26(7)(i)2.a.a. Method 8 as modified in subd. 3. for moisture content and for the concentration of sulfur oxides calculated as sulfur dioxide.