AB56-SA3,29,86 2. For each filled position identified in subd. 1., a description of the
7accomplishments associated with that position, both since the position was created
8and during the immediately preceding year.
AB56-SA3,29,109 3. A description of the major accomplishments of the Dairy Innovation Hub,
10both since its inception and during the immediately preceding year.
AB56-SA3,29,1511 (g) The board shall ensure that the funding provided in s. 20.285 (1) (er) to
12support the positions and activities under this subsection is administered to reflect
13a bona fide increase in funding for the purposes specified in this subsection and that
14no other funding provided to the board under s. 20.285 is reduced as a result of, or
15reduced in a way that offsets, this additional funding for the Dairy Innovation Hub.
AB56-SA3,29,1916 (h) The board may pay, from the appropriation under s. 20.285 (1) (a) instead
17of the appropriation under s. 20.285 (1) (er), the cost of employer contributions for
18employee fringe benefits under ch. 40 for positions created under pars. (c) 1. and 2.,
19(d) 1., and (e) 1.”.
AB56-SA3,29,20 2039. Page 289, line 8: after that line insert:
AB56-SA3,29,21 21 Section 366m. 36.60 (2) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB56-SA3,30,222 36.60 (2) (a) 2. The board may repay, on behalf of a physician or dentist who
23agrees under sub. (3) to practice in a rural area, up to $100,000 in educational loans
24obtained by the physician or dentist from a public or private lending institution for

1education in an accredited school of medicine or dentistry or for postgraduate
2medical or dental training.
AB56-SA3,367m 3Section 367m. 36.60 (4m) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB56-SA3,30,74 36.60 (4m) Loan repayment; rural physicians and dentists. (intro.) If a
5physician or dentist agrees under sub. (3) to practice in a rural area, principal and
6interest due on the loan, exclusive of any penalties, may be repaid by the board at
7the following rate:
AB56-SA3,373m 8Section 373m. 36.615 of the statutes is created to read:
AB56-SA3,30,10 936.615 Nurse educators. (1) Subject to sub. (2), the Board of Regents shall
10establish a program for providing all of the following:
AB56-SA3,30,1211 (a) Fellowships to students who enroll in programs for degrees in doctor of
12nursing practice or doctor of philosophy in nursing.
AB56-SA3,30,1313 (b) Postdoctoral fellowships to recruit faculty for system nursing programs.
AB56-SA3,30,1514 (c) Educational loan repayment assistance to recruit and retain faculty for
15system nursing programs.
AB56-SA3,30,18 16(2) The program established under sub. (1) shall require individuals who
17receive fellowships under sub. (1) (a) or (b) or assistance under sub. (1) (c) to make
18a commitment to teach for 3 consecutive years in a system nursing program.
AB56-SA3,30,20 19(3) Costs associated with the program established under sub. (1) shall be
20funded from the appropriation under s. 20.285 (1) (f).”.
AB56-SA3,30,21 2140. Page 289, line 13: after that line insert:
AB56-SA3,30,22 22 Section 375. 38.04 (11) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB56-SA3,31,523 38.04 (11) (a) 2. In consultation with the state superintendent of public
24instruction, the board shall establish, by rule, a uniform format for district boards

1to use in reporting the number of pupils attending district schools under ss. 38.12
2(14) and
s. 118.15 (1) (b), (cm), and (d) and in reporting pupil participation in
3technical preparation programs under s. 118.34, including the number of courses
4taken for advanced standing in the district's associate degree program and for
5technical college credit
AB56-SA3,376 6Section 376. 38.04 (21) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB56-SA3,31,87 38.04 (21) (a) The number of pupils who attended district schools under ss.
838.12 (14) and
s. 118.15 (1) (b), (cm), and (d) in the previous school year.
AB56-SA3,377 9Section 377. 38.04 (21) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
AB56-SA3,378 10Section 378. 38.12 (14) of the statutes is repealed.
AB56-SA3,379 11Section 379. 38.12 (15) of the statutes is created to read:
AB56-SA3,31,1612 38.12 (15) Dual enrollment program. (a) In this subsection, “transcripted
13credit” means that the technical college in which a high school student is enrolled
14under this subsection awards postsecondary credit for successful course completion
15and issues a transcript from the technical college documenting successful completion
16of the course and the credits awarded for the course, if such a transcript is requested.
AB56-SA3,31,2117 (b) Each district board shall establish policies and implement a program under
18which students attending high school in this state and residing in the district are
19admitted to the technical colleges of the district as nondegree students and may
20enroll in courses of instruction offered for transcripted credit at any such technical
21college if all of the following apply:
AB56-SA3,31,2222 1. The student meets the requirements and prerequisites of the course.
AB56-SA3,31,2323 2. There is space available in the course.
AB56-SA3,32,224 (c) In establishing the policies and implementing the program under par. (b),
25the district board shall consult with the department of public instruction and

1coordinate with the school districts and the governing bodies of private schools where
2the high school students are enrolled.