Well-Woman Program: multiple sclerosis services funding limit [Sec. 1950] - SB59
disorderly conductDisorderly conduct, see Crime and criminals
dispositional order for juvenilesDispositional order for juveniles, see Juvenile court
dispute settlementDispute settlement, see Collective bargaining
distilled spiritsDistilled spirits, see Alcohol beverage — Regulation
district attorneyDistrict attorney
Authority to represent public interest in proceedings under the Children’s Code: provisions for county board of supervisors to transfer authority to or from the DA modified - SB432
Authority to represent public interest in proceedings under the Children’s Code: provisions for county board of supervisors to transfer authority to or from the DA modified - AB502
DA, deputy DA, and assistant DA allowed to provide pro bono publico legal services - AB25
DA, deputy DA, and assistant DA allowed to provide pro bono publico legal services - SB29
DA positions added, one-step pay progression increase, and assistant DA positions added [A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9110 (1f), 9210 (1e), (1f)] - AB56
Deputy DA allocation and salary formula modified - SB509
Immigration status: prohibiting local ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibit enforcement of federal or state law; authorizing certain elective officeholders to commence enforcement action, writ of mandamus provision; reduction of shared revenue payments; and political subdivision is liable for damage caused by an illegal alien - SB151
Immigration status: prohibiting local ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibit enforcement of federal or state law; authorizing certain elective officeholders to commence enforcement action, writ of mandamus provision; reduction of shared revenue payments; and political subdivision is liable for damage caused by an illegal alien - AB138
``Pen register” and ``trap and trace device” definitions expanded; application by AG and DA for an order for the devices modified - AB833
``Pen register” and ``trap and trace device” definitions expanded; application by AG and DA for an order for the devices modified - SB740
Pretrial detention procedure changes, constitutional amendment provision - SB99
Pretrial detention procedure changes, constitutional amendment provision - AB609
Prosecutor Board and State Prosecutors Office created - SB460
Prosecutor Board and State Prosecutors Office created - AB513
Prosecutor Board and State Prosecutors Office created; Public Defender Board authority re private bar attorneys, student loan payment pilot project provision; funding for deputy and assistant DAs, circuit courts, and state crime laboratory analysts; FTE positions provisions - AB145
Prosecutor Board and State Prosecutors Office created; Public Defender Board authority re private bar attorneys, student loan payment pilot project provision; funding for deputy and assistant DAs, circuit courts, and state crime laboratory analysts; FTE positions provisions - SB127
Selective abortions and disability-selective abortion prohibited; civil remedies and injunctive relief provisions - AB182
Selective abortions and disability-selective abortion prohibited; civil remedies and injunctive relief provisions - SB173
Victim impact statements established; definition and confidentiality provisions - SB32
Victim impact statements established; definition and confidentiality provisions - AB28
divorceDivorce, see also Marriage; Family — Support
Marriage after divorce judgment: waiting period eliminated - AB439
Marriage after divorce judgment: waiting period eliminated - SB398