Clean water clearinghouse created re buying and selling water pollution credits; DOA and DNR duties; DNR to consult EPA on certain credits, memorandum of understanding provision - Act 151
Clean Water Fund Program: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 295] - Act 9
Concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) fee revisions; DNR report requirement modified [Sec. 179m, 181, 181d, 1973m] - Act 9
DNR financial assistance for nonpoint source water pollution abatement projects and to implement best management practices at animal feeding operations: bonding authority increased [Sec. 297] - Act 9
Environmental management moneys used for nonpoint source water pollution abatement [Sec. 339d, f] - Act 9
Urban storm water and runoff, flood control, and riparian restoration projects: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 298] - Act 9
water supplyWater supply
Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: general obligation bonding authority increased and issuance of revenue bonds authorized [Sec. 122, 171-176, 296, 339, 1957-1960] - Act 9
Safe Drinking Water Loan Program: term and repayment of loan revisions [Sec. 1960b, c] - Act 9
Soil and water resource management program: funding provision and bonding authority increased [Sec. 130m, 307] - Act 9
waterways and water powerWaterways and water power, see also Wetland; Lakes; Harbor
Dam safety aid program: sunset extended [Sec. 348p] - Act 9
Dam safety project aid program: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 301] - Act 9
Floating treatment wetland placed in a lake or river made eligible for lake management grant and river protection grant - Act 177
Stewardship Program: amount obligated for water infrastructure projects in state parks increased - Act 93
Urban storm water and runoff, flood control, and riparian restoration projects: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 298] - Act 9
Wetland mitigation bank changes; DNR duties, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and emergency rule provisions - Act 59
wcWC, see Worker's compensation
wca _wisconsin consumer act_WCA (Wisconsin Consumer Act), see Consumer protection
wedcWEDC, see Economic Development Corporation, Wisconsin
weight limitWeight limit, see Bus and truck — Taxation or registration
wercWERC, see Employment Relations Commission
Floating treatment wetland placed in a lake or river made eligible for lake management grant and river protection grant - Act 177
Wetland mitigation bank changes; DNR duties, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and emergency rule provisions - Act 59
whedaWHEDA, see Housing and Economic Development Authority, Wisconsin
wheel taxWheel tax, see Motor vehicle — Taxation or registration
whefaWHEFA, see Health and Educational Facilities Authority, Wisconsin
whs _wisconsin historical society_WHS (Wisconsin Historical Society), see Historical society