NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section SPS 381.01 (121) defines “holding tank” as a watertight receptacle for the collection and holding of wastewater.
NR 812.07(54r)(54r)“Hung well casing pipe” means a casing pipe that is smaller in diameter than the enlarged drillhole into which it is placed and installed in a manner so it does not extend all the way to the bottom of the enlarged drillhole.
NR 812.07(55c)(55c)“Infiltration basin” means an excavation into permeable soils designed and constructed to temporarily store surface water runoff and allow it to infiltrate so as to provide flood control, groundwater recharge and to allow for the settling of pollutants.
NR 812.07(55s)(55s)“Land disposal system” has the meaning specified in s. NR 140.05 (11).
NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 140.05 (11) defines “land disposal system” as a facility for disposing of liquid wastes consisting of: (a) absorption or seepage pond system, (b) ridge and furrow system, (c) spray irrigation system, (d) overland flow system, (e) subsurface field absorption system, (f) land spreading system, or (g) any other land area receiving liquid waste discharges.
NR 812.07(56)(56)“Landfill” has the meaning specified in s. NR 500.03 (120) or 660.10 (68). “Landfill” includes existing, proposed, and abandoned landfills, open dumps, one-time disposal landfills as defined in ch. NR 500, small and intermediate size construction and demolition waste landfills as defined in ch. NR 500, mining waste disposal sites as defined in ch. NR 182 and hazardous waste disposal facilities as defined in chs. NR 660 to 670.
NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 500.03 (120) defines “landfill” as a land disposal facility, not classified as a landspreading facility or surface impoundment facility, where solid waste is disposed on land by utilizing the principles of engineering to confine the solid waste to the smallest practical area, to reduce it to the smallest practical volume, and to cover it with a layer of earth or other approved material as required. Section NR 660.10 (68) defines “landfill” as a disposal facility or part of a facility where hazardous waste is placed in or on land and which is not a pile, a land treatment facility, a surface impoundment, an underground injection well, a salt dome formation, a salt bed formation, an underground mine, a cave or a corrective action management unit.
NR 812.07(57k)(57k)“Licensed heat exchange driller” has the meaning specified in s. NR 146.02 (4h).
NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 146.02 (4h) defines “licensed heat exchange driller” as an individual who has obtained a license pursuant to s. 280.15 (2m), Stats., and s. NR 146.04, as a heat exchange driller and has paid the annual license fee under s. 280.15 (2m) (c) 1., Stats.
NR 812.07(57m)(57m)“Licensed pump installer” has the meaning specified in s. NR 146.02 (4j).
NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 146.02 (4j) defines “licensed pump installer” as any individual who has obtained a license under s. 280.15 (2m), Stats., and s. NR 146.04, as a pump installer and has paid the annual license fee under s. 280.15 (2m) (c) 2., Stats.
NR 812.07(57s)(57s)“Licensed water well driller” has the meaning specified in s. NR 146.02 (4k).
NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 146.02 (4k) defines “licensed water well driller” as any individual who has obtained a license under s. 280.15 (2m), Stats., and s. NR 146.04, as a water well driller and has paid the annual license fee under s. 280.15 (2m) (c) 1., Stats.
NR 812.07(57t)(57t)“Lift station” means a wastewater collection and pumping structure that collects wastewater from collector sewers and pumps it through force main sewers.
NR 812.07(57w)(57w)“Limits of filling” for a landfill has the meaning specified in s. NR 500.03 (127).
NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 500.03 (127) defines “limits of filling” as the outermost limit at which waste from a facility has been disposed of, or approved or proposed for disposal.
NR 812.07(58)(58)“Liner pipe” means:
NR 812.07(58)(a)(a) Protective well casing pipe installed subsequent to initial construction to seal off a zone of contamination; or
NR 812.07(58)(b)(b) Well casing pipe installed during or subsequent to the initial well construction to seal off a caving or sloughing formation or to eliminate turbidity.
NR 812.07(60e)(60e)“Living unit” has the meaning specified in s. NR 810.02 (26).
NR 812.07 NoteNote: Section NR 810.02 (26) defines “living unit” as a residence, apartment unit, condominium unit, duplex unit, manufactured home or other domicile.
NR 812.07(60m)(60m)“Low capacity well” means a well that is not a high capacity well, as defined in sub. (52).
NR 812.07(60s)(60s)“Lower drillhole” means that part of a drillhole below the well casing pipe.
NR 812.07(61)(61)“Manure hopper or reception tank” means a liquid-tight concrete, steel or otherwise fabricated vessel primarily for the purpose of facilitating conveyance of liquid or solid manure from one point to another in an animal waste handling system.
NR 812.07(61g)(61g)“Manure loading area” means an area where manure is transferred from an animal shelter unloader or a barn unloader onto a pad or into a receptacle.
NR 812.07(61m)(61m)“Manure stack” means solid manure stacked for more than 120 days on the ground surface or on a paved surface.
NR 812.07(61q)(61q)“Manure storage structure, earthen” means an impoundment made by excavation or mounding of soil for treatment or temporary storage of liquid or solid animal wastes. This term includes structures lined with clay, bentonite or synthetic film materials and structures consisting of slats or drainage openings (“picket dams”) used to store solid or semi-solid animal waste material from which runoff occurs. This term also includes fabricated manure storage structures that are not watertight situated above, at or below ground grade.
NR 812.07(61u)(61u)“Manure storage structure, fabricated” means a concrete, steel or otherwise fabricated structure used for treatment or temporary storage of liquid or solid animal waste.
NR 812.07(62)(62)Materials recovery facility” has the meaning specified in s. 287.27 (1), Stats.