SB329,,1531532. If the pupil is identified as at-risk based on a universal screening assessment administered under sub. (3) (a) 2. or 3. or based on a diagnostic assessment administered under sub. (3) (b) 2. or 3., within 10 days after the applicable screening assessment is administered. SB329,,154154(c) Inadequate rate of progress. For purposes of determining whether a pupil demonstrates an inadequate rate of progress under par. (a) 3., a school board or operator of an independent charter school shall determine whether the pupil is likely to demonstrate grade-level skills by the end of the school year by assessing one of the following: SB329,,1551551. For a pupil enrolled in 5-year-old kindergarten, nonword or nonsense word fluency and phoneme segmentation fluency. SB329,,1561562. For a pupil enrolled in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade, oral reading fluency. SB329,,157157(6) Early literacy remediation plan; school district or independent charter school. A school board or operator of an independent charter school shall establish an early literacy remediation plan for grades 5-year-old kindergarten to 3 that includes all of the following: SB329,,158158(a) The assessments the school board or operator of the independent charter school uses to satisfy the requirements under sub. (3). SB329,,159159(b) A description of the interventions the school board or operator of the independent charter school uses to address characteristics of dyslexia. SB329,,160160(c) A description of how the school board or operator of the independent charter school monitors pupil progress during interventions, including the frequency of monitoring pupil progress during interventions and any assessment tools used to monitor pupil progress during interventions. SB329,,161161(d) How the school board or operator of the independent charter school uses results of assessments required under sub. (3) to evaluate early literacy instruction being provided in the school district or at the independent charter school. SB329,,162162(e) A parent notification policy that complies with subs. (4) and (5) (a) 4. and 5. SB329,,163163(7) Reporting assessment data. By no later than July 15, 2025, and each July 15 thereafter, a school board shall report for each school and for the school district, and the operator of an independent charter school shall report for the independent charter school, all of the following to the department: SB329,,164164(a) The number of pupils who were identified as at-risk as the result of a fundamental skills screening assessment administered in the previous school year. SB329,,165165(b) The number of pupils who were identified as at-risk as the result of a universal screening assessment administered in the previous school year. SB329,,166166(c) The number of pupils who were identified as at-risk as the result of a diagnostic assessment administered in the previous school year. SB329,,167167(d) The names of the diagnostic assessments used to assess pupils in the previous school year. SB329,,168168(e) The number of pupils enrolled in 5-year-old kindergarten to 3rd grade who began receiving interventions during the previous school year, by grade. SB329,,169169(f) The total number of pupils enrolled in 5-year-old kindergarten to 3rd grade who received interventions under a personal reading plan during the previous school year. SB329,,170170(g) The number of pupils enrolled in 5-year-old kindergarten to 3rd grade who exited interventions during the previous school year, by grade. SB329,,171171(h) The number of pupils for whom a referral under s. 115.777 was made during the previous school year based on diagnostic assessment results provided to a parent under sub. (4) (a). SB329,,172172(8) Department; duties. (a) Selected and approved reading readiness assessments. 1. By no later than July 15, 2024, and subject to subd. 2., the department shall select a fundamental skills screening assessment and a universal screening assessment, and establish and maintain a list of diagnostic assessments that are approved by the department for use under this section. SB329,,1731732. The department may select or approve an assessment under subd. 1. only if the assessment meets all of the following criteria: SB329,,174174a. The assessment has a sensitivity rate of at least 70 percent. SB329,,175175b. The assessment has a specificity rate of at least 80 percent. SB329,,176176c. The assessment includes a growth measure. SB329,,1771773. The department shall publish a list of the assessments selected or approved under subd. 1. on its website and submit the lists of approved assessments to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3). If the department modifies a list under subd. 1., the department shall submit the modified list to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3). SB329,,178178(b) Reports to the legislature. By November 30, 2025, and by each November 30 thereafter, the department shall compile the information it receives under sub. (7) and submit a report to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3) that includes the number of pupils identified as at-risk in the previous school year, by school and by school district. SB329,,179179(9) State aid. (a) Payment for costs. From the appropriation under s. 20.255 (1) (f) and subject to par. (b), the department shall pay a school board or operator of an independent charter school the per pupil cost of each reading readiness assessment required to be administered under sub. (2) or (3). Beginning in the 2025-26 school year, the department may pay a school board or operator of an independent charter school under this paragraph only if the school board or operator of the independent charter school does all of the following: SB329,,1801801. Submits the report required under sub. (7) for the previous school year. SB329,,1811812. In the report required under sub. (7) for the previous school year, indicates that the school board or operator of the independent charter school used only reading readiness assessments selected or approved under sub. (8) (a) for that school year.