2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
October 15, 2021 - Offered by Representative Dallman.
AB604-ASA1,1,3 1An Act to create 16.3087, 16.311 and 943.135 of the statutes; relating to: pay
2for performance grant requirements, housing navigator grants, use of public
3lands to provide temporary residence for the homeless, and providing a penalty.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Pay for performance grant requirements
Under current law, the Department of Administration administers a number
of grant programs having the purpose of alleviating homelessness. This bill
establishes “pay for performance” requirements for certain grants issued under
those programs, which the bill terms “eligible grants.” For each eligible grant, DOA
must withhold between 10 and 50 percent of the amount of the eligible grant for at
least six months after the award. DOA may then pay the amount withheld to the
grant recipient only if the grant recipient demonstrates that it has met one or more
of the following performance objectives:
1. Increase the number of homeless individuals and families securing
permanent housing.
2. Increase the number of homeless individuals securing part-time or full-time
3. Reduce the number of homeless individuals and families returning to
homelessness after participation in programs offered by the grant recipient.

Structured camping facilities
This bill authorizes DOA and, under the circumstances described below, cities,
villages, towns, and counties (political subdivisions) to designate public property,
other than county fairgrounds, for use as a “structured camping facility” at which
DOA may assign a homeless individual or family a specific location for the purpose
of allowing the individual or family to set up temporary residence at the facility. DOA
may allow homeless individuals and families assigned to a structured camping
facility to bring camping equipment and other personal items onto the facility.
Additionally, DOA must provide for public safety at structured camping facilities and
must ensure that potable water and adequate sanitary facilities are available at each
Also, under the bill, if a resident of a political subdivision petitions the political
subdivision to designate public property of the political subdivision as a structured
camping facility, the political subdivision may make a designation and must provide
DOA notice of the designation. If the political subdivision fails to make a designation
within 12 months after the resident's petition, DOA may designate public property
of the political subdivision as a structured camping facility without the political
subdivision's approval. Otherwise, the bill provides that DOA may designate the
public property of a political subdivision as a structured camping facility only with
the approval of the political subdivision.