AB270,30,1413 2. The loan does not exceed 80 percent of the appraised value of the collateral
14for the loan.
AB270,30,1615 3. The term of the loan does not exceed 10 years or, for the acquisition of land
16or facilities, does not exceed 20 years.
AB270,30,1817 (c) Maximum amount. The authority may not finance more than 50 percent or
18$25,000,000, whichever is less, of the principal of any loan under par. (a).
AB270,30,20 19(4) Fees. The authority shall charge a fee for assistance provided under this
20section to cover the costs of administering this section, including legal fees.
AB270,30,23 21(5) Guidelines and procedures. The authority shall adopt guidelines and
22establish procedures for administering this section, including guidelines or
23procedures related to all of the following:
AB270,30,2524 (a) Application procedures for eligible borrowers and for lenders seeking to
25make loans in which the authority participates under this section.
1(b) Approval requirements for lenders and additional eligibility requirements
2for eligible borrowers.
AB270,31,33 (c) The terms of participation agreements under sub. (2).
AB270,31,44 (d) Repayment and security interest requirements.
AB270,31,55 (e) Procedural requirements for the authority's participation in loans.
AB270,31,66 (f) Auditing, inspection, and reporting requirements.
AB270,31,77 (g) Any other relevant matters.
AB270,31,8 8235.15 Loan guarantees. (1) Definitions. In this section:
AB270,31,109 (a) “Guaranteed loan" means a loan that is guaranteed by the authority under
10this section.
AB270,31,1211 (b) “Participating lender" means a lender that has entered into a guarantee
12agreement with the authority under s. 235.16 (2) (a).
AB270,31,16 13(2) Eligible loans. If the authority establishes a loan guarantee program
14under s. 235.16 (2) (a) with a participating lender, the authority may guarantee
15collection from the Wisconsin clean and renewable energy reserve fund for a loan to
16a borrower under the program if all of the following apply:
AB270,31,1717 (a) The loan is for financing one of the following:
AB270,31,1818 1. The capital, operating expenses, or both of an eligible business.
AB270,31,1919 2. Any expenses of an eligible project.
AB270,31,2220 (b) The total outstanding principal amounts of all loans to the borrower that
21are guaranteed under this section do not exceed an amount set annually by the
22authority that may not exceed $25,000,000.
AB270,31,2523 (c) The rate of interest on the loan, including any origination fees or other
24charges relating to the loan, does not exceed a rate determined by the authority after
25considering the conditions of the financial market.
1(d) The participating lender obtains a security interest in physical plant,
2equipment, machinery, or other assets.
AB270,32,53 (e) Unless waived by the authority, the borrower procures a business insurance
4policy that is approved by the authority and the proceeds of that policy are payable
5to the participating lender.
AB270,32,96 (f) Unless extended by the authority, the loan term does not extend beyond 10
7years after the date that the participating lender disburses the loan or, if the loan is
8for the acquisition of land or facilities, the loan term does not extend beyond 20 years
9after the date that the participating lender disburses the loan.
AB270,32,1210 (g) The proceeds of the loan are not applied to the outstanding balance of any
11other loan, except that, subject to sub. (4), the proceeds may be used to refinance a
12loan under this section.
AB270,32,1513 (h) If the loan is for an eligible business, the loan results in a new eligible
14business, an expansion of an eligible business, or a new process, product, or service
15by an eligible business.
AB270,32,1716 (i) If the loan is for an eligible project of a commercial entity, the loan results
17in the creation or expansion of business for the commercial entity.
AB270,32,2018 (j) The borrower does not meet the participating lender's minimum standards
19of creditworthiness to receive the loan in the normal course of the participating
20lender's business.
AB270,32,2321 (k) The participating lender considers the borrower's assets, cash flow, and
22managerial ability sufficient to preclude voluntary or involuntary liquidation for the
23loan term granted by the participating lender.