Senate Journal
One-Hundred and Fourth Regular Session
THURSDAY, August 22, 2019
The Chief Clerk made the following entries under the above date.
Chief Clerk's Entries
Amendments Offered
hist104802Senate Amendment 2 to Senate Bill 215 offered by Senators Miller and Hansen.
Introduction, First Reading, and Reference of Proposals
Read and referred:
hist104586Senate Joint Resolution 61
Relating to: congratulating the United States Women's National Team on their FIFA Women's World Cup win.
By Senators Hansen, Bewley, Carpenter, Darling, Erpenbach, Johnson, Larson, Miller, Ringhand, Risser, Schachtner, Shilling, Smith, L. Taylor and Wirch; cosponsored by Representatives Sinicki, Zamarripa, Neubauer, Bowen, Cabrera, Considine, Crowley, Doyle, Emerson, Fields, Gruszynski, Haywood, Hebl, Hesselbein, Hintz, Kolste, McGuire, B. Meyers, Milroy, Mursau, L. Myers, Ohnstad, Pope, Riemer, Sargent, Shankland, Spreitzer, Stubbs, Subeck, C. Taylor, Tusler, Vorpagel, Vruwink and Brostoff.
hist104765To the committee on Senate Organization.
Read first time and referred:
hist104511Senate Bill 354
Relating to: various University of Wisconsin System reporting requirements.
By Senators Marklein, Bewley and Feyen; cosponsored by Representatives Murphy, Felzkowski, Kerkman, Ramthun and Zimmerman.
hist104757To the committee on Universities, Technical Colleges, Children and Families.
hist104579Senate Bill 355
Relating to: creating a Blue Ribbon Commission in the University of Wisconsin System.