Shared revenue payments decreased same amount municipality reduces certain law enforcement officer, paid fire department member, or emergency medical responder funding; conditions specified [vetoed] - SB119
Termination of a TID: distribution of state aid payments for personal property taxes to taxing jurisdictions modified; levy limit provision - Act 61
sheboygan countySheboygan County
Dam on Sheboygan River at the Sheboygan Marsh: DNR grant [Sec. 9132 (1)] - Act 58
shelter care facilityShelter care facility, see Children — Protection and services
"Deputy LaVonne Zenner Memorial Bridge" designated in Wood County; contributions from interested parties - Act 211
Operation of drones over correctional institutions prohibition exception re authorization of the DOC Secretary or sheriff - Act 52
shoreland zoningShoreland zoning
Bridge construction in a shoreland setback area: county shoreland zoning ordinance cannot prohibit; vegetative buffer zone provision - Act 200
Fence constructed within a shoreland setback area: county shoreland zoning ordinance may not prohibit - Act 105
Floodplain and shoreland mapping assistance program: obsolete provisions repealed - Act 235
shsw _state historical society of wisconsin_SHSW (State Historical Society of Wisconsin), see Historical society
signSign, see Road — Marking
small businessSmall business, see Business
Outdoor recreation vehicle registration and trail use fees retained by DNR [Sec. 55, 158-163, 172-174, 397-399] - Act 58
Snowmobile, ATV, and UTV operation restrictions modified re highways, during hours of darkness, and noise from snowmobiles - Act 103
Snowmobile trail aids use expanded [Sec. 400, 401] - Act 58
social workSocial work
Substance use disorder treatment by advanced practice social workers and independent social workers: certification not required; substance abuse counselor provision - Act 222
soil and soil conservationSoil and soil conservation
Soil and water resource management: additional public debt [Sec. 111] - Act 58
solid waste managementSolid waste management
Lake Michigan and Lake Superior: exempting facilities from licensing and operating plan requirements for disposal of dredged materials, conditions and emergency rule provisions - Act 93
Tipping fee exemption for waste-to-energy facilities [Sec. 368-387] - Act 58
southeastern wisconsin fox river commissionSoutheastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission
Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission strategic planning grant, sunset provision [Sec. 47, 48, 9432 (6)] [47 -- partial veto] - Act 58
spdSPD, see Public defender