One-Hundred and Sixth Regular Session
THURSDAY, February 1, 2024
The Chief Clerk made the following entries under the above date.
Chief Clerk's Entries
Amendments Offered
hist186062Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 447 offered by Senator James. hist185947Senate Amendment 3 to Senate Bill 571 offered by Senator Cabral-Guevara. hist186061Senate Amendment 4 to Senate Bill 571 offered by Senator Cabral-Guevara. hist186117Senate Substitute Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 701 offered by Senators Hutton and Pfaff. hist186111Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 915 offered by Senator Felzkowski. _____________
Bills Presented to the Governor
The Chief Clerk records:
Presented to the Governor on 2-1-2024.
Introduction, First Reading, and Reference of Proposals
Read first time and referred:
Relating to: a levy limit exception for certain shared emergency services expenditures.