Assembly Journal
One-Hundred and Sixth Regular Session
  FRIDAY, February 16, 2024
The Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date:
Amendments Offered
hist189412Assembly Substitute Amendment 2 to Assembly Bill 640 offered by Representative Dittrich.
hist189535Assembly Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 1042 offered by Representative Rodriguez.
hist189554Assembly Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 177 offered by Representative Moses.
Administrative Rules
Assembly Clearinghouse Rule 23-023
Relating to technical and minor substantive changes to update ETF rules.
Submitted by Department of Employee Trust Funds.
hist186424Report received from Agency, February 2, 2024.
hist189452To committee on State Affairs.
Referred on February 16, 2024.
Introduction and Reference of Proposals
Read first time and referred:
hist186211Assembly Joint Resolution 124
Relating to: proclaiming February 4, 2024, as Transit Equity Day.
By Representatives Emerson, J. Anderson, Bare, Conley, Considine, Drake, Jacobson, Joers, Ohnstad, Moore Omokunde, Palmeri, Ratcliff, Shankland, Sinicki, Snodgrass, Stubbs, Subeck and Clancy; cosponsored by Senators Smith, L. Johnson, Agard, Larson, Pfaff, Roys and Spreitzer.