2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
February 15, 2024 - Offered by Senator Testin.
SB970-SSA1,1,5 1An Act to amend 71.05 (6) (a) 15., 71.10 (4) (i), 71.21 (4) (a), 71.21 (6) (d) 3., 71.26
2(2) (a) 4., 71.30 (3) (f), 71.34 (1k) (g), 71.365 (4m) (d) 2., 71.45 (2) (a) 10. and 71.49
3(1) (f); and to create 20.835 (2) (de), 71.07 (11), 71.28 (11), 71.47 (11) and 73.03
4(78) of the statutes; relating to: creating a video game production credit and
5making an appropriation.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB970-SSA1,1 6Section 1 . 20.835 (2) (de) of the statutes is created to read:
SB970-SSA1,1,87 20.835 (2) (de) Video game production credit. A sum sufficient to make the
8payments under ss. 71.07 (11), 71.28 (11), and 71.47 (11).
SB970-SSA1,2 9Section 2 . 71.05 (6) (a) 15. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB970-SSA1,2,410 71.05 (6) (a) 15. The amount of the credits computed under s. 71.07 (2dm),
11(2dx), (2dy), (3g), (3h), (3n), (3q), (3s), (3t), (3w), (3wm), (3y), (4k), (4n), (5e), (5i), (5j),

1(5k), (5r), (5rm), (6n), and (10), and (11) and not passed through by a partnership,
2limited liability company, or tax-option corporation that has added that amount to
3the partnership's, company's, or tax-option corporation's income under s. 71.21 (4)
4or 71.34 (1k) (g).
SB970-SSA1,3 5Section 3 . 71.07 (11) of the statutes is created to read:
SB970-SSA1,2,66 71.07 (11) Video game production credit. (a) Definitions. In this subsection:
SB970-SSA1,2,77 1. “Claimant” means a person certified under s. 73.03 (78).
SB970-SSA1,2,98 2. “Eligible expenditures” means amounts paid by the claimant directly
9relating to qualifying activities in this state, excluding any of the following:
SB970-SSA1,2,1010 a. Wages.
SB970-SSA1,2,1111 b. Expenditures used to claim another credit under this chapter.