441.51(2)(c)(c) “Coordinated licensure information system” means an integrated process for collecting, storing, and sharing information on nurse licensure and enforcement activities related to nurse licensure laws that is administered by a nonprofit organization composed of and controlled by licensing boards.
441.51(2)(d)(d) “Current significant investigative information” means any of the following:
441.51(2)(d)1.1. Investigative information that a licensing board, after a preliminary inquiry that includes notification and an opportunity for the nurse to respond, if required by state law, has reason to believe is not groundless and, if proved true, would indicate more than a minor infraction.
441.51(2)(d)2.2. Investigative information that indicates that the nurse represents an immediate threat to public health and safety regardless of whether the nurse has been notified and had an opportunity to respond.
441.51(2)(e)(e) “Encumbrance” means a revocation or suspension of, or any limitation on, the full and unrestricted practice of nursing imposed by a licensing board.
441.51(2)(f)(f) “Home state” means the party state which is the nurse’s primary state of residence.
441.51(2)(g)(g) “Licensing board” means a party state’s regulatory body responsible for issuing nurse licenses.
441.51(2)(h)(h) “Multistate license” means a license to practice as a registered or a licensed practical/vocational nurse issued by a home state licensing board that authorizes the licensed nurse to practice in all party states under a multistate licensure privilege.
441.51(2)(i)(i) “Multistate licensure privilege” means a legal authorization associated with a multistate license permitting the practice of nursing as either a registered nurse or licensed practical/vocational nurse in a remote state.
441.51(2)(j)(j) “Nurse” means registered nurse or licensed practical/vocational nurse, as those terms are defined by each party state’s practice laws.
441.51(2)(k)(k) “Party state” means any state that has adopted this compact.
441.51(2)(L)(L) “Remote state” means a party state, other than the home state.
441.51(2)(m)(m) “Single-state license” means a nurse license issued by a party state that authorizes practice only within the issuing state and does not include a multistate licensure privilege to practice in any other party state.
441.51(2)(n)(n) “State” means a state, territory, or possession of the United States and the District of Columbia.
441.51(2)(o)(o) “State practice laws” means a party state’s laws, rules, and regulations that govern the practice of nursing, define the scope of nursing practice, and create the methods and grounds for imposing discipline. “State practice laws” does not include requirements necessary to obtain and retain a license, except for qualifications or requirements of the home state.
441.51(3)(3)Article III — General provisions and jurisdiction.
441.51(3)(a)(a) A multistate license to practice registered or licensed practical/vocational nursing issued by a home state to a resident in that state will be recognized by each party state as authorizing a nurse to practice as a registered nurse or as a licensed practical/vocational nurse, under a multistate licensure privilege, in each party state.
441.51(3)(b)(b) A state must implement procedures for considering the criminal history records of applicants for initial multistate license or licensure by endorsement. Such procedures shall include the submission of fingerprints or other biometric-based information by applicants for the purpose of obtaining an applicant’s criminal history record information from the federal bureau of investigation and the agency responsible for retaining that state’s criminal records.
441.51(3)(c)(c) Each party state shall require all of the following for an applicant to obtain or retain a multistate license in the home state:
441.51(3)(c)1.1. Meets the home state’s qualifications for licensure or renewal of licensure, as well as, all other applicable state laws.
441.51(3)(c)2.2. Satisfies one of the following:
441.51(3)(c)2.a.a. Has graduated or is eligible to graduate from a licensing board-approved registered nurse or licensed practical/vocational nurse prelicensure education program.
441.51(3)(c)2.b.b. Has graduated from a foreign registered nurse or licensed practical/vocational nurse prelicensure education program that has been approved by the authorized accrediting body in the applicable country and has been verified by an independent credentials review agency to be comparable to a licensing board-approved prelicensure education program.
441.51(3)(c)3.3. Has, if a graduate of a foreign prelicensure education program not taught in English or if English is not the individual’s native language, successfully passed an English proficiency examination that includes the components of reading, speaking, writing, and listening.
441.51(3)(c)4.4. Has successfully passed an NCLEX-RN or NCLEX-PN Examination or recognized predecessor, as applicable.
441.51(3)(c)5.5. Is eligible for or holds an active, unencumbered license.
441.51(3)(c)6.6. Has submitted, in connection with an application for initial licensure or licensure by endorsement, fingerprints or other biometric data for the purpose of obtaining criminal history record information from the federal bureau of investigation and the agency responsible for retaining that state’s criminal records.
441.51(3)(c)7.7. Has not been convicted or found guilty, or has entered into an agreed disposition, of a felony offense under applicable state or federal criminal law.
441.51(3)(c)8.8. Has not been convicted or found guilty, or has entered into an agreed disposition, of a misdemeanor offense related to the practice of nursing as determined on a case-by-case basis.